Ethnography guide DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY SEMINAR SOCIAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH - GUIDE FOR ETHNOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Ethnography builds on description analysis and interpretation of data gathered in ?eldwork Ethnographic description is by no means

DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY SEMINAR SOCIAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH - GUIDE FOR ETHNOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Ethnography builds on description analysis and interpretation of data gathered in ?eldwork Ethnographic description is by no means the straight forward unproblematic task it is thought to be in the social sciences Test this Select any building on campus or the food court of Trabant and write a description without using any terms of appraisal It is very di ?cult to do For example you could say that the food court is a ? place ? to eat and I would say what you mean by the term place Is eating the only activity that occurs in the food court Description in ethnography is a complex e ?ect achieved through writing and dependent upon the strategic choice and construction of available detail The presentation of interpretation and analysis is inseparably bound up with the systematic and vivid representation of a world that seems total and real to the reader Perhaps the hardest notion to grasp is that the purpose of ethnography is not solely to describe in the sense of deriving generalizations for behavior The purpose is to provide a coherent representation of human action that is to draw a conclusion through interpretation based on certain descriptive facts Thus interpretation depends on the selection and presentation of certain facts The ?rst selection of facts data happens in ?eldwork ??what you see while you are there or what the ??people ? let you see or what seems important to them or based on your own quirky self A second selection comes when some record from ?eldwork provides evidence for some interpretation The ethnography you will write entails the close study of a local culture through ?eldwork which requires many hours at the site ??observing and talking with members of culture taking notes interviewing and perhaps participating in the culture ? s activities The objective of this work is to produce a written account of how people of this culture generate and interpret social behavior and how they use language to make and share meaning CPART I WRITING ETHNOGRAPHY THINK ABOUT SUCH QUESTIONS Why are you doing THIS PARTICULAR study Is there a need for it Is there a problem you are addressing What position am I going to take Why would you want to read this ethnography Do I want to be more distant third person or do I want to be more involved ?rst person QUESTIONS FOR THE FIRST PART OF YOUR ETHNOGRAPHY What is the problem What is the need Why is there a need for such a study What ? s been done in the general area you are studying What ? s been left out What ? s missing right now that won ? t allow us to get a clear picture of what you are doing What is your study doing better doing more What is your contribution to the discussion What information will be included in your study QUESTIONS FOR SECOND PART

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