Epreuve business english HIDE SIDEBARS Mes cours ? ? ? Tableau de bord ? Mes cours ? EXAMEN - SEMESTRE - SESSION NORMALE DAS - ? SESSION - JOUR - - ? Épreuve Business English ? Tableau de bord F Accueil du site ?? Calendrier ? Badges ?? Tous les cours Cou

HIDE SIDEBARS Mes cours ? ? ? Tableau de bord ? Mes cours ? EXAMEN - SEMESTRE - SESSION NORMALE DAS - ? SESSION - JOUR - - ? Épreuve Business English ? Tableau de bord F Accueil du site ?? Calendrier ? Badges ?? Tous les cours Course dashboard Description Marquer la question TEXT Information and communication Technologies ICTs help support e ?ective outbreak surveillance and control strategies including but not limited to contact tracing social mobilization mapping communication monitoring and response They also can assist national and international e ?orts to control the spread of the disease they have played and continue to play a critical role in raising awareness about Ebola prevent the spread of the disease and support the role of frontline healthcare workers by providing better means to communicate simple trustful and reliable instructions and information In such innovative approaches that connect biomedical and social sciences that are community-based and that use new technology that proactively forecast anticipate detect and respond to current and emerging threats while providing primary healthcare coverage for all Full spectrum of promotion of national health systems prevention treatment and care services in an inclusive way that provides equal access and brings new opportunities and bene ?ts to personalized medicine technology and social practices to a globalised world However digital innovations during and post-Zika and Ebola outbreak continue to be CHIDE SIDEBARS developed unforeseen consequences should be tackled promptly Still there is a lack of uncovered hosts of barriers and obstacles to e ?ective use of information including the complexity and usability of the software the inability of the software to support certain unique public health reporting needs the learning curve for public health workers and the lack of standards for e ?ective data exchange guidance to e ?ectively strategize about appropriate ICT-innovations investments and current Zika epidemics crisis incidents and forefront data and information sharing systems as front- line safety and protection of a ?ected communities or vulnerable populations against emerging epidemics impact relies on seamless information sharing global leadership commitment and investment Question Pas encore répondu Noté sur Marquer la question point Choose the word that is far in meaning from mapping Veuillez choisir une réponse designing framing laying out hatching Question Pas encore répondu Noté sur Marquer la question point Choose the word that is far in meaning from awareness Veuillez choisir une réponse consciousness obliviousness knowledge heed CQuestion Pas encore répondu Noté sur Marquer la question point Choose the word that is close in meaning to curve Veuillez choisir une réponse decline round tendency wheel HIDE SIDEBARS Question Pas encore répondu Noté sur Marquer la question point Choose the word that is far in meaning from seamless Veuillez choisir une réponse perfect total entire partly Question Pas encore répondu Noté sur Marquer la question points Read the text then decide whether these statements are True or false -ICTs help medical units to have appropriate reaction to epidemics True ? -ICTs are used only for tracing mobilizing mapping

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  • Publié le Sep 08, 2022
  • Catégorie Marketing
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 58.3kB