Study guide handbook STRM ?? Postgraduate Business and Economics Dissertation and Research Methods Module FULL-TIME STUDENT STUDY GUIDE Sta ?ord Linda Coles Linda coles northampton ac uk CSTRM Dissertation and Research Methods Module Overview This guide i
STRM ?? Postgraduate Business and Economics Dissertation and Research Methods Module FULL-TIME STUDENT STUDY GUIDE Sta ?ord Linda Coles Linda coles northampton ac uk CSTRM Dissertation and Research Methods Module Overview This guide is designed to give students an overview of the independent research and related research methods skills training programme o ?ered across Northampton Business School at taught postgraduate level level The module is set out exibly so as to re ect the di ?erent types of research project which students may choose to undertake - conceptual applied or work-related - and also to re ect the contrasting research paradigms that may be followed Overall aim s for the module To provide the student with the opportunity to i Acquire a grounding in taught postgraduate level level approaches to research and related research skills ii Carry out a sustained independent research project involving an individual piece of conceptual applied or work-related research culminating in the writing of a dissertation or project report of approximately - words Learning outcomes On successful completion of the module students will be able to Knowledge and Understanding a Engage actively and successfully with a programme of training in approaches to research and related research skills involving generic and ?eld-speci ?c elements b Demonstrate the ability to plan design and implement an individual piece of conceptual applied or work-related research involving the synthesis of theory and practice the contextualisation of the chosen topic in the literature and the selection of appropriate research methodologies and methods of data collection and analysis c Produce a substantial account of the research study that is consistent with the chosen type of research Subject-speci ?c Skills d Formulate an academically rigorous and practically feasible research proposal setting out the detailed parameters for the proposed independent research project e Carry out an independent piece of conceptual applied or work-related research synthesising theory with practice in the chosen ?eld and making use of a conceptual framework based on the relevant academic literature and other appropriate sources of secondary data f Construct and use a research instrument such as a survey to collect primary and or secondary data and apply appropriate methods of data collection and data analysis in order to make comprehensive and Cappropriately focused responses to the research questions issues problems identi ?ed g Write a well de ?ned and structured narrative account discussing the design conduct and outcomes of the research project in the form of a conceptual applied or work-related research based dissertation or project report Key Skills h Manage a prolonged course of independent research and related study in an orderly and e ?ective manner demonstrating the enhancement of academic knowledge intellectual and work-related skills gained through completing the module successfully i Make discriminating use of learning and information technology resources in order to locate collect analyse and interpret quantitative and qualitative information de ?ne and solve problems in a selective and critical manner and challenge and critique accepted wisdom and methodologies in the chosen research ?eld j
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- Publié le Fev 18, 2021
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 94.2kB