La procedure consultative IX La procédure consultative les avis juridiques donnés à certains organes des Nations Unies ou à certaines organisations a ?liées aux Nations Unies Sur les avis consultatifs voir K Oellers-Frahm Article UN Charter ? dans Zimmerm

IX La procédure consultative les avis juridiques donnés à certains organes des Nations Unies ou à certaines organisations a ?liées aux Nations Unies Sur les avis consultatifs voir K Oellers-Frahm Article UN Charter ? dans Zimmermann Tomuschat OellersFrahm Statute op cit p ss J A Frowein K Oellers-Frahm Article ? dans Zimmermann Tomuschat Oellers-Frahm Statute op cit p ss Dubisson Cour op cit p ss Rosenne Law op cit vol I p ss vol II p ss vol III p ss Thirlway Law op cit p ss Kelsen Law op cit p ss Voir aussi D Akande The Competence of International Organizations and the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice ? EJIL vol p ss J R Alcazar Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice Louvain A Aust Advisory Opinions ? Journal of International Dispute Settlement vol p ss P Benvenuti L ? accertamento del diritto mediante i pareri consultivi della Corte internazionale di giustizia Milan F Berman The Uses and Abuses of Advisory Opinions ? Mélanges S Oda La Haye Londres New York p ss L Boisson de Chazournes Advisory Opinions and the Furtherance of the Common Intesrest of Mankind ? dans L Boisson de Chazournes C Romano R Mackenzie éds International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement Trends and Prospects Ardsley New York p ss C J Chacko The Possible Expansion of the Advisory Jurisdiction of the ICJ ? Mélanges K Rao Leyde p ss C Dominicé Request of Advisory Opinions in Contentious Cases ? dans L Boisson de Chazournes C Romano R Mackenzie éds International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement Trends and Prospects Ardsley New York p ss T O Elias How the International Court deals with Requests for Advisory Opinions ? Mélanges M Lachs La Haye p ss C D Esposito La jurisdicción consultiva de la Corte Internacional de Justicia Madrid D W Greig The Advisory Jurisdiction of the ICJ and the Settlement of Disputes between States ? ICLQ vol p ss A Gros Concerning the Advisory Role of the International Court of Justice ? Mélanges P Jessup New York p ss E Hambro The Authority of the Advisory Opinions of the ICJ ? ICLQ vol p ss R Higgins A Comment on the Current Health of Advisory Opinions ? Mélanges R Y Jennings Cambridge p ss R Y Jennings Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice ? Mélanges B Boutros-Ghali Bruxelles p ss K J Keith The Extent of the Advisory Jurisdiction of the ICJ Leyde K J Keith The Advisory Jurisdiction of the ICJ Some Comparative Re ections ? Australian Yearbook of International Law vol p ss M Koskenniemi Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice as an Instrument of Preventive Diplomacy ? dans N Al-Nauimi R Meese éds International Legal Issues Arising under the United Nations Decade of International Law La Haye p ss M Lachs Perspectives pour la fonction consultative de la CIJ ? Comunicazioni e studi vol p ss R Luzzato La competenza consultiva della Corte internazionale

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  • Publié le Mar 22, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 37.7kB