Rev 04-2013 Colorado Springs Utilities Guide for Development and Building This

Rev 04-2013 Colorado Springs Utilities Guide for Development and Building This document is intended to help property owners, developers, engineers and builders understand the process of developing land in Colorado Springs. The purpose is to promote success in your efforts to develop land into an amenity for the Colorado Springs community, while allowing you to streamline your efforts and maximize your efficiency. As a community-owned utility, we go above and beyond what is normally expected of a utility company in assisting as you build the infrastructure and facilities our community relies upon. Please utilize this manual as a resource to help make your development project a success and an asset to the community. Thank you for your interest in the Colorado Springs Utilities Guide for Development and Building. This document may be updated periodically. To obtain the latest version and to access the links within, the document can be found online at: Page 2 Rev 04-2013 The current Colorado Springs Utilities Rules and Regulations and Line Extension and Service Standards as well as Colorado Springs City Code were referenced in the writing of this document. These governing documents will be changed from time to time and could result in this manual having minor inaccuracies. In situations of conflict, the governing documents will take precedence over this guide. For the purposes of this document the terms owner, developer and owner’s representative are used to indicate the person engaged in a land development or building activity on the behalf of the owner. We have made no attempt to distinguish between these parties and leave it to the owner to determine the proper person to represent them for each stage of the development process. Table of Contents Page 3 Rev 04-2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Overview of Colorado Springs Utilities ............................................................................. 7 1.2 Regulatory Framework ..................................................................................................... 10 1.3 High - Level Process for Obtaining Utility Service .......................................................... 10 1.4 Water and Wastewater Service ......................................................................................... 14 1.5 Natural Gas and Electric Service ...................................................................................... 14 2 Land Planning and Entitlement ............................................................................................. 16 2.1 Developer’s Role .............................................................................................................. 17 2.1.1 Checklists for Land Planning and Entitlement Submittals ..................................... 18 2.1.2 Submitting Planning Applications .......................................................................... 18 Concept Plan .................................................................................................... 19 Development Plan (DP) ................................................................................... 19 Final Plats ........................................................................................................ 19 Wastewater Master Facilities Report (WWMFR) ........................................... 19 2.2 Colorado Springs Utilities Role ........................................................................................ 20 2.2.1 Review of Land Planning and Entitlement Applications- (Buckslips) ................... 20 2.2.2 Review of WWMFR ............................................................................................... 21 3 Extension of Utility Systems ................................................................................................ 23 3.1 Developer’s Role .............................................................................................................. 25 3.1.1 Water and Wastewater ............................................................................................ 26 3.1.2 Electric and Natural Gas ......................................................................................... 28 3.2 Colorado Springs Utilities’ Role ....................................................................................... 30 3.2.1 Water and Wastewater Extensions.......................................................................... 30 CD Review and Approval in conjunction with the Fire Department .............. 30 Modeling of Fire Flows and UDCF ................................................................. 32 Utility Service Plan Review and Approval...................................................... 32 Construction Inspection and Acceptance ........................................................ 33 Agreement and Bill of Sale ............................................................................. 34 Oversize Reimbursements and Recovery Agreements .................................... 34 3.2.2 Electric and Natural Gas Distribution System ........................................................ 36 Required Design Information .......................................................................... 37 Extension Contract Process and Payment ....................................................... 38 Page 4 Rev 04-2013 Scheduling and Construction Process .............................................................. 38 Project Closeout and Refund Contracts for Gas Main Extensions .................. 39 4 Building Construction and Connection of Utility Services .................................................. 40 4.1 Builder’s Role ................................................................................................................... 42 4.2 Colorado Springs Utilities’ Role ....................................................................................... 42 4.2.1 Review and Signoff of Building Permit Sets .......................................................... 43 Water ............................................................................................................... 43 Wastewater ...................................................................................................... 43 Gas/Electric Utilities ........................................................................................ 44 Colorado Springs Utilities Contract Administration ....................................... 45 4.2.2 Create Utilities Service Contract ............................................................................ 45 4.3 Service Line Installation Process- Commercial ................................................................ 46 4.3.1 Water and Wastewater Service Lines and Fire Lines- Commercial ....................... 47 4.3.2 Natural Gas- Commercial ....................................................................................... 48 4.3.3 Electric- Commercial .............................................................................................. 48 4.4 Service Line Installation Process- Residential .................................................................. 49 4.4.1 Water and Wastewater Residential Service Lines- Residential .............................. 49 4.4.2 Natural Gas Service Lines- Residential .................................................................. 50 4.4.3 Electric Service Lines- Residential ......................................................................... 50 4.5 Meter and Meter Loop Inspections and Sets- Commercial .............................................. 50 4.5.1 Water Meters- Commercial..................................................................................... 50 4.5.2 Natural Gas Meters- Commercial ........................................................................... 51 4.5.3 Electric Meters- Commercial .................................................................................. 51 4.6 Meter and Meter Loop Inspections and Sets- Residential ................................................ 52 4.6.1 Water Meters- Residential ...................................................................................... 52 4.6.2 Natural Gas Meters- Residential ............................................................................. 52 4.6.3 Electric Meters- Residential .................................................................................... 52 5 Easements ............................................................................................................................. 54 5.1 Easement by Plat ............................................................................................................... 54 5.2 Easement by Separate Instrument ..................................................................................... 55 6 Links to Other Applicable Documents ................................................................................. 57 7 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 58 7.1 Phone List ......................................................................................................................... 58 7.2 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................. 60 7.3 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 62 Executive Summary Page 5 Rev 04-2013 Executive Summary This document was written to help property owners, developers, engineers and builders understand the process of developing land in Colorado Springs. The purpose is to help you be more successful in your efforts to develop the land while allowing you to streamline your efforts and maximize your efficiency in working with review and approval agencies. Please utilize this manual as a resource to help make your development project a success and an asset to the community. Colorado Springs Utilities provides water, wastewater, natural gas and electric service to all properties within the City of Colorado Springs city limits. It is one of the few community-owned four service utilities in the country. This rare combination allows us to make business decisions that focus on the overall benefit to our citizen ratepayers and limits the number of utility providers the developer must coordinate with while developing land in Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs Utilities reviews and comments on land planning and entitlement submittals made to the City of Colorado Springs ensuring that approved developments meet all local requirements and can be built with minimal disruptions. Unlike some municipalities, Colorado Springs Utilities does not require that the developer acquire water rights for their development because Colorado Springs Utilities has acquired water rights sufficient to supply water years into the future; however, as a condition of annexation, the water rights for the property being annexed must be assigned to the City of Colorado Springs. In all cases, the builder will be required to pay development charges for connections to the public water and wastewater systems which allow the development to pay their share of the existing infrastructure. The development charges are due before a building permit can be issued and will vary depending on several criteria, generally linked to the water demand for the property. The design and construction process for the required utility infrastructure varies depending on the utility service being installed. The developer will be responsible to hire the team required to design and install the water and wastewater mains and service lines in accordance with our Standards and the approved land planning submittals. After the water and wastewater systems are designed, the drawings will be reviewed by Colorado Springs Utilities and revised until the design can be approved. After design approval, the developer will have their contractor install the lines, with Colorado Springs Utilities inspecting the installation. Colorado Springs Utilities will review the design and inspect the installation with the intent of accepting ownership of the infrastructure after the warranty period. The gas and electric infrastructure is constructed through a different process in that Colorado Springs Utilities will perform the design and installation work on these systems with our own resources. The developer will be responsible for the design costs and a portion of the installation costs based on the cost of the extension and the anticipated connected load because a portion of the infrastructure cost is recovered through rates. Based on the type of infrastructure being installed, we may require that the property owner dedicate easement before the construction drawings will be approved. The required easement width varies depending on the type of service, the size of the service and the bury depth. Easements can be dedicated by plat or by a separate instrument (easement agreement) available on the internet. The system designs are reviewed to ensure an integrated and functional design and to ensure that the public utility system is not overburdened by the proposed development, which may result in a requirement for off-site system improvements in some cases. Additionally, the Colorado Springs City Code and Colorado Springs Utilities’ Standards related to utility infrastructure extensions generally require that lines be extended within a right-of-way or easement to the furthest extent of the Executive Summary Page 6 Rev 04-2013 property. Exceptions can be allowed if the extensions would not be utilized by other properties. In reviewing the plans, Colorado Springs Utilities is looking to ensure that the infrastructure is extended in a manner that results in a logical utility system not only for the current development, but also for future development while also considering our operation and maintenance costs. To minimize the cost of construction, Colorado Springs Utilities’ Standards allow for water, wastewater and natural gas lines be installed with stubs to the adjacent uploads/s1/ development-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 26, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
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