Ej 892361 JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION REVUE DE L ? ÉDUCATION À DISTANCE VOL No - Agile Project Management for e- Learning Developments Iain Doherty Abstract We outline the project management tactics that we developed in praxis in order to manage elearni
JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION REVUE DE L ? ÉDUCATION À DISTANCE VOL No - Agile Project Management for e- Learning Developments Iain Doherty Abstract We outline the project management tactics that we developed in praxis in order to manage elearning projects and show how our tactics were enhanced through implementing project management techniques from a formal project management methodology Two key factors have contributed to our project management success The ?rst is maintaining a clear educational focus in our elearning projects whilst de ?ning project success in terms of facilitating and or enhancing student learning The second is ensuring that our processes mesh with the collegial nature of a university culture Our paper concludes by discussing the need to engage with institutional strategic and organizational concerns in order to increase institutional capacity for elearning Résumé Nous dressons le portrait des stratégies de gestion de projet que nous avons développé in praxis a ?n de gérer les projets d ? apprentissage en ligne et vous montrons comment nos stratégies ont été améliorées par l ? implantation de techniques de gestion de projet provenant d ? une méthodologie formelle de gestion de projet Deux facteurs ont contribué à la réussite de notre gestion de projet Le premier est le maintien d ? un focus éducationnel clair dans nos projets d ? apprentissage en ligne tout en dé ?nissant la réussite du projet en termes de facilitation et ou amélioration de l ? apprentissage de l ? étudiant Le second est de s ? assurer que nos processus sont compatibles avec la nature collégiale de la culture universitaire Notre article conclut en discutant du besoin de s ? engager dans les préoccupations stratégiques et organisationnelles institutionnelles a ?n d ? accro? tre la capacité institutionnelle d ? apprentissage en ligne Introduction The purpose of this article is to provide an account of elearning project management processes that were developed in praxis and then enhanced through employing a formal project management methodology We suggest that whilst successful project management processes can be developed in praxis formal project management processes provide for a more sophisticated approach to managing projects particularly in terms C AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT of quality assurance project closeout processes and elearning maintenance strategies Project management processes need to be implemented with an understanding of the unique challenges of working in an academic culture This entails an awareness of the collegial nature of university environments in order to avoid potential con ict with academics who do not have a managerial view of the world Project managing elearning developments also involves being aware of the concerns of all stakeholders This broad awareness ensures that projects receive a level of School and Faculty support and helps to realise School and Faculty strategic aims If projects are run in this way then the foundations are laid for wider Faculty engagement with technologies for teaching and learning Learning Technology Unit The Learning Technology Unit LTU http www fmhs auckland ac nz faculty ltu at the Faculty of
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- Publié le Oct 15, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 93.8kB