Thomas documenting the periphery the short films and faiza guene
Access Provided by University Of Southern California at PM GMT CDominic Thomas Documenting the Periphery The Short Films of Fa? za Guène Pour rendre acceptable cette segmentation l ? imaginaire colonial est mobilisé et revitalisé a ?n de parcelliser la subjectivité des dominés Bouamama As François Niney has pointed out ??Entre les murs de Laurent Cantet paradocumentaire joué par les intéressés reconstituant ? la réalité ? d ? une classe de collè ge ? serv ed to underscore the complex w ays in which ?ction and reality were being documented today and ho w the di vision between ?lmic genres had become increasingly complicated by rapid technological inno vation Strictly speaking ?? ? un documentaire ? se singularise pour ne plus désigner qu ? un seul type de document ou de documentation visuel ou audiovisuel un documentair e est alors un ?lm ou une vidéo qui s ? oppose à ?lm de ?ction un peu comme l ? essai au roman ? Nine y ?? and ??La plupart des dictionnaires de la langue française comme des vocabulaires du cinéma tentent de dé ?nir le documentaire par deux traits principaux son aspect didactique et son opposition à la ?ction qui recouvrirait l ? opposition entre réel et imaginaire ? Nine y However the indiscriminate recourse to such terms as ??montrant des f aits réels ? and ??ren voyant au réel ? Nine y to designate events or features of all forms of ?lm has served to further complicate the process of cate gorizing ?lm productions Gi ven their speci ?c objective of documenting the cultural economic political and social realities of the banlieues the short ?lms by F a? za Guène that are under consideration here compel vie wers to re ect simultaneously on the subjects e xplored and the ef fectiveness ??and therefore the social function ??of the camera itself as a tool Relying as the y do on diverse evidentiary modes testimonies and pri vileged ethnographic C French Forum Spring Fall Vol Nos ?? informers ??au- delà d ? être des ?uvres de création de ?ction les ?lms sont des supports de compréhension d ? une partie de la vie des adolescents de ma génération et de mon milieu social ? F a? za Guène ??Personal communication ? these ?lms engage in a dialogue between the center and the periphery The French banlieues ha ve recei ved considerable attention ??on the subject of religion and gender roles K eaton comparative urban policies W acquant and ethnicity race and class Stovall social mobility F assin police repression Le Cour Grandmaison ??and we are today better -equipped thanks to these historical and sociological analyses to understand cultural and social dynamics in these urban spaces and also to identify reducti ve characterizations of these However as new generations of researchers have gained scholarly legitimacy as a result of e xtensive ?eldwork in the banlieues it remains of crucial importance to determine what can be gained by connecting these ?ndings and observ ations