Seo strategy guide for the non techy professional photographer
SEO STRATEGY GUIDE for the non-techy professional photographer CINTRODUCTION This guide is meant to give you a basic but strong understanding of Search Engine Optimization SEO as it applies to Intothedarkroom websites We hope that you will learn strategies and how to implement those strategies to help your website rank better in search engines ACCESSABILITY PICK A STRATEGY IMPLIMENTING KEYWORDS C ACCESIBILITY WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR A WEBSITE TO BE SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED SEO It all comes down to organization and the accessibility of your information by search engines Search engines need to be able to read all of the information on your website and it reads it in a speci ?c way FLASH VS HTML Many people want to know why Flash websites are not SEO To get a better understanding of this we should ?rst look at HTML websites and understand how they work Traditional HTML websites are organized into pages that can be read easily by search engines one at a time ie mysite com about mysite com pricing mysite com contact etc Because these pages are HTML search engines have access to the information on this page Traditional Flash websites instead are built as one ?le that lives at your domain mywebsite com To understand traditional Flash websites better imagine Flash as a closed container this container holds all of your pages and information and search engines can ? t see inside the container This makes most Flash websites not SEO friendly notice I said most HOW ARE INTOTHEDARKROOM ? S FLASH WEBSITES SEO The reason our Flash websites have always been SEO is because we have always separated the information from the Flash We do not use Flash as a container but rather a thin layer on top We use Flash to make things pretty but always allow search engines to access the content SEO Strategy Guide www intothedarkroom com C PICK A STRATEGY YOU NEED A STRATEGY To pick good keywords you want to have the right When you search for something in Google you type in keywords until you ?nd what you are looking for It ? s important to rank for the right keywords If you balance between high searches and your ability to win It gets easier to ?nd these keywords the more speci ?c your keyword phrase gets Let ? s look at some examples have a website that is accessible but has all the wrong keywords it is not going to do you any good Therefore you need to create a keyword strategy The term ??wedding photographer ? has searches per month The term ??hawaii wedding photographer ? has PICK YOUR KEYWORDS searches per month ??I put the keyword ? weddings ? all over my website Why The term ?? John the wedding photographer ? has don ? t I come up in search results ? The word ??weddings ? searches per month is searched over Million times per month Because this term is such a broad term
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- Publié le Mai 17, 2022
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.2kB