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Google ?Android ?Installa on ?Guide ? h p www hdx com ? Preparing ?the ?Installa on ?Files ? ? ?? Visit ?h p www hdx com download ? ?? ?? Go ?to ?HDX ?Bone ?sec on ?Google ?Android ?Sec on ? ? ?? ?? Download ?according ?to ?the ?release ?dates ?whichever ?is ?the ?latest ? ? ?? Extract ?the ?downloaded ? ?le ?and ?copy ?to ?the ?upda ng ?source ? ?? ?? Make ?sure ?that ?your ?archive ?u lity ?does ?not ?con nue ?to ?extract ?the ? ?le ?The ?end ?result ?should ?be ?a ? ?lename ?without ?extension ?For ?example ?HDXV android - ? ?instead ?of ?a ? directory ? ? ? The ?HDX ?Bone ?is ?able ?to ?detect ?sources ?from ?the ?internal ?HDD ?or ?a ?thumb ?drive ? connected ?via ?a ?USB ?mini- ? b ?to ?type ?A ?female ?connector ?as ?shown ?below ? ? h p www hdx com ? Source ?HDD ? ? ? ?? Prepare ?a ?primary ?EXT ?par on ?and ?a ?NTFS ?par on ?in ?your ?HDD ?We ?recommend ?at ? least ? ?of ?the ?HDD ?capacity ?for ?EXT ?this ?will ?ensure ?su ?cient ?space ?for ?your ?needs ? ? ?? If ?you ?are ?unsure ?how ?to ?create ?a ?EXT ?par on ?please ?download ?this ?free ?program ? Par on ?Wizard ? h p www par onwizard com free- ? par on- ? manager html ? ? ? ? ? ?? Copy ?the ?android ?installa on ? ?le ?into ?the ?ROOT ?directory ?of ?your ?NTFS ?forma ed ? par on ? ? Source ?USB ?Thumb ?Drive ? ? ?? No ?EXT ?par on ?required ?as ?the ?installa on ? ?le ?is ?able ?to ?par on ?automa cally ?for ? you ?if ?you ?are ?using ?the ?thumb ?drive ?upgrade ?method ? ? ? ?? The ?setup ?wizard ?will ?automa cally ?create ?a ?EXT ?par on ?for ?the ?android ?installa on ? we ?do ?recommend ?that ?you ?back ?up ?any ?data ?in ?your ?HDD ?to ?prevent ?any ?unforeseeable ? circumstances ?which ?is ?unlikely ? ? ? ?? Copy ?the ?android ?installa on ? ?le ?into ?the ?ROOT ?directory ?of ?your ?thumb ?drive ? ? ? ?? Connect ?the ?thumb ?drive ?to ?the ?mini- ? b ?to ?type ?A ?converter ?and ?hook ?it ?up ?to ?the ?bone ? before ?plugging ?in ?the ?power ?cable ? ? ? h p www hdx com ? How ?to ?install ?Android ? ? ? ?? Turn ?on ?your ?HDX ?Bone ?and ?navigate ?to ?SETUP ?page ?as ?shown ?below ?and ?select ?the ? system ?icon ? ? ? ? ?? Proceed ?to ?Android ?Install ?and ?press ?PLAY ?bu on ?on ?your ?remote ? h p www hdx com ? How ?to ?install ?Android ? ? ? ?? Con ?rma on ?Press ?PLAY ?bu on ?to ?proceed ? ? h p www hdx com ? How ?to ?install ?Android ? ? ? ?? In ?approximately ? mins ?the ?installa on ?will ?complete ?A ?short ?prompt ?will ?appear ? to ?no fy ?you ?that ?installa

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