AS/400 User Guide Version 1.0 Updated October 13, 2003 This document contains c

AS/400 User Guide Version 1.0 Updated October 13, 2003 This document contains confidential and proprietary information of DMS SYSTEMS CORP and may not be disclosed to persons other than those to whom it was originally distributed. It must not be duplicated, published or used for any other purpose than expressly authorized by DMS SYSTEMS CORP. Table Of Contents AS/400 User Guide ......................................................................................................1 AS/400 User Guide ...................................................................................................1 General Concepts .....................................................................................................2 Computer Basics....................................................................................................2 AS/400 Operating System.......................................................................................3 Keyboard Basics ....................................................................................................4 AS/400 Help..........................................................................................................6 Screen Layout .......................................................................................................7 Command Language (CL)........................................................................................8 AS/400 Primary Menus ............................................................................................ 12 OS/400 Main Menu............................................................................................... 12 User Tasks.......................................................................................................... 13 Office Tasks ........................................................................................................ 14 General System Tasks .......................................................................................... 15 Files, Libraries and Folders .................................................................................... 16 Communications .................................................................................................. 17 Define or Change the System ................................................................................ 18 Problem Handling................................................................................................. 19 Go To Menu ........................................................................................................ 20 Information Assistant Options................................................................................ 23 Client Access/400 Tasks........................................................................................ 24 Daily Operational Tasks ........................................................................................... 25 New User Setup................................................................................................... 25 Maintaining User Profiles....................................................................................... 28 Signing Onto the System ...................................................................................... 29 System Status..................................................................................................... 30 Messages............................................................................................................ 31 Jobs................................................................................................................... 36 Job Queues ......................................................................................................... 38 Output Queues .................................................................................................... 39 Spooled Files....................................................................................................... 40 Two sessions on a Workstation .............................................................................. 43 Signing Off.......................................................................................................... 44 Tape Operations ..................................................................................................... 45 Working with Tape Devices.................................................................................... 45 Tape Management ............................................................................................... 46 Saving Libraries to Tape........................................................................................ 49 Restoring Libraries from Tape ................................................................................ 50 Device Management................................................................................................ 52 Working with Devices ........................................................................................... 52 Printers .............................................................................................................. 53 Working with Print Jobs ........................................................................................ 57 Displays ............................................................................................................. 59 DMS Approved AS/400 Emulation Products .............................................................. 62 Communications..................................................................................................... 63 Remote Locations ................................................................................................ 63 Electronic Customer Support (ECS)......................................................................... 66 System Backup and Cleanup .................................................................................... 67 System Backup.................................................................................................... 67 IBM Monitoring .................................................................................................... 73 System Software Installation.................................................................................... 74 Installing System Software.................................................................................... 74 DMS System Upgrades and Releases ...................................................................... 75 IBM Version Releases ........................................................................................... 76 Scheduled Maintenance ........................................................................................... 77 Powering the System On....................................................................................... 77 Powering the System Off....................................................................................... 79 System Cleanup................................................................................................... 82 Tape Drive.......................................................................................................... 84 IBM Program Temporary Fixes ............................................................................... 85 How to email documents from your DMS iSeries.......................................................... 89 How to create a Desktop Icon for Qwik-Order ............................................................. 90 AS/400 User Guide AS/400 User Guide AS/400 User Guide The AS/400 user guide is an overview of the basic operational functions to run an AS/400 computer system. The guide supports the IBM documentation shipped with the computer. Where information may conflict with the IBM documentation, this document will defer to the authority of the IBM documentation. Users of the guide include individuals responsible for the day-to-day operations of the system. The document covers the basics of: Screen layouts Starting and stopping the system Daily operational tasks such as working with jobs and spooled files Printer, display and tape management Communications System backups DMS Systems Corp. 1 October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide General Concepts Computer Basics Computers, while different, have three main operations in common: The order in which these operations take place is controlled by a set of instructions called a program or application. When you request a task to be accomplished by the computer, the set of instructions is given to the computer by the program or application. The most important program which controls the basic functions of the computer System is the Operating System. The AS/400 Operating System is called OS/400. In addition to controlling all devices connected to the computer, the Operating System controls the numerous requests made by all connected users. The Operating System programs allocate time and use of various requests and jobs being performed. The Operating System allows the computer to: Run more than one program at a time Handle printed output Schedule work Communicate with users The fourth operation that a computer System performs is Storage of information. A computer System is simply a few components (input devices, processor, output devices, and storage devices) being controlled by an Operating System. 2 DMS Systems Corp. October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide AS/400 Operating System The OS/400 Operating System provides the tools you will use to run the AS/400 hardware System. It allows you to run multiple jobs regardless of any other programs running at the same time. The major functions of the OS/400 program are: Control Language is the set of commands used to talk with the computer. Data Management allows the user to define and use data files. Work Management controls many jobs, including jobs run by a single user and jobs run by other users. Programmer Services provide support for online program development and testing. System Operator Services provide a menu for easy access to frequently used operator functions. Communication Support allow AS/400 System to communicate with other types of systems as well as other AS/400 Systems. Security protects the data. PC Support allows personal computers to be attached to AS/400 as programmable workstations. DMS Systems Corp. 3 October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Keyboard Basics The information provided is for use on standard PC Keyboards using terminal emulator programs such as IBM's Client Access for Windows or MochaSoft for Windows. Key names are typical however the key may not perform as documented if programmed to do other functions. Keyboard Key Name AS/400 Function Ctrl Used as Enter key (unless re-programmed to another key). See Enter. Enter Data entered is accepted or requested action processed Home Positions cursor on first enterable field Tab Moves cursor to next enterable field Page Down Show more information when a plus "+" shown beside field Page Up Shown previous information after Page Down is executed F1 Help F3 - Exit Help - Return to Main Menu F4 Prompt for additional parameters when a command is entered on the command line F9 Returns last command entered on command line F12 Cancel action and return to previous menu Function Keys (F1 - F24) As defined at bottom of screen 4 DMS Systems Corp. October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Initial Screen Entry A cursor will be positioned at the beginning of a field for input on the display screen. This is normally the first field where data is entered. Data typed on the keyboard is entered in the field where the cursor is located. Positioning Cursor Use mouse to position cursor and press left mouse button. Pressing arrow keys positions cursor left, right, up or down. Pressing backspace key moves cursor left one space and erases data. Use when cursor is immediately following the data to be corrected. Pressing tab key moves cursor to next enterable field. Pressing shift key then pressing Tab key moves cursor to previous enterable field. Pressing delete key caused the next character to be deleted and all characters to move left one space. Use when cursor is immediately prior to the mistake to be corrected. When keyboard locks up or other mistakes are made, try the ESC (or Attn), F1 (or Help) to clear the error. DMS Systems Corp. 5 October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide AS/400 Help Press F1 key or the HELP key (depending on the terminal type) to access Help related to the screen displayed. Once Help System displayed, typical actions include: Press Page up or Page down keys to display additional information. Use mouse to position cursor on highlighted (yellow) words and double-click to display additional help Press F3 key to exit Help. Select function keys listed at the bottom of the screen for additional functions. 6 DMS Systems Corp. October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Screen Layout Screen Layouts: (top to bottom) Screen Name Selection List or tasks groupings that lead to more menus and/or functions that support or accomplish the request. Selection or Command line for entering: Selection number from the displayed list Command Language (CL) Function Keys provide additional options and more flexibility in accessing the System. Screen Bottom Left displays messages or warnings, such as "Function Key not allowed". DMS Systems Corp. 7 October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Command Language (CL) CL commands are “short cuts” to either menus or AS/400 functions. They are entered from the Selection or Command line and executed when the ENTER key is pressed. Example: "WRKSPLF" and Selection number “5” yields the same result. Control Language Command names consist of Verb and Subject abbreviations. 8 DMS Systems Corp. October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Command Description Verb Subject DSPMSG Display message DSP MSG WRKSPLF Work with spool file WRK SPLF WRKUSRJOB Work with User jobs WRK USRJOB Common CL Verb and Subject Abbreviations Verb Description Subject Description ADD Add CMD Command CHG Change DEV Device CLR Clear DEVD Device Description CPY Copy DKT Diskette CRT Create DOC Document DLT Delete F File DSP Display FLR Folder END End HDW Hardware HLD Hold INF Information INZ Initialize JOB Job DMS Systems Corp. 9 October 13, 2003 Version 1.0 AS/400 User Guide Verb Description Subject Description MOV Move JOBD Job Description PRT Print JOBQ Job Queue RLS Release L List RMV Remove LIB Library RNM Rename MNU Menu RST Restore MSG Message SAV Save MSGQ Message Queue STR Start OBJ Object WRK Work with OBJD Object Description SBS Subsystem SBSD Subsystem Description SPLF Spooled File STS Status SYSVAL System uploads/Management/ as-400-user-guide.pdf

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