Salutations guide Salutations Guide Faculty of Law Prepared by External Relations Faculty of Law This document is intended as a guide only For more information please contact the External Relations Unit or the relevant State Territory Protocol O ?ce CSALU
Salutations Guide Faculty of Law Prepared by External Relations Faculty of Law This document is intended as a guide only For more information please contact the External Relations Unit or the relevant State Territory Protocol O ?ce CSALUTATIONS GUIDE FORMS OF ADDRESS Judges Court Title High The Honourable Justice Federal The Honourable Justice Family The Honourable Justice Federal Magistrates Federal Magistrate Citizen Salutation Dear Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Federal Magistrate Citizen Supreme County Magistrates The Honourable Justice Dear Justice Citizen or Dear Judge The Honourable Justice Jane Citizen His Her Honour Judge Dear Judge Citizen or Dear Judge Dr Mr Ms Dear Dr Mr Ms Chief Justices and other heads of jurisdictions Court Title High The Honourable Chief Justice Federal The Honourable Chief Justice Family The Honourable Chief Justice Federal Magistrates Chief Federal Magistrate Citizen Supreme The Honourable Chief Justice County His Her Honour Chief Judge Magistrates Dr Mr Ms Salutation Dear Chief Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Chief Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Chief Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Chief Federal Magistrate Citizen Dear Chief Justice Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Chief Judge Citizen or Dear Judge Dear Dr Mr Ms The majority of male judges of the Supreme Court of Victoria now use the title ? Justice ? but some still choose to retain the title ? Mr Justice ? The title preferred by each judge should be used Refer Maximizer The AIJA website Australian Institute of Judicial Administration at http www aija org au is an excellent resource with links to all Australian courts The Law Institute of Victoria Directory and Who ? s Who are also excellent sources of information CFemale Judges or Justices can be identi ?ed in the address block by their given or ?rst name ie The Honourable Justice Jane Citizen This applies at both Federal and State level Some judges will have postnominals such as AC AO AM RFD Refer Maximizer Queen ? s Counsel Senior Counsel Queen ? s Counsel and Senior Counsel are addressed as Title Dr Mr Albert Citizen QC Dr Mr Albert Citizen SC Dr Ms Jane Citizen QC Dr Ms Jane Citizen SC Salutation Dear Dr Mr Dear Dr Ms Knights and Dames Add postnominals in the mail address without full stops and commas Title Sir Albert Citizen GCMG Dame Mary Citizen DBE Salutation Dear Sir Albert Dear Dame Mary The rule for awards is that the higher the honour the nearer its position is to the person ? s name For example the honour AO takes precedence over CB For further information refer to the section entitled The Australian Order of Precedence of Honours and Awards in Who ? s Who in Australia Members of Parliament Commonwealth Position Minister Senate Minister Reps Title Senator the Honourable Albert Citizen Minister for The Honourable Albert Citizen MP Minister for Senator Member Reps Senator Albert Citizen Dr Mr Ms Albert Citizen MP
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 23, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.5kB