8/23/18 Page 1 Database Management in Construction Course Number: CE424C / CE42
8/23/18 Page 1 Database Management in Construction Course Number: CE424C / CE424C_L Semester: Second Semester, 2021-2022 Meeting Time: On-site Hours: (As requested.) Generally, I am on a work-from-home set-up during the day but I can meet with students at any time that's convenient with a 24 hours’ notice. Most weeks, generally every Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I will be in the temporary faculty room at Room 128, found on first floor, south wing. Course Description: The primary goal of this class is to learn principles and practices of database management and database design. Over the course of the semester, we will discuss the database relational database design, normalization, SQL queries, reports and other interfaces to database data, and documentation. Lectures will also cover writing ethical and privacy issues associated with database systems. In- class instruction and exercises will focus on the fundamentals for creating sophisticated, interactive, and secure database applications. For the first few weeks of class we will study PHP in order to better understand how data structures are stored and retrieved on computer systems, as well as providing a robust interface for accessing databases via the Web. Then we will learn the fundamentals of database design using a variant of MySQL called MariaDB. MySQL and MariaDB are powerful relational database management systems used at companies such as Google and Facebook. We use PHP and MySQL as tools because they are commonly (and freely) available and provide substantially the same set of tools as commercial databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. Although there will be a substantial programming (PHP) component to this course, previous programming experience is not required. At the conclusion of this course students should: Understand the fundamentals of how data is stored in computer systems. Know the fundamentals of Structured Query Language (SQL) and how it can be used to store and retrieve data from a relational database. Be able to apply the principles used in class to build a web-based database application from the ground up. 8/23/18 Page 2 Grading Programming assignments (48% of final grade) A series of short programming and database exercises designed to complement the hands-on work done in class. These exercises must be completed each week before the start of class. They will represent not only a demonstration of the students’ grasp of concepts covered in the course, they will also provide a convenient code base from which students can draw when designing their own projects. There will be 5 assignments worth 8 points each and 2 assignments worth 4 points each that will represent 48% of the final grade. Group Tutorial (12% of final grade) As an initial collaboration effort, each group of (3-5) students will develop and present an in- class tutorial on a database subject that will be assigned in class. Grades will be based on both the content of the tutorial and the presentation. Final Project (40% of final grade) The final project will also be done in groups of 3-5. For the final project, the groups will select or be presented with a real-world scenario for which a web application must be built. The project will incorporate database and programming concepts covered in class. Up to 30 points will be awarded based on the content and construction of the final project, 5 points will be awarded based on the in-class presentation, and 5 points will be based on group participants' member evaluations. Final Grade Calculation: The grades received in this class will be added and averaged as follows: Assignments 48% + Group Tutorial 12% + Final Group Project 40% = 100%. Lecture Order: The order and amount of time spent on each topic may vary from semester to semester: Discussion of syllabus and class structure Linux, working at the command line Coding in PHP - Variables, creating forms Coding in PHP - Math and control structures Coding in PHP - Arrays Coding in PHP - File Access Sorting data Databases - Normalization Databases - Tables and relationships Introduction to MySQL/MariaDB 8/23/18 Page 3 Databases - SELECT statements Putting PHP and SQL together Searching databases JOIN types Refining your searches Securing your database applications Final presentations Books Needed for this Course In the Beginning was the Command Line Neal Stephenson - 1999 This book is available as a paperback or can be downloaded from the course documents page. PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5th Edition Larry Ullman MySQL Crash Course Ben Forta Course Summary Please note -- This is the projected schedule of assignments for the course. Official assignments and due dates are listed in CANVAS for this course. Date Topics Assignments Sep 4, 2018 Course Introduction Getting Connected CANVAS overview Intro to basic LINUX commands Readings for next week - Intro to Command Line / Linux Readings for next week - Searching SQL Sep 11, 2018 Using the Command Line Group Project Introduction Getting Connected to DB Searching a SQL based interface Searching with SQL Assignment Sep 18, 2018 Intro to PHP Variables Creating Forms PHP Assignment #1 - Diploma Mill Readings for next week - Numbers, Strings, and Control Structures Sep 25, 2018 Data types PHP Control Structures PHP Math / Comparisons Sorting PHP Assignment #2 - Multiplication Tables PHP Assignment #3 - Four-function Calculator Readings for next week - Arrays Oct 2, 2018 Arrays and RDBMS PHP Assignment #4 - Dynamically Generated Form Elements Readings for next week - Files and Templates 8/23/18 Page 4 Date Topics Assignments Oct 9, 2018 Using Files Including and writing to files PHP Assignment #5 - Randomized Pop Quiz Oct 16, 2018 Getting Connected to DB Normalizing Tables and Relationships Modeling Readings for next week - Creating Databases, Tables, Inputting Data MySQL Assignment #1a - Recipe Database Design Oct 23, 2018 MySQL Database Creation Table Creation Data input MySQL Assignement #1b – Recipe Database Design Readings for next week - Subqueries and Joins Oct 30, 2018 SELECT Statements MySQL Assignment #2 – Build a Report Nov 6, 2018 Searching Multiple Tables JOINS Joins Assignment Group Project Presentations Nov 13, 2018 Group Presentation – SQL Tutorial Connecting MySQL and PHP PHP #6 - Election Day Nov 20, 2018 Importing data / PHPMyAdmin Working with Images Securing your content Nov 27, 2018 Group Project Work Day Dec 4, 2018 Group Project Work Day Dec 11, 2018 Final Project Submission DUE BY 11:59PM University Policies Religious holy days: A student who misses classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day should inform the instructor as far in advance of the absence as possible, so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence. Students with Disabilities: Please notify your instructor of any modification/adaptation you may require to accommodate a disability-related need. You may find out more information on the Services for Students with Disabilities website: http://diversity.utexas.edu/disability/ and/or http://diversity.utexas.edu/disability/how-to-register-with-ssd/ Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty: Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For further information, please visit the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity website at http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/conduct/. 8/23/18 Page 5 Use of E-mail for Official Correspondence to Students: All students should be familiar with the University’s official e-mail student notification policy. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the University informed as to changes in his or her e-mail address. Students are expected to check e-mail on a frequent and regular basis in order to stay current with University-related communications, recognizing that certain communications may be time-critical. The complete text of this policy and instructions for updating your e-mail address are available at http://www.utexas.edu/its/policies/emailnotify.html . University of Texas Honor Code: “As A Student Of The University Of Texas At Austin, I Shall Abide By The Core Values Of The University And Uphold Academic Integrity.” uploads/Litterature/ course-guide.pdf
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