www.decis.be Page 1 TimeKeeper starter guide DECIS Author: Denis Dresse Revisio

www.decis.be Page 1 TimeKeeper starter guide DECIS Author: Denis Dresse Revision: 10/06/2010 TimeKeeper starter guide www.decis.be Page 2 TimeKeeper starter guide Sommaire Sommaire........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Starting the application ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Launch the program TimeKeeper.exe ........................................................................................................... 4 Working with other users .............................................................................................................................. 4 Logins ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 How to encode your daily timesheet ................................................................................................................ 6 Initialize the name of users ............................................................................................................................... 9 Modify the project structure ........................................................................................................................... 10 Adding a task to the timesheet of a worker .................................................................................................... 12 How to add a task I need on my timesheets ................................................................................................... 13 How to print the timesheets ........................................................................................................................... 14 Change colour of tasks .................................................................................................................................... 16 Load timesheet for some team’s member(s) .................................................................................................. 17 Analyse the evolution of a project .................................................................................................................. 18 How to encode helpdesk calls ......................................................................................................................... 20 Access to the “TO-DO” management .............................................................................................................. 22 www.decis.be Page 3 TimeKeeper starter guide Introduction The objective of this starter guide is to help you to use the main functionalities of this software, as a simple user and for demonstration purposes. TimeKeeper main issues :  Timesheet encoding o Hours or time slots specified on tasks o Helpdesk calls encoding capabilities (and advance search and analysis)  Simple project follow-up o Is the project under control in term of hours spent ? o What is the cost of the project in term of workforce...  Versatile reporting (documents to be attached to the customers invoices)  To-do’s and alarm management This application should be used, by multiple users, on a network with a relational database as: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or Firebird. The complete reference guide is available for licensed users. www.decis.be Page 4 TimeKeeper starter guide Starting the application Launch the program TimeKeeper.exe You will be automatically logged as DEMO1 user, who is administrator of TimeKeeper. With this user, you can access all functionalities in TimeKeeper. Working with other users Here are the 5 available users in the demonstration of TimeKeeper : DEMO1 to DEMO5. If you want to launch TimeKeeper as another user (from DEMO1 to DEMO5), you must change these settings : 1. Menu : Management/Signaletics/Parameters. Select, on the left, the “GENERIC” line and on the right specify the parameter : SECURISED_LOGON = 1. 2. Launch the Registry Editor (via Start/Run/Regedit.exe). In the registry of TimeKeeper (located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/d6TK) remove the user DEMO1 from the QuickLogin Key. Reference 1 : www.decis.be Page 5 TimeKeeper starter guide Reference 2 : Logins Remark : Login is made possible via the previous step (see previous chapter). At first login, user introduces: - His ID (example: DEMO1 to DEMO5). - A new password (example: myLovelyPassword). Confirmation of this new password will be asked in another window. At following logins, user introduces: ID + password. If user wants to change his password, he introduces as password: “123456”. www.decis.be Page 6 TimeKeeper starter guide How to encode your daily timesheet Click on the calendar date + right-click Or push on this button: www.decis.be Page 7 TimeKeeper starter guide This (optional) button calls a specialised window helping user to choose the proper task... www.decis.be Page 8 TimeKeeper starter guide This (optional) button calls a specialised window helping user to choose the proper commentary based on previous days... www.decis.be Page 9 TimeKeeper starter guide Initialize the name of users With the demo, you get generic names as “user1”... You can change these names in order to reflect your organisation. www.decis.be Page 10 TimeKeeper starter guide Modify the project structure And use the popup on the selected project node: Edit : edit project or task properties Add Task: add sub nodes... Projects have a structure organised in 3 levels: GROUP – ACTIVITY - TASK www.decis.be Page 11 TimeKeeper starter guide Edition of a task: Edition of an activity (or project) www.decis.be Page 12 TimeKeeper starter guide Adding a task to the timesheet of a worker Open the project structure (see previous chapter) In the specific task, select the RESOURCES item, as shown here under. Then insert the worker who will work on this task. In this example, the task “Analyse” of the activity “IVBO-GeoGuidance” will be added to the timesheet of Emmanuel. www.decis.be Page 13 TimeKeeper starter guide How to add a task I need on my timesheets Here, my chief forgot to assign me some task. I can get this task myself. Click on the green + icon. You select an activity on the left side and on the right side the corresponding task(s) . These tasks will be added to your timesheet. www.decis.be Page 14 TimeKeeper starter guide How to print the timesheets On the left side, select a domain item + report. On the right side, select people and projects to print. More than 100 presentations are available, with filters on people and projects... Any report can be exported to a delimited text file, wich can be imported into a spreadsheet (as Excel). www.decis.be Page 15 TimeKeeper starter guide Example of printout www.decis.be Page 16 TimeKeeper starter guide Change colour of tasks Select a task in the grid + popup Choose a colour for the background and the text : www.decis.be Page 17 TimeKeeper starter guide Load timesheet for some team’s member(s) You check the people you want to work on And you get a timesheet grid for each worker. www.decis.be Page 18 TimeKeeper starter guide Analyse the evolution of a project Select a project or a task on the grid + popup And you get the analysis for the task “StaffPlanner” of the project “IVBO-Bestek”. >>> Worked : 237 hours, budgeted : 80 hours. Click on the yellow rectangle to investigate... www.decis.be Page 19 TimeKeeper starter guide And you get the people having worked on this task for this month : Double-click on this man and you get the corresponding reporting: GREAT! www.decis.be Page 20 TimeKeeper starter guide How to encode helpdesk calls You can encode a number in the comment field’s begin, as shown below. It will be recorded as a reference item (for example: helpdesk call, file reference...). As simple as this! The sum of the time spent on this call will be displayed at the end of the comment field. A double-click on this field, will give you the possibility to define a budget for this call. In the example : for the call 158182, a maximum of 40 hours was budgeted, but a total of 47h44 has been recorded for all the workers. The red colour is associated with an overtaking of the budget. www.decis.be Page 21 TimeKeeper starter guide And a popup on this line give you access to the reporting on this reference number www.decis.be Page 22 TimeKeeper starter guide Access to the “TO-DO” management Here you can encode and consult To-do’s for you and your colleagues Information on the selected TO-DO Filters on the TO-DO list uploads/Management/ timekeeper-starting-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.6392MB