Name _______________ Your assignment is to create a travel guide. Select any of

Name _______________ Your assignment is to create a travel guide. Select any of the following countries: 1. Argentina 2. Bolivia 3. Chile 4. Colombia 5. Costa Rica 6. Cuba 7. Dominican Republic 8. Ecuador 9. El Salvador 10. Equatorial Guinea 11. Guatemala 12. Honduras 13. Mexico 14. Nicaragua 15. Panama 16. Paraguay 17. Peru 18. Puerto Rico 19. Spain 20. Uruguay 21. Venezuela For the country of your choice you will create at travel guide – booklet. Your booklet must include: ____ Cover page with title ____ Map of Country ____ Description of the geography (in your own words, do not copy from directly from Wikipedia or any other source – if you do you will not be awarded credit.) (About 2-3 paragraphs) ____ List of 5 places or landmarks to visit and a one paragraph description for each. ____ Cultural Descriptions: At least one paragraph for each of the following: ____People ____Food ____Music uploads/Finance/ name-your-assignment-is-to-create-a-travel-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 07, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.1741MB