Saharan and north african toy and play cultures commented bibliography 1

publications Commented bibliography on play games and toys SAHARAN AND NORTH AFRICAN T Y AND PLAY CULTURES Jean-Pierre Rossie Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies CCatholic University of Portugal Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences SAHARAN AND NORD-AFRICAN TOY AND PLAY CULTURES Commented bibliography on play games and toys Jean-Pierre Rossie CEFH Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Braga CTo the Saharan and North African children To my children Tania Ben Ruben and Pia To my grandchildren Linde Camille Ilona Thilda Oona and Alvin To my great-grandchildren Matthys and Gilles CCover photograph Boys modeling toys with clay Goulmima Morocco taken by the author ? Jean-Pierre Rossie Apart from any use for pedagogical or non-commercial purposes no part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without the written permission of the author Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Braga Portugal Catholic University of Portugal Internet https www ucp pt faculty-philosophy-and- social-sciences Jean-Pierre Rossie E-mail sanatoyplay gmail com The books of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures are available on Academia edu https ucp academia edu JeanPierreRossie Scribd https www scribd com user Jean-Pierre-Rossie CContents The collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures Note-t-on the author Introduction Commented bibliography Geographic and ethnic index Map of North Africa and the Sahara Map of Morocco Map of the Anti-Atlas CCollection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures Engaged since in research on games and toys and later in experiments in intercultural education based on this research the idea slowly matured to create a collection called Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures A toy and play culture that rightly should be part of the cultural heritage of humanity just as the masterpieces of art and architecture An attempt to create such a collection for the International Council for Children's Play was supported by André Michelet director of the Centre d'Etudes Roland Houdon at Saran France with the publication of my book Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord- africains poupées - jeux de poupées in As the Centre d'Etudes Roland Houdon stopped its publishing activities soon afterwards this attempt was prematurely broken o ? In the Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media published on its website the ?rst English and French versions of Children's dolls and doll play A ?nal version of this book and of The animal world in play games and toys were published by the Stockholm International Toy Research Center in on the CD included in Toys Play Culture and Society An anthropological approach with reference to North Africa and the Sahara These books from are available on the Internet in English and French Two more volumes of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures edited by the same center are available on the Internet in English and French Domestic life in play games and toys and Commented bibliography on play games and toys

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