Developper l x27 interculturel chez le lyceen kenyan du fle cas des dessins dans au sommet
LALIGENS VOL S N FEBRUARY International Journal of Language Literature and Gender Studies LALIGENS Bahir Dar- Ethiopia VOL S N FEBRUARY - ISSN - Print ISSN - Online DOI http dx doi org laligens v i Développer l ? interculturel Chez le Lycéen Kenyan du Fle Cas des Dessins dans Au Sommet Okonda Richard Arina Department of Linguistics and Foreign Language P O Box ?? Moi University Eldoret ?? Kenya Email richmondarina yahoo com Tel Abstract Language is always considered as an important cultural resource Learners of a foreign language and in this case French as a Foreign Language FFL always have as an objective to communicate in this new language It is however important that culture ?nds its place in the FFL class The intercultural aspect is most recently treated with rising importance in the language didactics domain due to the role that it plays in the development of the education system and due to the fact that it renders easy the learning of foreign languages It is useful for us to know if the strategies used to learn parts of speech in a foreign language and in particular the use of drawings in the coursework book for Kenyan secondary schools Au Sommet promote intercultural competence of the learner Does the French culture that the learner is learning march his her reasons for learning French Is it important to provide the learning resources and teaching aids for FFL in an intercultural perspective We have established in the conclusions that the juxtaposition of Kenyan and French cultures in the coursework book Au Sommet enhances the understanding of parts of speech targeted in the book The intercultural aspects highlighted in the drawings conform to the reasons that lead the learners to choose to study French as a Foreign Language Certain intercultural aspects that are highlighted concern universal contemporary issues and the cultural and intercultural issues highlighted in the drawings used to illustrate parts of speech in this book prepare the learner for an interaction in a professional world and in day to day life Copyright ? IAARR - www afrrevjo net laligens Indexed and Listed in AJOL EBSCOhost C LALIGENS VOL S N FEBRUARY Key Words Culture interculture stereotype teaching learning French as Foreign Language Résumé La langue est toujours considérée comme une ressource culturelle importante Les apprenants d ? une langue étrangère et dans ce cas du français langue étrangère FLE ont toujours pour objectif d ? apprendre à communiquer dans cette nouvelle langue Il est néanmoins indispensable que la culture ait sa place en classe du FLE Dans le domaine de la didactique des langues on accorde aujourd ? hui à l ? aspect interculturel une importance grandissante gr? ce au rôle qu ? il joue dans le développement du système éducatif et au fait qu ? il facilite l ? apprentissage des langues étrangères Il faut savoir si les stratégies impliquées dans l ? apprentissage des actes de paroles en classe d ? une langue étrangère et surtout
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- Publié le Fev 04, 2021
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 92.4kB