Madame, Monsieur, Êtes-vous soucieux du développement professionnel de vos Mana

Madame, Monsieur, Êtes-vous soucieux du développement professionnel de vos Managers ? L’école de Management de l'IAE Lille vous propose un programme en Master 2 – International Executive MBA Ce programme présente de nombreux atouts : • les cours entièrement dispensés en anglais, • la présence d’étudiants venant des quatre coins du monde, • les cours sont dispensés par des enseignants anglophones hautement expérimentés • le Networking professionnel tant national qu’international • l’emploi du temps flexible des étudiants alternant une semaine de cours et une semaine en entreprise • L’accueil de professionnels souhaitant acquérir davantage de compétences étant une des priorités du MBA, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que des places prioritaires sont réservées pour vos managers pour l’année universitaire 2018/2019! Vous trouverez en pièce jointe, la plaquette du MBA où vous découvrirez le témoignage des entreprises qui nous ont fait confiance. Nous nous tenons à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires. Bien cordialement, INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE MBA Academic year 2018/2019 ABOUT US I N F O R M A T I O N S Programme Director Pascal Philippart Programme Course Director Jocelyne Groux Secretary of the Master IE-MBA Chloé Lefebvre Té: +33 3 20 12 34 15 IAE|Ecole Universitaire de Management -> IE-MBA 104,avenue du Peuple Belge 59043 Lille Cedex- France Té :+33 3 20 12 34 50 Part of the University of Lille, IAE Lille is the first University School of Management in the North of Paris. For nearly 60 years, we have been developing educational programs adapted to the needs of businesses and communities in a constant spirit of innovation in all areas of management and business administration. P R E P A R I N G F O R B U S I N E S S I N T H E G L O B A L E C O N O M Y S T U D E N T ' S V O I C E S "IAE has a good reputation for the competences they bring to students.So when i told my company I was aiming to get in the IAE reflected some motivation" W H Y I N T E R N A T I O N A L E X E C U T I V E M B A ? Immediate return: a new, holistic appreciation of your company will mean you can contribute to achieving a sustainable competitive position in today's changing business environment I N T E R N A T I O N A L M A N A G E R S V O I C E S “I do believe that providing support to my staff members who have an ample ambition for self-improvement is a valuable investment. This programme not only develops employability skills but also and above all improves their job performance Felix Gorisse,UK and increases productivity, which eventually lead to creating more value to the team members and Thailand Post as a whole” Ariya Thongbai, Vice President, Thailand Post Co., Ltd. – Thailand “The rythm of the alternance offered by the IAE- International Executive MBA program is very important, as we believe that the more time the student spends at the company the better, for the latter to practice his knowledge” Amandine Mametz, Human Resources, Arc Company- France “The quality of the studies offered by the IAE business school, the courses offered entirely in English in a very multicultural context and the sandwich courses is what led us to select the International Executive MBA program for our manager” Human Resources, Oney Digital Marketing Company- France “When Roquette agreed that I start a master as a long life learning program, I had to propose to HR the different masters that I believed would benefit not only me but the company. I proposed different options one of which was the Lille 1 MBA. The company agreed to this choice after proposing it to an internal jury compesed of function heads” Alex Andrew Blijkers, Belgium “This programme provides me with knowledge and skills essential for launching and leading a company. I think the International Executive MBA at Iae is an indispensable basis for working in an international field of management” Sawinan Wanitchakan, Thailand “This International Executive MBA is oriented towards “business realities”. It has helped me in my day-to-day task as an entrepreneur, allowing us to gain a bigger picture of the solutions needed by a company” Maxime Coucke, France Soft skills: your employee will have a greater ability to lead, manage and motivate your staff Network opportunities: your employee will be studying with high-calibre students who provide an excellent opportunity to expand professional network of contacts and expertise Sandwich courses: bring up-to-date business school information straight back into the workforce, thus allowing growth not only for the candidate but for the business itself uploads/Management/ promotion-of-ie-mba-to-companies.pdf

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  • Publié le Fev 02, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 3.6800MB