TABLE DES MATIÈRES Page Liste des participants à la Commission spéciale........

TABLE DES MATIÈRES Page Liste des participants à la Commission spéciale................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................10 A Mandat, représentation et présidence ............................................................10 B Documents préliminaires et Ordre du jour....................................................10 PREMIÈRE PARTIE – FONCTIONNEMENT PRATIQUE DES CONVENTIONS.................... 11 A Etablissement de la paternité............................................................................11 B Localisation du défendeur .................................................................................11 C Aide judiciaire et coûts.......................................................................................12 D Documents .............................................................................................................13 E Formules modèles ................................................................................................14 F Autorités publiques .............................................................................................15 G Reconnaissance et exécution.............................................................................16 H Transfert et réception des fonds.......................................................................18 I Application cumulative des Conventions .......................................................18 J Coopération entre autorités ..............................................................................18 K Immunité du personnel des organisations internationales........................19 L Loi applicable........................................................................................................19 M Ratification des Conventions de La Haye de 1973 ........................................20 N Divers......................................................................................................................20 DEUXIÈME PARTIE – RÉFORME ET RÉVISION ....................................................................20 4 Liste des participants à la Commission spéciale List of participants in the Special Commission meeting La Commission spéciale a siégé du 13 au 16 avril 1999 The Special Commission met from 13 to 16 April 1999 EXPERTS DES ÉTATS REPRÉSENTÉS – EXPERTS OF THE STATES REPRESENTED Allemagne / Germany Mrs Andrea Mittelstädt, Regierungsdirektorin, Federal Ministry of Justice, Berlin Ms Andrea Schulz, Oberregierungsrätin, Federal Ministry of Justice, Bonn Mr Gerhard Hentschel, Regierungsamtmann, Bundesverwaltungsamt Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe Australie / Australia Mr Richard J. Morgan, Special Adviser Family Law, Attorney-General’s Department, Barton ACT Autriche / Austria Mr Werner Schütz, Director, Ministry of Justice, Vienna Bélarus / Belarus Ms Ksenya Getman, First Secretary, International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minsk Belgique / Belgium Mme Bénédicte Maudoux, conseiller adjoint, Administration de la Législation civile et des Cultes, Ministère de la Justice, Bruxelles Bosnie-Herzégovine / Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Mešic Mirsad, Minister Assistant, Ministry of Social Policy, Displaced Person and Refugees, Sarajevo Mr Haveric Fadil, General Secretary for Social Affairs, Ministry of Social Policy, Displaced Person and Refugees, Sarajevo Canada Ms Elizabeth Sanderson, Senior General Counsel, Public Law Policy Section, Department of Justice, Ottawa, ON Ms Kathleen Fawcett, Co-ordinator, Support Enforcement Policy and Implementation, Child Support Team, Department of Justice, Ottawa, ON Ms Michelle Douglas-Cummings, Legal Counsel, Family Responsibility Office, Ministry of the Attorney General, Downsview, ON Mme Denise Gervais, conseillère juridique, Ministère de la Justice du Québec, Sainte-Foy Chili / Chile H.E. Mr Luis G. Pascal, Ambassador of Chile, The Hague Mr Guillermo Echenique, Counsellor, Embassy of Chile, The Hague 5 Chine / China Mr Sun Ang, Deputy Director, Treaty and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Mr Zhu Yong, Third Secretary, Treaty and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Mr Yi Xianliang, Second Secretary, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, The Hague Colombie / Colombia Mr Telésforo Pedraza, Ambassador of Colombia, The Hague Mrs Liliana Cardenas de Ochoa, Lawyer, Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, Santafé de Bogotá Mrs Sonia Pereira, Counsellor, Embassy of Colombia, The Hague République de Corée / Republic of Korea Mr Gyehyun Kwon, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, The Hague Croatie / Croatia H.E. Mr Petar Šarcevic, Ambassador of Croatia to Switzerland, Bern Ms Ksenija Bauer, Expert Adviser, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Zagreb Ms Marija Stojevic, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Zagreb Espagne / Spain Mme Alegría Borrás, professeur de droit international privé à l'Université de Barcelone Etats-Unis d'Amérique / United States of America Mr Jeffrey D. Kovar, Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law, Department of State, Washington, DC Ms Gloria F. DeHart, Attorney-Adviser, Department of State, San Francisco, CA Miss Monica A. Gaw, Consul, Office of Policy Review and Inter-Agency Liaison, Overseas Citizens Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC Mr Stephen Grant, International Child Support Liaison, Federal Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC Mr Gary Caswell, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General; Vice-President for International Reciprocity National Child Support Enforcement Association, Austin, TX Ms Marilyn Ray Smith, Chief Legal Counsel, Child Support Enforcement Division, Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Boston, MA Mr Robert G. Spector, Professor, University of Oklahoma, Law Center, Norman, OK Finlande / Finland Mr Matti Savolainen, Senior Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Helsinki France M. Gérard Castex, sous-directeur de la Coopération internationale en droit de la famille, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Paris Mme M.-O. Baur, magistrat au Service des Affaires européennes et internationales, Ministère de la Justice, Paris Hongrie / Hungary Mrs Csilla Lantai, Lawyer, Ministry of Social and Family Affairs, Budapest 6 Irlande / Ireland Mr Michael Gleeson, Principal Officer, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Dublin Ms Philomena Connick, Higher Executive Officer; Central Authority for Maintenance Recovery, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Dublin Ms Christine O’Rourke, Legal Adviser, Attorney General’s Office, Dublin Israël / Israel Mr Peretz Segal, Senior Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem Italie / Italy M. Fausto Pocar, professeur de droit international privé et de droit international, Université de Milan Japon / Japan Mr Shinichiro Hayakawa, Professor at the Law Faculty of Tohoku University Mr Hibiku Shimizu, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, The Hague Lettonie / Latvia Ms Silvia Sebrina, Judge, Ministry of Justice, Riga M. Juris Rudevskis, chef de la Division des Affaires européennes, Ministère de la Justice, Riga Luxembourg M. Nico Edon, avocat général, Parquet général du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Maroc / Morocco M. Driss Idrissi Bichr, directeur des Affaires civiles, Ministère de la Justice, Rabat M. Mimoun Hajji, juge près l’Ambassade du Royaume du Maroc, La Haye M. Azzeddine Farhane, premier secrétaire, Ambassade du Royaume du Maroc, La Haye Mexique / Mexico Mr Martin de Jesus Muños Ledo Villegas, Embassy of Mexico, The Hague Norvège / Norway Mr Tor A. Jenssen, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Oslo Miss Ingvild Vesterdal, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, Oslo Mrs Åse Kristensen, Legal Adviser, National Office for Social Insurance Abroad, Oslo Nouvelle-Zélande / New Zealand Mr Patrick D. Mahony, Principal Family Court Judge for New Zealand, Wellington Pays-Bas / Netherlands M. Antoon (Teun) V.M. Struycken, professeur à la Faculté de droit de l’Université catholique de Nimègue; président de la Commission d’Etat néerlandaise pour la codification du droit international privé Mr Paul Vlas, Professor of private international and comparative law at the Free University of Amsterdam 7 Mr Alfred Hammerstein, Member of the Supreme Court, The Hague Mme Dorothea van Iterson, conseiller à la Direction Législation, Ministère de la Justice, La Haye Ms S. Regine Bowles, National Bureau for Maintenance Recovery, Gouda Pologne / Poland Mrs Katarzyna Biernacka, juge, chef de la Section de droit international, Ministère de la Justice, Varsovie Portugal M. António Marques dos Santos, professeur à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Lisbonne Mme Maria E.L.H. da Gama, Head of Department, Ministry of Justice, Lisbon Roumanie / Romania Mme Cristiana Filisanu, conseillère juridique, chef du Bureau Assistance juridique internationale, Direction des Relations internationales, Ministère de la Justice, Bucarest Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Mr Oliver Parker, Legal Adviser, International Division, Lord Chancellor’s Department, London Mrs Kathleen A. Hodgson, International Law Division Lawyer, Lord Chancellor’s Department, London Mr Gordon Temple, Policy Adviser, Scottish Courts Administration, Edinburgh Ms Laura Mulheron, Policy Adviser, Scottish Courts Administration, Edinburgh Saint-Siège / Holy See M. J.W. Schneider, professeur, Deurne Slovaquie / Slovakia Mrs Alena Mátejová, Director, Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth, Bratislava Sri lanka Miss Sandya N. Mayadunne, Assistant Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Visiting Lecturer on International Humanitarian Law, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo Suède / Sweden Ms Monika Sörbom, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Stockholm Mrs Anna Svantesson, Child Support Programme Specialist, Stockholm Social Insurance Office Suisse / Switzerland Mme Franziska Abt, Office fédéral de la Justice, Berne M. Jean-Marc Wichser, adjoint scientifique, Office fédéral de la Police, Berne République tchèque / Czech Republic Mr Rostislav Záleský, Director, Central Agency for International Legal Protection of Youth, Brno 8 Tunisie / Tunisia M. Sedki Kasbaoui, chargé de Mission au Cabinet de M. le Ministre de la Justice, Tunis M. Slim Ghariani, Conseiller des Affaires étrangères, Ambassade de Tunisie, La Haye Turquie / Turkey Mr Bahadir Kilinç, Judge, General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations, Ministry of Justice, Ankara OBSERVATEURS / OBSERVERS REPRÉSENTANTS D'ORGANISATIONS INTERGOUVERNEMENTALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS Organisation des Nations Unies United Nations Ms Anne Fosty, Senior Legal Officer, General Legal Division, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations, New York Secrétariat pour les pays du Commonwealth Commonwealth Secretariat Mr J. David McClean, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Sheffield; Consultant on Private International Law to the Commonwealth Secretariat Commission européenne European Commission Mme Anne Fisker, expert à la Task Force Justice et Affaires intérieures, Commission européenne, Bruxelles Conseil de l'Union européenne Council of the European Union Mr Thomas Eustacchio, Administrator, Directorate General “H” (Justice and Interior Affairs), Council of the EU, Brussels REPRÉSENTANTS D'ORGANISATIONS NON GOUVERNEMENTALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS Union internationale du Notariat latin International Union of Latin Notaries Mr Matthijs H. ten Wolde, Deputy Civil Law Notary, Amsterdam; Assistant Professor at the State University of Groningen 9 Union internationale des Huissiers de Justice et Officiers judiciaires International Union of Sheriff Officers and Judicial Officers M. Leo C.J. Netten, huissier de justice, uploads/S4/ gen-pd1f.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 21, 2021
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