Bibliography 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY A Books Hacker Douglas J John Dunlosky and Arthur C Graesser Eds Handbook of Metacognition in Education B Journals Websites Gosser D K Jr Kampmeier J A Varma-Nelson P J Peer-led team learning James Flack Norris award address J

BIBLIOGRAPHY A Books Hacker Douglas J John Dunlosky and Arthur C Graesser Eds Handbook of Metacognition in Education B Journals Websites Gosser D K Jr Kampmeier J A Varma-Nelson P J Peer-led team learning James Flack Norris award address Journal of Chemical Education ?? Fan L Bokhove C Rethinking the role of algorithms in school mathematics A conceptual model with focus on cognitive development ZDM Mathematics Education ?? Watson A De Geest E Department-initiated change Educational Studies in Mathematics ?? Ray K Smith M C The kindergarten child What teachers and administrators need to know to promote academic success in all children Early Childhood Education Journal - Whitebread D Coltman P Pasternak D P Sangster C Grau V Bingham S Almeqdad Q Demetriou D The development of two observational tools for assessing metacognition and self-regulated learning in young children Metacognition and Learning - Eisenberg N Self-Regulation and School Readiness Early Education and Development - Ho ?mann R McGuire S Y Teaching and learning strategies that work Science ?? Flavell J H Speculations about the nature and development of metacognition Metacognition Motivation and Understanding pp - - In F E Weinert and R H Kluwe Eds Hillsdale NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Nist L Joseph L E ?ectiveness and e ?ciency of ash card drill instructional methods on urban ?rst graders ? word recognition acquisition maintenance and generalization School Psychology Review - C Schillinger F Vogel S Diedrich J Grabner R Math anxiety intelligence and performance in mathematics Insights from the German adaptation of the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale AMAS -G Vol pp - Retrieved from https www sciencedirect com science article pii S Sarikas C Vygotsky Sca ?olding What is it and how to use it Retrieved from https blog prepscholar com vygotsky-sca ?olding-zone-of- proximaldevelopment gclid EAIaIQobChMIjLvNxNie AIVQbaWCh Ng WEAAYAy AAEgLshfD BwE Codding R Burns M Lukito G Meta-Analysis of mathematics basic-fact uency interventions A component analysis Learning Disabilities Research Practice - Retrieved from https doi org j x Common Core State Standards Retrieved from www corestandards org Curriculum In The Glossary of Education Reform online Retrieved from http edglossary org curriculum Clements D Sarama J Germeroth C Learning executive function and early mathematics Directions of causal relations Early Childhood Research Quarterly - Retrieved from https doi org j ecresq Flavell J H Metacognition and cognitive monitoring A new area of cognitive- developmental inquiry American Psychologist - Schraw G Crippen K J Hartley K Promoting self-regulation in science education Metacognition as part of a broader perspective on learning Research in Science Education - Learning standards In The glossary of education reform online Retrieved from http edglossary org learning-standards Frawley C Developing math fact uency Retrieved from http www ttacnews vcu edu developing-math-fact- uency Mazzocco M Kover S A longitudinal assessment of executive function skills and their association with math performance Child Neuropsychology - Retrieved from https doi org C Alcoser Y Y What is math uency - De ?nition and Components Retrieved from https study com academy lesson what-is-math- uency- de ?nitioncomponents

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  • Publié le Mar 04, 2022
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