Subroutine guide Temenos T Media SUBROUTINE GUIDE Subroutine Guide doc Introduction This guide contains a list of the subroutines used most frequently by T applications and those which are most likely to be of use to developers on client sites Wherever a

Temenos T Media SUBROUTINE GUIDE Subroutine Guide doc Introduction This guide contains a list of the subroutines used most frequently by T applications and those which are most likely to be of use to developers on client sites Wherever a subroutine is provided to perform a speci ?ed task the subroutine provided should be used Temenos reserves the right to modify the following routines as and when required However where possible any such changes and the impact upon the use of the subroutines will be documented Date Routines CDD Description Arguments Incoming REGION DATE DATE DAYS Returned DAYS Calculates the di ?erence in days between two supplied dates REGION DATE DATE DAYS Region code Start date YYYYMMDD End date YYYYMMDD 'W' to indicate working days 'C' to indicate calendar days The number of days di ?erence or - CDT Description Arguments Incoming REGION DATE DAYS Returned DATE ETEXT Calculates forward or previous date from a start date using the number of days REGION DATE DAYS Region code Start date YYYYMMDD The number of days forward in the format or - the number of days working or calendar eg C W W C The calculated date Error message if unsuccessful Page Release T R CTemenos T Media CFQ Description Arguments Incoming COMI Returned COMI Subroutine Guide doc Calculates the next date from today's date and a frequency code COMI from I COMMON YYYYMMDDXXXXX where XXXXX is the frequency code YYYYMMDDXXXXX the calculated date and the frequency code DIETER DATE Description This routine converts dates from the format used throughout GLOBUS YYYMMDD to the standard UniVerse format either internal or external External dates formatted as per UniVerse CONVERSIONs Arguments GLOBUS DATE jBASE DATE CONVERSION Incoming GLOBUS DATE Date in Standard T Format yyyymmdd JBASE DATE The date in internal jBASE date format or formatted according to CONVERSION CONVERSION Any valid jBASE Date conversion Note that both DIETER and PRIME DATES cannot be passed One date is mandatory Returned GLOBUS DATE Date in standard T format yyyymmdd JBASE DATE The date in internal jBASE date format or formatted according to CONVERSION JULDATE Description Arguments Incoming Convert from Julian to Gregorian date format and visa versa GREGORIAN DATE JULIAN DATE Page Release T R CTemenos T Media GREGORIAN DATE Subroutine Guide doc Standard T Date in the format yyyymmdd JULIAN DATE Julian Date in the format yyyyjjj One of the above dates must be passed to the subroutine the other date must be null Returned GREGORIAN DATE Standard T Date in the format yyyymmdd if passed as null JULIAN DATE Julian Date in the format yyyyjjj if passed as null Exchanges Rates CALC ERATE LOCAL Description This routine calculates an exchange rate given a foreign amount and local currency equivalent Arguments YLCL AMT YFOR CCY YFOR AMT YEXCH RATE Incoming YLCL AMT Local equivalent amount YFOR CCY Foreign currency YFOR AMT Foreign Currency amount Returned YEXCH RATE The derived exchange rate CUSTRATE Description Arguments Incoming CCY MARKETS Page Perform all the tasks involved in

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  • Publié le Aoû 14, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 132.2kB