Blokset technical guide Blokset Low voltage equipment Technical guide s Merlin Gerin s Modicon s Square D s Telemecanique CMerlin Gerin Blokset General information Basic rules Compartment de ?nition Form de ?nition Column dimensions Column weight Fixing t

Blokset Low voltage equipment Technical guide s Merlin Gerin s Modicon s Square D s Telemecanique CMerlin Gerin Blokset General information Basic rules Compartment de ?nition Form de ?nition Column dimensions Column weight Fixing to ground Cable leadthrough Hoisting columns Busbars D and Mf Mw Switchgear Installation D Capacitor Mf Mw Auxiliaries and terminal blocks Position of auxiliaries and terminal blocks Miscellaneous Creepage distance and clearance Assembly rules Labels and marking Drawer polarization Drawer interlocking IP réalisation Mounting heating pins and thermostats Seismic C Merlin Gerin C General information Nota vertical busbars are to be mounted in the mm extension frameworks Basic rules Modularity Blokset switchboards are designed on the mm module principle All ?xing holes are drilled at mm distances The shaded zone consists of mm modules This is the zone where the switchgear and busbars are installed c With a single horizontal busbar I A v modules for the busbar v modules for the switchgear c With a double horizontal busbar I A v modules for the busbar v modules for the switchgear Framework dimensions The basic Blokset frameworks are available in widths c depth or c depth or c for M or M P depth The or extension frameworks depth or allow for the following dimensions c c c The depth of the switchgear assembly can be increased up to mm by adding a mm deep extension onto a mm deep basic framework The dimensions of the extensions are as follows c x x c x x c x x c x x c x x c x x All Compacts are installed in the mm wide framework mm extension for vertical busbars Masterpacts M to M and poles and the pole M installed alone in a column are mounted in the mm wide framework since they are directly connected to the horizontal busbars The mm frameworks are only for the Masterpact p M and p M installations Main earth leads c ICC kA ?? b x Merlin Gerin C General information cont Compartment de ?nition D and Mf mm mm mm mm Switchgear compartment Busbar compartment width mm or cable connection mm Connection compartment if there is rear access Circuit breaker MW mm mm mm Switchgear compartment Busbar compartment Front or rear load side connection compartment Merlin Gerin C Form de ?nition D and Mf Merlin Gerin Forme Forme b Forme b Forme b Form b b b IEC standard - de ?nition Speci ?c recommended adjustments No separation Protection of live line side parts of incoming circuit breakers Separation of busbars from functional Connections between busbars and units functional unit protection devices External conductor terminals separate protected against direct contacts from busbars Separation of busbars from functional units and separation of all functional units Separation of external conductor terminals from functional units but no separation between them Separation of busbars from functional units and separation of all functional units including the external conductor terminals which form an integral part of the functional units External conductor

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