Bibliography books amp magzines 1

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS MAGZINES MARKETING MANAGEMENT Phillip Kotler MARKETING RESEARCH Akar Kumar Dey MARKETING RESEARCH Harper W Byod and others BUSINESS STATISTICS S C Gupta and Indiragupta MARKETING CHANNELS Lowis W stern Adel L El-ansary Annet Coughlan MARKETING RESEARCH Subba Rao PROGRESSIVE GROCEER Images food Websites http risnews edgl com magazine December- -RIS - SoftwareLeaderBoard http www nasscom in indian-itbpo-industry http expertwebprofessionals com internet-marketing market-segment- analysis html www retigence com www retailanalytics com www progressivegroceer co in www imagesfood in C

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  • Publié le Oct 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Marketing
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 18.6kB