Samr brainstorming guide Using this guide you will take an example activity and determine the levels of SAMR for your technology integration Before beginning select a task that you traditionally have students do and select the appropriate technology to co
Using this guide you will take an example activity and determine the levels of SAMR for your technology integration Before beginning select a task that you traditionally have students do and select the appropriate technology to complete that task This may be the technology and task that you created using the TPACK Planning Guide As you ?ll out the table below remember that when trying to work through the examples it ? s not just about ?nding a new tech it ? s about how you use the tech By altering how you use the tech you can get to di ?erent levels of the SAMR Model On pg is a completed example for your reference You do not have to ?ll in the center column like the example on pg does that is more of a guide to show you how the thought process evolves Task Tech Level of SAMR Model Substitution Same task New tech just replaces the old tech Questions to Consider to Help You Task Tech Example Get to New Levels What does your task tech look like Task without being transformed at all What is the basic task What tech replaces the old tech Tech Augmentation Same task New tech provides more functionality Have I added an improvement to the task process that could not be accomplished with the older technology at a fundamental level How does this feature contribute to my design Task Tech Modi ?cation Parts of the task are modi ?ed Tech provides increased e ?ciency How is the original task being Task modi ?ed Does this modi ?cation fundamentally depend upon the new technology Tech How does this modi ?cation contribute to my design Rede ?nition New task Tech allows you to create tasks which seemed unimaginable before What is the new task Task Will any portion of the original task be retained How is the new task uniquely made Tech possible by the new technology How does it contribute to my design A key to rede ?nition is collaboration Questions in the center column are based o ? of http www hippasus com rrpweblog archives SAMRBeyondTheBasics pdf slide Ruben R Puentedura Ph D Blog http hippasus com rrpweblog Email rubenrp hippasus com Twitter rubenrp This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike License CLevel of SAMR Model Questions to Consider to Help You Get to New Levels Task Tech Example Substitution Same task New tech just replaces the old tech What does your task tech look like without being transformed What is the basic task Writing an essay What tech replaces the old tech Word processing in Google Docs replaces handwritten essay Augmentation Same task New tech provides more functionality Have I added an improvement to the task process that could not be accomplished with the older technology at a fundamental level Yes Google Docs can be instantly shared with other people no matter what software they have access to just need Internet How does this feature contribute
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Apv 22, 2021
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 38.2kB