Engineering guide Fan Engineering Data BUILT WITH HONOR HPAIRQTUZAE LOLHFIOANU SINAC HARTZELL Hartzell Fan Inc Piqua Ohio www hartzellfan com Bulletin A- -N February CThe Hartzell Story The history of Hartzell Fan Inc actually dates back to when John T Ha

Fan Engineering Data BUILT WITH HONOR HPAIRQTUZAE LOLHFIOANU SINAC HARTZELL Hartzell Fan Inc Piqua Ohio www hartzellfan com Bulletin A- -N February CThe Hartzell Story The history of Hartzell Fan Inc actually dates back to when John T Hartzell began manufacturing farm wagons in Western Ohio The development and growth of the company from that point on is intriguing but the details are too lengthy to include here in total But some years later John Hartzell ? s grandson Robert joined the company after studying engineering at the University of Cincinnati He was interested in aviation and often talked with Orville and Wilbur Wright and Glen Curtis when they came to Piqua to pick out straightgrained walnut lumber to make their propellers He saw the possibilities in manufacturing propellers and hired a young engineer Fred Charavay to design a line of airfoil blades which they would handdraw from a laminated block of Hartzell walnut From that point and for the next years Hartzell Propeller Inc would be an industry leader in the design and manufacture of aircraft propellers Hartzell Fan Inc grew from the roots of the aircraft division as Chief Engineer Charavay placed an aircraft propeller in an industrial ventilation application in the early ? s The design was re ?ned and Hartzell engineered the ?rst propeller type fan Prior to most industrial fans were centrifugal designs generally large in size with radial blades The idea of moving air at pressure in an industrial application with an airfoil propeller encountered substantial opposition from skeptical aerodynamic ??experts ? at the time Robert Hartzell instructed his engineers to set up a laboratory complete with a small wind tunnel that was similar to the present-day AMCA ASHRAE test con ?gurations and which in time would become AMCA approved The test results were excellent and substantiated the merits of the Hartzell design As you can read on the following page the same commitment to design engineering and manufacturing excellence to provide a quality reliable industrial airmoving device continues to be the ?rst order of business with Hartzell Since the ?rst Hartzell fan was put into use the Hartzell name has been synonymous with quality air-moving equipment Hartzell is well known throughout the industry for its design innovations and marketing procedures to meet the changing demands of the industrial consumer ? First to develop a solid ?berglass single piece die formed highly e ?cient non-overloading airfoil design centrifugal wheel ? First to manufacture industrial fans using an airfoil propeller-type blade ? First to use the air seal venturi ori ?ce fan ring in a propeller fan application ? First to develop all ?berglass industrial fans ? First to establish a stocking program with three- day shipment of over types of fans and blowers ? First to o ?er a ?berglass center-pivoted motor operated shutter ? First to publish engineering literature for the proper application of industrial fans and AC frequency controllers For more than years innovative design concepts engineering expertise and production capabilities have

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  • Publié le Jui 05, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 190.9kB