German driving guide Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany - German Tra ?c Signs Signal Home About me Contact What's new http www gettingaroundgermany info zeichen shtml National transport Air Jet lag Rail Road Basics renting a car The Autobahn Rules of
Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany - German Tra ?c Signs Signal Home About me Contact What's new http www gettingaroundgermany info zeichen shtml National transport Air Jet lag Rail Road Basics renting a car The Autobahn Rules of the road Signs signals City driving parking Driving self-test National transport Local transport National Transport German Tra ?c Signs Signals Page of This page last updated January Below is a comprehensive guide of German tra ?c signs signals and markings This guide is designed for both the short-term tourist wanting to learn German tra ?c signs in preparation for a trip as well as for someone who is studying to get a German or US military driver's license This topic is divided into two pages These pages may also be of interest to road and sign a ?cionados On these pages Signs Vehicle class symbols Page Supplemental signs Page Warning signs Page Railway crossing signs Page Right-of-way signs Page Speed limit signs Page Regulatory signs Page Parking signs Page Service signs Page Information and guide signs Page Miscellaneous signs Page Additional sign symbols Page Additional sign information Page Sign vocabulary Page Signals Page Road markings Page SIGNS Germany has a comprehensive and uniform tra ?c sign system All signs have standard shapes and colors and use easy-to-understand international pictograms and symbols The sign system was overhauled in the early ' s to more closely conform with European standards Below you will ?nd a complete guide of German tra ?c signs with their o ?cial meaning and additional notes These signs are from the o ?cial German tra ?c code and include all updates through O ?cially German tra ?c signs are divided into three major categories warning signs regulation signs and guide signs However I have divided the sign collection into several additional categories and I've placed each sign where it most logically belongs regardless of its o ?cial designation In the German tra ?c code most signs are assigned an o ?cial number This number is used on tra ?c tickets and accident reports when a sign is involved in the incident You can obtain the o ?cial sign number for each sign on this page by holding your mouse over the sign for a second works with most web browsers Note that the revision to the tra ?c code eliminated the o ?cial number and de ?nition for some signs although the signs themselves were allowed to continue to be used as necessary These pages include changes made to the tra ?c code regarding signs that took e ?ect in September Signs marked as obsolete are being phased-out by Signs marked as deprecated no longer carry an o ?cial de ?nition but can be used as needed Signs marked as new were added in of -Oct- AM CBrian's Guide to Getting Around Germany - German Tra ?c Signs Signal http www gettingaroundgermany info zeichen shtml Vehicle class symbols Tra ?c signs in Germany employ a set of standard symbols
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- Publié le Mai 04, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 58.3kB