CONSULTANT REPORT CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION A GUIDE TO PHOTOVOLTAIC PV SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION JUNE - - Gray Davis Governor CPV Installation Guide A GUIDE TO PHOTOVOLTAIC PV SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION Prepared for California Energy Commission Technology Systems Division Ninth Street Sacramento California Prepared by Endecon Engineering Norris Court San Ramon California with Regional Economic Research Inc Main Street Suite Vancouver Washington June PUBLICATION ?? ?? Version June Page CPV Installation Guide PREFACE The California Energy Commission is providing this guide as an information resource to those installing photovoltaic PV systems under the Emerging Renewables Buydown Program This is the ?rst published draft of this guide and represents the current state-of-the-art in PV system installation Revisions will be made to the document as necessary to address suggestions made by users of the guide If anyone has suggestions on how to make this guide more useful please do not hesitate to send those suggestions to the California Energy Commission We hope that this guide is a worthwhile addition to the resources available for installers and look forward to your constructive comments for continued improvements DISCLAIMER References in A Guide to Photovoltaic PV System Design and Installation to any resources products companies or services are provided as a public service and are not an endorsement recommendation or favoring of same by the California Energy Commission The State of California and the California Energy Commission and its employees make no warranties express or implied and assume no legal liability for the information included in this PV Installation Guide We apologize for any errors or omissions and welcome suggestions to consider for future edition of this Guide June Page CPV Installation Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION INTRODUCTION Basic Principles to Follow When Designing a Quality PV System Basic Steps to Follow When Installing a PV System SECTION SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Typical System Designs and Options Grid- Interactive Only No Battery Backup Grid- Interactive With Battery Backup Mounting Options Roof mount Shade Structure Building-Integrated PV Array BIPV Estimating System Output Factors A ?ecting Output Estimating System Energy Output Installation Labor E ?ort Incentives to Reduce Costs Estimating Electrical Energy Savings Supplier and System Quali ?cations Pre- Engineered Systems Warranties Company Reputation years in business previous projects Overall Project Coordination Utility Considerations Acceptance of Systems performance evaluation System Documentation System Monitoring References SECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION General Recommendations Materials recommendations Equipment recommendations and installation methods PV System Design And Installation Preparation Phase Design Phase Installation Phase Maintenance and Operation Phase SECTION SOLAR ELECTRIC PV SYSTEM INSTALLATION CHECKLIST APPENDIX June Page CPV Installation Guide SECTION INTRODUCTION Photovoltaic PV power systems convert sunlight directly into electricity A residential PV power system enables a homeowner to generate some or all of their daily electrical energy demand on their own roof exchanging daytime excess power for future energy needs i e nighttime usage The house remains connected to the electric utility at all times so any power needed above what the solar system can produce is simply drawn from the

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