P90 nutritionguide simplekitchennutritionguide
SIMPLE KITCHEN THE BEST TIME TO DO THE -DAY REFRESH IS ? When you want to kick- start healthier habits ? When you feel like your nutrition has gotten o ? track ? Once a month to keep your habits sharp TRANSFORM YOURSELF with P and the -DAY REFRESH To get started contact your Coach or visit DayRefreshP com today These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction P Quick Start Calorie Calculator Steps to Transform Your Body Daily Fat-Burning Recipes Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Michi ? s Ladder INTRODUCTION On your mark ? If you ? ve been searching for a way to lose weight and still eat the foods you love then you ? ve come to the right place Welcome to the P Simple Kitchen where you don ? t need to write down or track what you eat count calories or even watch carbs All you have to do is choose your meals from the recipes included enjoy Hit It with the P workouts and voilà A thinner ?tter you Get set ? On the pages that follow Tony shares some of his favorite meal choices and gives you recipes for breakfasts lunches dinners and snacks All you have to do is ?gure out how many calories you need each day then choose one meal from each category below one breakfast one lunch one dinner and a few snacks IT ? S THAT SIMPLE ??AND DELICIOUS WANT MORE SUPPORT Go to FreeP Coach com to connect with a FREE Coach for questions concerns or just a bit of encouragement along the way To get started now just use the P Quick Start Calorie Calculator on the next page then skip right to the recipes Or if you want to ?ne-tune the plan for maximum results check out Tony ? s Steps to Transform Your Body And if you ? re not completely in love with all the ingredients in these fat-burning recipes check out Michi ? s Ladder starting on page for a list of alternate food choices Plus look for the Shakeology for nutrientdense superfood recipes YOU ? VE GOT THE TOOLS IT ? S TIME TO PUT THEM INTO ACTION SO LET ? S Go P QUICK START CALORIE CALCULATOR NOW it ? s time to ?gure out how many calories your body uses each day If you ? re sedentary multiply your current weight by That ? s how many calories you need to eat each day to maintain your current weight If you ? re moderately active multiply your weight by If you have a highly active job multiply your weight by These calculations take into account the fact that you ? re doing P so when we say ??sedentary ? we mean sedentary outside of your daily workout SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE DESK JOB x Current weight in pounds Maintenance Calories MODERATELY
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 04, 2022
- Catégorie Health / Santé
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 107.4kB