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ÃÖÆüÖµµÖ&ú &ãú»ÖÃÖד־Ö, ´ÖÖ.&ãú»Ö÷Öãºþ µÖÖÓ“Öê &úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ, 5. ˆ¯Ö&ãú»ÖÃÖ×“Ö¾Ö (¯Ö¸üß!ÖÖ-1, 2, 3 ¾Ö 4 ) 6. ÃÖÆüÖµÖ&ú &ãú»ÖÃÖ×“Ö¾Ö (¯Ö¸üß!ÖÖ-‹ÃÖ. †ò5›ü ™üß. &ú!Öü) 7. &ú!ÖÖ׬Ö&úÖ¸üß, (¯Ö¸üß!ÖÖ ×¾Ö¢Ö &ú!Ö) For office use only UNIVERSIT RATE EXAMIN Effective UNIVERSITY OF PUNE TES OF REMUNERATION FOR EXAMINATION WORK Effective from Second Half of the Year 2013 PUNE TION 2013 1 PART – I 1. REMUNERATION TO PAPER-SETTERS AND EXAMINERS 1.1 Remuneration to Paper-Setters & Examiners for Theory and Practical Examinations : The facultywise rates of remuneration to Paper-Setters and Examiners shall be as under : (I & II) FACULTY OF ARTS, FINE ARTS & PERFORMING ARTS AND MENTAL, MORAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES Sr. No. Examination Paper-Setting per Paper Rs. Assessment per Paper Rs. Practical For Paper- Setting Per Paper Rs. Per Candidate, per Practical Course Rs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 01 F.Y.B.A 410 12 410 20 02 S.Y.B.A. 410 12 410 20* 03 S.Y.B.A. (Yoga) 410 12 410 20* 04 T.Y.B.A 410 12 410 20* 05 T.Y.B.A. (Yoga) 410 12 410 20* 06 M.A. 550 15 550 25 07 M.A. Lalit Kala 550 15 550 25 08 I & II B.F.A. 410 12 410 20 09 III & IV B.F.A. 410 12 410 20 10 F.Y./S.Y./T.Y. B.A. (Music, Drama, Dance etc.) 410 20 410 --- 11 B.Lib. & I.Sc. 410 12 410 20 12 Bachelor of Performing Arts 410 20 410 --- 13 B.F.D. 410 20 410 --- 12 Bachelor of Communication and Journalism (B.C.J.) 410 12 410 20 13 Master of Communication and Journalism (M.C.J.) 550 15 550 100 Dissertation 14 M.S.W. 550 15 550 25 15 M.Lib. & I.Sc. 550 15 550 25 2 16 Master of Mass Relation 550 15 --- 100 Project 18 Field Work * These rates are per candidate, per examiner for S.Y.B.A. (Geography & Statistics) and T.Y.B.A. (Geography, Statistics & Psychology) and S.Y.B.A. (Yoga) and T.Y.B.A. (Yoga). (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 17 All Certificate Courses in M.E.L., Sanskrit, Pali, Ardhamagadhi, Hindi, Prakrit, etc. 260 10 260 12 18 Lower Diploma Courses in M.E.L., Sanskrit, Pali, Ardhamagadhi, Prakrit, Hindi, etc. 340 10 340 12 19 All Diploma & Higher Diploma Courses in M.E.L., Sanskrit, Pali Ardhamagadhi, Prakrit, Hindi, etc. 340 10 340 12 20 Diploma in Journalism 410 12 410 20 21 Diploma in Hindi (Prayojan mulak and Anuvad padavika) 410 12 -- 20 22 Diploma in Development Pla nning 410 12 410 20 23 Diploma in Rural Dev./ Diploma in Tribal Dev. 410 12 410 20 24 P.G. Diploma in Travel & Tourism 410 12 --- 27 including Oral 43 Material etc. 25 Diploma Course in Manuscriptology 410 12 410 12 26 Diploma Course in English 410 12 410 12 27 Adv. Diploma in English Literature 410 12 410 12 28 Diploma in Family & Child Counselling 410 12 410 12 29 P.G. Diploma in School Psychology 410 12 410 12 30 Diploma in Industrial Psych ol o gy 410 12 410 12 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 31 Diploma Course in Urdu 410 12 410 12 32 Diploma in Medieval Indian Studies & Archival Science 410 12 410 12 33 P.G. Diploma in Investment & Financial Management 320 8 --- --- 34 P.G. Diploma in Insurance & Financial Services 320 8 --- --- 35 P.G. Diploma in Logic & Epistemology 320 8 --- --- 36 Diploma Course in Public Administration 410 12 410 12 37 Certificate Course in Journalism 260 10 --- --- 38 Certificate Course in Manuscriptology 260 10 260 12 39 Certificate Course in Modi 260 10 260 12 40 Certificate Course in English 260 10 260 12 41 Certificate Course in English Literature 260 10 --- --- 42 Certificate Course in River Basin Planning and Management 260 10 --- --- 43 Certificate Course in Library Science 260 10 --- --- 44 Courses instituted from time to time : (a) Certificate 260 10 260 12 (b) Diploma (U.G.) 365 12 365 12 (c) Diploma (P.G.) 410 12 410 12 (d) Degree (U.G.) 410 12 410 17 4 (III) FACULTY OF SCIENCE Sr. No. Examination Paper-Setting per Paper Rs. Assessmen tper Paper Rs. Practical Paper- Setting Per Paper Rs. Per Candidate, per Practical Course Rs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 01 F.Y.B.Sc. 410 12 410 20* 02 S.Y.B.Sc. 410 12 410 25* 03 T.Y.B.Sc. 410 12 410 25* 04 F.Y.B.Sc. (Comp. Science) 410 12 410 20* 05 S.Y./T.Y.B.Sc. (Comp. Science) 410 12 410 25* 06 B.Sc. Applied Scientific Instrumentation 410 12 410 25* 07 B.Sc. Applied Toxicology 410 12 410 25* 08 B.Sc. Applied Advanced Electronics 410 12 410 25* 09 B.Sc. Applied (B.M. Tech.) 410 12 410 25* 10 B.Sc. Applied Biotechnology/Applied Petro-Tech./Geoinformatics 410 12 410 25 11 B.Sc. (Animation) 410 12 410 20* 11 M.Sc. (All Courses) 550 15 550 30 12 M.Sc. Applied Advanced Electronics 550 15 550 30 13 M.Sc. (Computer Science)/ M.C.S./M.C.A. 550 15 550 30 200* Dissertation 5 14 M. Tech. (Dissertation) (per examiner) - - - 325 Term Work 325 Oral 15 M.Tech. 680 26 --- 38 Pracatical 20 Term Work 16 M.Sc. Biotechnology 550 15 550 30 17 Diploma in Equipment Management 410 12 --- --- 18 Diploma in Communication Technology 410 12 --- --- 19 CAD based 3D Modelling 410 12 --- --- 20 V.L.S.I. Design Course 410 12 --- --- 21 P.G. Diploma in Automotive Technology 410 12 410 25 22 P.G. Diploma in Explosive & Armament Technology 410 12 410 25 23 Advanced Diploma Course in Bioinformatics 410 12 410 25 24 Diploma in Computer Science, Industrial Electronics, Radio & T.V. 410 12 410 25 25 Certificate Course in Computer Hardware Networking 260 10 --- --- 26 Certificate Course V.L.S.I 260 10 --- --- 27 Certificate Course in Radio & T.V. Servicing 260 10 260 12 28 Courses instituted from time to time : (a) Certificate 260 10 260 12 (b) Diploma (U.G.) 365 12 365 12 (c) Diploma (P.G.) 410 12 410 12 (d) Degree 410 12 410 20 (e) Post-Graduate Degree 550 15 550 30 The Paper-setters for the examinations under Inter-disciplinary schools will be paid Rs. 340/- for setting of each paper. 6 Rates of remuneration for Project Work : Sr. No. Examination Examiners Practical Less than 100 marks (per examiner) Rs. 100 or more marks (per examiner) Rs. Less than 100 marks (per examiner) Rs. Less than 100 marks (per examiner) Rs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 29 B.Sc. (Physics / Electronic Science Project Work) 25 33 33 60 30 M.Sc. (All Subjects) 25 42 85 100 *The rates are per candidate, per examiner. Please also refer Point no. 1.2 regarding duration of paper and corresponding remuneration. 7 (IV) FACULTY OF LAW Sr. No. Examination Paper-Setting per Paper Rs. Assessmen t per Paper Rs. Practical Paper- Setting Per Paper Rs. Per Candidate, per Practical Course Rs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 01 I, II, III LL.B. 410 13 --- --- 02 New Five-Year Law Course (B.S.L.) 410 13 --- --- 03 LL.M. 550 20 --- --- 04 Master of Labour Laws & Labour Welfare 550 20 --- --- 05 Dip in Labour Laws & Labour Welfare 410 12 --- --- 06 Diploma in Taxation Laws 410 12 --- --- 07 Diploma in Criminology 410 12 --- --- 08 Diploma in Co-Operative Laws 410 12 --- --- 09 Certificate Course in Forensic and Medical Jurisprudence 410 12 --- --- 10 Courses instituted from time to time : Certificate Diploma 390 410 12 12 --- --- Remuneration per examiner, per candidate for viva, viva on project report/field work will be ( i ) Rs. 30/- for Five-Year Law Course and Three-Year Law Course. ( ii) Rs. 20/- for D.L.L. & L.W. (iii) Rs. 40/- for M.L.L. & L.W. 8 Sr. No. Examination Paper- Setting per Paper Rs. Assessment per Paper Rs. Practical Paper- Setting Rs. Per Candidate Rs. Pra. Tw. Oral 01 F.E. & S.E. 470 20 --- 20 12 12 02 T.E. & B.E. 470 20 --- 23 19 19 03 M.E. (All Branches) 680 26 --- 40 20 --- 04 M.E. (Seminar) --- --- --- --- --- 85 05 M.E. (Dissertation) (per Examiner) --- --- --- --- 325 325 06 M.C.A. (Engg.) 400 11 --- --- --- --- (A) Engineering (VI) FACULTY OF uploads/Management/ rates-remuneration.pdf
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