Climatol guide 1 User ? s guide to climatol An R contributed package for homogenization of climatological series and functions for drawing wind-rose and Walter Lieth diagrams Version distributed under the GPL license version or newer By José A Guijarro St
User ? s guide to climatol An R contributed package for homogenization of climatological series and functions for drawing wind-rose and Walter Lieth diagrams Version distributed under the GPL license version or newer By José A Guijarro State Meteorological Agency AEMET Balearic Islands Of ?ce Spain http www climatol eu index html January User ? s guide to climatol by José A Guijarro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives Unported License Exceptions Translations to any language other than English or Spanish are also freely allowed CII Foreword The ??Climatol ? R contributed package is mostly devoted to the problem of homogenizing climatological series that is to say remove the perturbations produced by changes in the conditions of observation or in the nearby environment to allow the series to re ect only as far as possible the climatic variations The R standard documentation of the package provides descriptions of the functions and their parameters and users should refer to it whenever needed This guide on the other hand has been written as a complement trying to focus more on explaining the methodology underlying the algorithms of the package how to call its functions and how to interpret and use their results This guide is structured in two parts a Quick start in the following few pages for those anxious to begin homogenizing their data and an Extended guide where the di ?erent aspects of the package are treated more thoroughly Most examples of this guide can be reproduced with data ?les contained in climatol-dat zip downloadable from http www climatol eu climatol-dat zip which contains real series from a Mediterranean area although the names and coordinates of the stations are ?ctitious Acknowledgements This package has greatly bene ?ted from fruitful discussions in the frame of COST Action ES entitled Advances in homogenisation methods of climate series an integrated approach HOME My acknowledgments to all the participants and to the European Science Foundation for promoting and funding this enriching meetings I must also acknowledge the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET for its continuous support to my participation in this Action CIII Quick start First we need to prepare the input data in two plain text ?les with adequate formats In one of them you must provide the coordinates and names of the stations containing a line of the form X Y Z CODE NAME for each station where the coordinates X and Y may be in km from e g an UTM projection or in geographical degrees longitude and latitude in this order with their fractional part in decimals not in the degrees minutes and seconds form The other parameters are the elevation above sea level Z in m an identi ?cation CODE of the station and the NAME of the station itself that must be enclosed in quotes if it contains more than one word It is advisable to put all names between quotes to avoid errors The name of this ?le must be VARFIRSTY-LASTY est where VAR is an
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Fev 08, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 156.3kB