HAL Id: tel-01425466 https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01425466 Submitted
HAL Id: tel-01425466 https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01425466 Submitted on 3 Jan 2017 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Etude ‘in-situ’ et en laboratoire sur le comportement dynamique des matériaux constitutifs des plateformes ferroviaires classiques dans le contexte d’augmentation du trafic Francisco Lamas-Lopez To cite this version: Francisco Lamas-Lopez. Etude ‘in-situ’ et en laboratoire sur le comportement dynamique des matéri- aux constitutifs des plateformes ferroviaires classiques dans le contexte d’augmentation du trafic. Me- chanics of materials [physics.class-ph]. Université Paris-Est, 2016. English. <NNT : 2016PESC1130>. <tel-01425466> Thèse présentée pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l’Université Paris-Est Spécialité : Géotechnique par Francisco LAMAS-LOPEZ Ecole Doctorale : Sciences, Ingénierie et Environnement Etude ‘in-situ’ et en laboratoire sur le comportement dynamique des matériaux constitutifs des plateformes ferroviaires classiques dans le contexte d'augmentation du trafic Thèse soutenue publiquement à Champs-sur-Marne le 15 Avril 2016 JURY Antonio Gomes Correia Président Universidade do Minho Geert Degrande Rapporteur KU Leuven Pierre Breul Rapporteur Université Blaise Pascal Pedro Alves Costa Examinateur Universidade do Porto Jean-François Semblat Examinateur IFSTTAR Jean-Claude Dupla Examinateur Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Nicolas Calon Examinateur SNCF Yu-Jun Cui Directeur de Thèse Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Invités : Sofia Costa D’Aguiar (SNCF), Jean Canou (ENPC), Anh-Minh Tang (ENPC), Alain Robinet (SNCF), Gilles Saussine (SNCF) Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Université Paris-Est Field: Geotechnical Engineering by Francisco LAMAS-LOPEZ Doctoral School: Science, Engineering and Environment Field and laboratory investigation on the dynamic behaviour of conventional railway track-bed materials in the context of traffic upgrade PhD Viva: April 15th 2016 JURY Antonio Gomes Correia President Universidade do Minho Geert Degrande Referee KU Leuven Pierre Breul Referee Université Blaise Pascal Pedro Alves Costa Examiner Universidade do Porto Jean-François Semblat Examiner IFSTTAR Jean-Claude Dupla Examiner Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Nicolas Calon Examiner SNCF Yu-Jun Cui PhD Supervisor Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Guests of honour: Sofia Costa D’Aguiar (SNCF), Jean Canou (ENPC), Anh-Minh Tang (ENPC), Alain Robinet (SNCF), Gilles Saussine (SNCF) i « Les rodomontades espagnoles certes elles surpassent toutes les autres, de quelque nation que ce soit; d'autant qu'il faut confesser la nation espagnole brave, bravache et valeureuse, et fort prompte d'esprit, et de belles paroles proférées à l'improviste » Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantôme (1537-1614) Rodomontades et jurements des Espagnols « La verdad de ninguna cosa tiene vergüenza sino de estar escondida » Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio (1562-1635) A mi abuelo Francisco López Gómez Un granadino ejemplar con un enorme corazón ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation is the result of three years and a half of work within the collaboration between SNCF and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, with the supports and contributions of many people from different institutions that I would like to acknowledge. First and foremost I wish to acknowledge my thesis supervisor Prof. Yu-Jun Cui, who constantly provided advice and support. His guidance, patience and encouragement were crucial elements through the course of this PhD work. It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to know him and work with him because he taught me many valuable scientific and human lessons that I benefited from not only for my PhD but also for my future professional life. I will always be grateful for his help. As they said in China: 一日为师,终身为父 - professor for a day, father for a lifetime. I wish also to convey a special acknowledgement to my two supervisors in the company: Nicolas Calon in SNCF-Réseau and Sofia Costa D’Aguiar in SNCF-R&D. They orientated me, reviewed and tracked my work since my arrival in 2011 when the INVICSA project was launched. They helped me in all the aspects of this thesis, from the organisation of track-work to the paper preparation. I have successfully accomplished this thesis thanks also to their energy and commitment. It was very easy to work with them and they both were always available when I needed help. I am very grateful to the rest of the thesis committee that followed up this work during three years: Jean-Claude Dupla, Jean Canou, Anh-Minh Tang, Alain Robinet and Jean- François Semblat. I have to thank them for their motivation, advices and commitment. By working with them, I learnt many things, in particular how different approaches could complement each other to converge on a valuable solution. I would also like to thank Prof. Geert Degrande and Prof. Pierre Breul for accepting the tedious work of reviewing this manuscript and Prof. Antonio Gomes-Correia and Prof. Pedro Alves Costa for accepting to examine this work. I would like to extend my appreciation to the LVE department of SNCF-Réseau/I&P, directed by Claude Mangone, in which I worked during these years. Special thanks to iv Jean-Michel Pissot and his team for their support during the designing and installation of the track monitoring system. I also thank the track maintenance unit of SNCF at Vierzon, especially their planning manager Ludovic Gaveau, for their kind support in the field experimentation. I should also thank Pascal Baran for giving me the opportunity of discovering the commuter service infrastructure of MBTA at Boston (USA). I am also indebted to the team of Sol Solution, especially to Younes and Miguel, for their involvements in the track prospection works. A special mention is addressed to Tongwei Zhang, who assisted me with the INVICSA project for one year. He demonstrated to be a good professional and a very good friend, possessing exceptional technical and social qualities. For sure, this work would have been more difficult without his help. I acknowledge with gratitude my colleagues from ENPC Siavash, Vinh, Marcos, Agustin, Rawaz, Phillippe and Edoardo who helped me with their care and support, making the everyday life enjoyable. Special mention to the technical team of CERMES: Hocine, Marine, Baptiste and Xavier, managed by Emmanuel De Laure; without them it would not be possible to perform the cutting-edge laboratory experiences. I would like to extend a word of thanks to all people who have contributed in numerous ways to the completion of this work during this time. I am sure I will not be able to mention all of them. Finally, I acknowledge the day-to-day support and affection of my family, particularly from my mother, Laura, and my grandparents, Paco and Marina. I also thank my closest group of friends from Granada: Alex, Javi, Jaime, Ayo, Luisja, Salva y Germán who always supported me when I was in need. Special thanks to Isa, without her constant help and support during these last years this thesis would have been a much more difficult task. v PUBLICATIONS Journal papers 1. Cui, Y-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Trinh, V. N., Calon, N., D’Aguiar, S. C., Dupla, J.-C., Tang, A. M., Canou, J., and Robinet, A., 2014. Investigation of interlayer soil behaviour by field monitoring. Transportation Geotechnics, Elsevier Ltd, 1(3), 91– 105. 2. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., 2016. Geotechnical auscultation of a French conventional railway track-bed for maintenance purposes. Soils and Foundations. Vol. 56-2. April 2016. 3. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., Peixoto de Oliveira, M., Zhang, T., 2016.Track-bed mechanical behaviour under the impact of train at different speeds. Soils and Foundations. Vol. 56-4. August 2016. 4. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y.J., Calon, N., Robinet, A., Dupla, J.C., Costa D’Aguiar, S., Tang, A-M., Canou, J., 2016. Field monitoring of the mechanical behavior of a French conventional railway track. Submitted to ‘Soils and Foundations’ 5. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., 2016. Assessment of integration method for displacement determination using field accelerometer and geophone data. Submitted to ‘Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A’ 6. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., Zhang, T., 2016. Assessment of train speed impact on the mechanical behaviour of track-bed materials. Submitted to ‘Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A’ 7. Zhang, T., Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Costa D’Aguiar, S., Calon, N., 2016. Development of a simple 2D model for railway track-bed mechanical behaviour based on field data. Submitted to ‘Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering’ 8. Zhang, T., Cui, Y-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., 2016. Modelling stress distribution in substructure of French conventional railway tracks. Submitted to ‘Construction and Building Materials’. Accepted for publication 9. Zhang, T.W., Cui, Y-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Dou, Y-C., Calon, N., Costa D’Aguiar, S., 2016. Changes of density, suction, and stiffness of soils with remoulded water content. Submitted to ‘Géotechnique’ vi Conference papers 1. Lamas-Lopez, F., Cui, Y-J., Dupla, J-C., Canou, J., Tang, A-M., Costa D’Aguiar, S., Calon, N., and Robinet, A., 2014. Increasing loading frequency: effects on railways platforms materials. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance. uploads/Litterature/ 4392.pdf
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