British marine loss prevention surveys a guide for surveyors
BRITISH MARINE LOSS PREVENTION SURVEYS - A GUIDE FOR SURVEYORS Read these notes before carrying out the survey If after reading these guidance notes further advice is needed contact the BM Survey Department GENERAL PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTRATION British Marine has vessels insured for P I Cover Hull Machinery cover or both The survey report has therefore been designed to cover both aspects of insurance However the surveyor should concentrate their report on matters which are relevant to the risk for instance if a vessel is insured for Hull Machinery a lot of detail about cargoworthiness or personnel risk may not be relevant Of course there is a considerable overlap as many aspects of the vessel and its operation and therefore the report will have relevance to both types of cover e g Navigation ?re- ?ghting and general management of the vessel H M surveys should include an enhanced review of machinery We expect a survey to be completed within a day but if it is felt that a surveyor needs to attend longer then the Survey Department of British Marine Managers should be advised immediately The surveyor should test items wherever appropriate whilst conducting the survey such tests only being carried out with the prior knowledge and co-operation of the ship's sta ? If particular areas appear to be well maintained and operational then it will be bene ?cial due to possible time constraints to limit testing to the more important items or those which condition gives cause for concern Passenger carrying vessels should be subjected to ??Safety Audits Of Passenger Vessels ?? and Towage Approvals should include a review of all aspects of the tow as described on page of this guide which includes a note on reporting Ballast tanks must be pressed-up and holds must be inspected on all general cargo and bulk carriers Also for P I Surveys the hatch covers must be tested Enclosed spaces adjacent to tanks containing noxious vapours inert gas or spaces not previously ventilated must not be entered REPORTING The report consists of a front and second page to be ?lled in with details of the vessel and the survey the risk analysis pages and the ??Additional Comments Con ?dential to British Marine ? page s The Master or other representative must sign the risk analysis and a signed copy is to be left on board All items on the risk analysis should be discussed with the Master or representative and serious defects or de ?ciencies should be particularly emphasised to the Master or representative and serious defects or de ?ciencies should be emphasised A typed Microsoft ?? Word ? format version of the report not pdf should be e-mailed to the British Marine Survey Department and no other party as soon as possible after completion of the survey but normally within one working day hours The report should include photographs please note that we only require ?? photographs unless the observed defects warrant more and the hatch cover leak test report
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- Publié le Jan 28, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 84.7kB