INVENTION 101 1 | P a g e Avalon Project Guide to INVENTION By: Nutbolt INVENTI

INVENTION 101 1 | P a g e Avalon Project Guide to INVENTION By: Nutbolt INVENTION 101 2 | P a g e INVENTION 101 Contents WHAT IS INVENTION? ............................................................................................................................. 3 SO YOU WANT TO INVENT? .................................................................................................................... 3 HOW DO I INCREASE THE CHANCE OF SUCCESS? ................................................................................... 3 FINDING SOMETHING PROFITABLE TO INVENT ...................................................................................... 4 THE PROCESSES AND STEPS IN INVENTION ............................................................................................ 4 OBTAINING A BPC ........................................................................................................................... 4 CHOOSE THE DECRYPTOR AND/OR BASE ITEM .............................................................................. 5 RUNNING THE INVENTION JOB ....................................................................................................... 5 MANUFACTURING YOUR T2 BPC .................................................................................................... 5 SELLING YOUR T2 ITEM(S) ............................................................................................................... 5 FURTHER READING ................................................................................................................................. 6 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................................ 6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 6 CREDITS AND THANKS ............................................................................................................................. 7 INVENTION 101 3 | P a g e WHAT IS INVENTION? Many years ago CCP ran a lottery which handed out T2 BPO’s, however this was stopped and the only way to produce T2 items now is to ‘invent’ T1 BPC’s and build the resulting T2 BPC. While building the item isn’t the actual process of invention, it is the best way to gain maximum profit from it all. The overall process is relatively simple and is laid out below: SO YOU WANT TO INVENT? First up, with most things in EVE, you need to train some skills. There are some basic skills you need, like Science V. However for the rest of the skills needed, it varies depending on what you intend to invent. General areas require the same skill sets, for example shield related items such as shield rigs like the Medium Core Defence Field Purger or shield modules like the Photon Scattering Field. To see what skills are needed, right click the BPO or BPC of the item you wish to invent and Show Info. You will also notice that these skills are related to race, i.e. shield related items require Caldari Encryption Methods. The most important thing to remember is that invention is chance based, and while you can do things to increase this chance, it is still only a chance that the job will be successful. HOW DO I INCREASE THE CHANCE OF SUCCESS? As previously stated, invention is chance based. The simplest and quickest way to work out your chance of success is to visit this website [1]. There are three ways to increase your chance of success: If succesful, build the resulting T2 BPC and sell Run the invention job Decide on what to use in the invention job. Decryptors and/or base items Copy a BPO to create a BPC Buy a BPC from a contract If failure, obtain another BPC and run the invention job again INVENTION 101 4 | P a g e higher level skills, decryptors and high Meta level items. When looking at the pre-requisite skills for a BPC the top three skills are stated as level 1 needed, however the higher the level, the greater chance of success, so if you are only semi interested in invention, level 4 of all three skills is a good place to aim for. Decryptors are used to affect the resulting T2 BPC and have different names depending on the race. A table can be found on page 270 of the ISK 3.0 guide [2] which explains what ones do what, but one thing to note, is that some can change the % chance of success. The last thing which can increase the chance of success is by using base items when running an invention job. The higher the Meta level of the item, the more increase in chance; however the cost of high Meta level items must be taken into consideration because it can eat heavily into your profit margin. T1 items have a Meta level of 0 and do not increase the chance; however named items have varying Meta levels between 1 and 5. Right click and Show Info on an item to view its Meta level in the Attributes tab. FINDING SOMETHING PROFITABLE TO INVENT This is the hardest part of invention, finding something which makes you enough ISK for it to be worthwhile. People will not tell you what is best because then you start eating into their profit, so you have to find out for yourself. This can be hard work and tedious as it involves a lot of numbers. You need to take into account the cost of inventing one T2 BPC and manufacturing it. For example the chance of success of one BPC is 50% and you are using the Tuning Instruction decryptor; you need to take into the number of datacores needed to invent two T1 BPC’s and also the cost of two Tuning Instructions. Then add in the cost of materials to build the resulting T2 BPC to create your production costs. Your profit is the price you could sell this item for, minus the production cost. To make this process a little bit easier use this website [3]. Using the BPM (Blueprint Production Management) section, you can quickly calculate the profit of different items. Note though that the prices can be wrong, but it does allow you to manually enter in prices. THE PROCESSES AND STEPS IN INVENTION Although the process is laid out at the start of this guide, it is explained in more detail below. OBTAINING A BPC There are two ways to obtain a BPC. Firstly, you can copy an existing BPO you have access to using a POS mobile lab, or finding a free science slot in an NPC station. The number of runs on a BPC depends on what the item is. For ships and rigs 1 run is all that’s needed; however for modules and other items, such as ammo, the maximum number of runs possible is suggested to help maximise your profit. Secondly, you can buy a BPC from a contract, which is now easy to find using the new contract search feature introduced in the Incursion expansion. Bear in mind this reduces your profit margin and remember to check the number of runs. INVENTION 101 5 | P a g e Please note that the ME and PE levels of the BPC do not matter, as the base ME and PE of an invented T2 BPC is -4. CHOOSE THE DECRYPTOR AND/OR BASE ITEM A general rule of thumb I follow is to use Tuning Instructions (a type of Caldari decryptor) on rigs and nothing on modules; however this by no means applies all the time. To choose what decryptor to use, this site [3] has a fantastic section under the Blueprint Production Manager (BPM), select Production calculation  Decryptor calculation. To choose what/if any base item to use takes a bit more work and messing about with numbers is required. Sometimes the % increase in chance is so small it is not worth the cost. This is hard to comment on as there is such a variety of items and the prices are always changing. RUNNING THE INVENTION JOB To run the invention job, the best option is to have access to a mobile lab located at a POS, yet not everyone has access to a POS, so another option is to use an NPC station which has a free invention slot. When starting the job, all the items needed (apart from the BPC) must be in the hanger (and lab) being used. These items include the decryptor and base item if being used, the two types of datacores which are needed, and the correct interface required for the job, which can be found by looking at the Bill of Materials for Invention. Like decryptors, the interfaces are different for the various races. It should be noted that everything is used up, apart from the interface, whether the job is successful or not. If the job fails, simply run it again with new materials until it is successful. MANUFACTURING YOUR T2 BPC So you finally got a successful job? You now have two options: to sell the BPC via a contract, or to build it and sell the items. As previously mentioned, it is suggested that you build and sell the item to gain the maximum profit. To manufacture your T2 BPC, there may be a few more skills you need but the one you need at level 5 is Production Efficiency as this reduces the amount of materials needed by the maximum amount. The materials needed to manufacture T2 items varies, however in most cases both minerals and components are needed. Again, you have two options here, you can either build the components to use, or you can simply buy the components to use, which saves time, but lowers the profit margin a fraction, depending on the components. As mentioned in a previous section, the BPM on the XN7 website [3] is a quick and easy way to determine the profit of an item; however it is also very useful in creating shopping lists of materials needed to build an item, or batch of items. Like the invention jobs, you can run a manufacturing uploads/Science et Technologie/ invention-guide.pdf

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