Hardware installation guide
uniCenta oPOS Hardware Installation Guide Jack Gerrard September This Hardware Installation Guide deals with the setup and con ?guration of uniCenta oPOS after installation It is a ??How to ? of key points for Security Stock and Receipts to enable a quick customization to suit the users operation CContents General Hardware Con ?guration Con ?guration panel Touch screen Barcode scanner Receipt printer and cash drawer Printer javapos Epson Tmu Star Ithaca Surepos Screen Customer Display Window javapos Epson Ld Surepos Screen Scale Data collector Report printer CGeneral Hardware Con ?guration This guide provides an easy way to understand how to con ?gure hardware in uniCenta oPOS version and higher Con ?guration panel To set up any hardware in UniCenta oPOS you need to go to System - Con ?guration In the section Cash register you con ?gure the parameters of the hardware connected to the terminal All of these options are stored in local and each machine stores its own system con ?guration UniCenta oPOS con ?guration CThe properties related to the register cash panel are Name is the name of the POS terminal to identify operations from other POS terminals Skin provides a list of available themes which change the look and feel of uniCenta oPOS Screen sets if the application should be in a full screen or just in Window mode Tickets working mode of uniCenta oPOS Standard default mode - allows multiple transactions receipts across a network of POS terminals and which can be opened or closed in any order by an POS terminal Simple - allows only one transaction receipt at a time and only one POS terminal If a new receipt is required the current transaction must be closed Also if this mode is used on a network of POS terminals transactions receipts cannot be shared Restaurant allows receipts to be assigned to tables Transactions are started by selecting a table from a graphical table plan before entry in the Sales panel It shows a panel with the plants of the restaurant with all the tables and receipts opened It also includes a module to manage reservations Customer Display output device of current transaction receipt such as last ordered item prices and total amount Printer the main receipt printer Printer an additional printer that could print i e an order to a kitchen printer or a bar printer Printer as Printer Scale receive data from weighing scales Scanner sets a barcode scanner to read product barcodes customer and user identi ?cation cards Reports Printer the system printer used to print uniCenta oPOS management reports Touch screen Touch screens simulate a mouse When a user touches the screen the system receives a mouse click event at the point the user touches There is nothing to con ?gure in uniCenta oPOS for Touch screens The most common screen size for POS terminals is ? which usually have a minimum x pixels resolution However uniCenta oPOS is capable of running on ? screens successfully with an x pixels
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- Publié le Jui 16, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 38.1kB