Julie Marnier 12 place de la Victoire, 75010 Paris | 01 23 45 67 89 bonjour@can
Julie Marnier 12 place de la Victoire, 75010 Paris | 01 23 45 67 89 bonjour@canvasupersite.fr | www.canvasupersite.fr | @canvasupersite Julie Marnier Cher Mme. Casarès, Une lettre de motivation est un document de trois ou quatre paragraphes envoyé à un employeur expliquant votre intérêt dans un travail spécifique. C'est une lettre d'une page qui est habituellement jointe à votre CV. Cette lettre devra également souligner vos compétences pour le poste proposé. Écrire une lettre de motivation en milieu de carrière est un peu différent. Mais commencez d'abord par indiquer comment vous avez découvert l'annonce du poste et pourquoi il vous intéresse. Soyez spécifique : utilisez les noms et l'intitulé du poste corrects. Lorsque vous écrivez cette lettre, utilisez des mots clairs et lisibles. Vous voulez donner une image professionnelle et accessible, mais pas trop formelle. Ensuite, fournissez des exemples prouvant que vous êtes la personne parfaite pour le poste. N'hésitez pas à utiliser des puces et à inclure des chiffres mettant en valeur vos accomplissements. Plutôt que de décrire simplement ce que vous avez accompli à vos postes précédents, montrez au recruteur ou au DRH ce que vous pouvez apporter à l'entreprise. Exprimez votre passion et votre enthousiasme pour faire partie de l'entreprise et de l'équipe. Enfin, fournissez vos coordonnées et spécifiez la façon dont vous préférez être contactée. Mentionnez à la personne qui vous lit que vous restez à sa disposition. Remerciez-la d'avoir pris le temps de lire votre lettre et faîtes-lui savoir que vous attendez avec impatience d'avoir de ses nouvelles. Avant d'envoyer votre lettre de motivation, lisez votre brouillon à voix haute pour repérer rapidement les erreurs et les phrases verbeuses. Vous pouvez également demander à un ami de relire votre lettre de motivation. Bonne chance pour votre recherche d'emploi. Sincèrement, Le 12 février 2025 Isabelle Casarès Directrice du marketing numérique Agence Stratégie Numérique 63 rue de la Paix, 75010 Paris July 1, 2025 Cassandra Lopez Recruitment Specialist Willifred Industries 2179 Clover Avenue, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3J 5S9 Ms. Lopez: For your introduction, state your name, your profession or role title, and how you know the person you will recommend. Include a brief greeting and the background of why you’re writing. The main paragraph contains the most important part of your message. Why is the recommended person ideal for the job? Cite specific scenarios, ones that highlight the person's strengths and the impact they have. An ideal example would include an old issue, how the person solved it, and how this affected the team. Finally, the conclusion summarizes all the attributes that make the recommended person fit for the role. Do not forget to include that you're available to be contacted on the matter. You may add a closing statement or salutation. Tip: Click here to browse Canva's library of Envelopes. Find one that matches your letter of recommendation! Best regards, Neil Tran High School Principal Neil Tran 123-456-7890 hello@reallygreatsite.com 123 Anywhere St. Any City, ST 12345 Letter of Recommendation Letter of Recommendation Best regards, Samuel Clinton School Principal Samuel Clinton June 1, 2025 Leon France Department Head Salem Court Industries 9436 Feather Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Mr. Leon France: For your introduction, state your name, your profession or role title, and how you know the person you will recommend. Include a brief greeting and the background of why you’re writing. Make your intentions clear from the start. The main paragraph contains the most important part of your message. Why is the recommended person ideal for the job? Cite specific scenarios, ones that highlight the person's strengths and the impact they have. An ideal example would include an old issue, how the person solved it, and how this affected the team. Finally, the conclusion summarizes all the attributes that make the recommended person fit for the role. Do not forget to include that you are available to be contacted regarding the matter. You may add a closing statement or salutation. Tip: Click here to browse Canva's library of Envelopes. Find one that would match your own letter of recommendation! 123-456-7890 hello@reallygreatsite.com 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345 +123-456-7890 Thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the job position with Fradel and Spies. It was a pleasure meeting with you, and I truly enjoyed learning more about the role and the company. I especially loved hearing about the work-life balance programs, it sounds like a great way to boost employee morale! I am confident that my skills in social media marketing and experience as an editor are a great match for Fradel and Spies. I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and would greatly appreciate a follow-up as you move forward with the hiring process. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone. Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you in the near future. hello@reallygreatsite.com August 25, 2023 Jonathan Patterson Clinical Manager, Warner & Spencer New York, NY +123-456-7890 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION To whom it may concern Jonathan Patterson Best regards, Jonathan Patterson November 2, 2025 Natalia Lowe Director of Human Resources East Forge Medical 328 Saint Clair Drive, Newville, PA, USA 12345 +123-456-7890 Best regards, Troy Stockert Department Head Troy Stockert Letter of Recommendation Ms. Lowe: For your introduction, state your name, your profession or role title, and how you know the person you will recommend. Include a brief greeting and the background of why you’re writing. Make your intentions clear from the start. The main paragraph contains the most important part of your message. Why is the recommended person ideal for the job? Cite specific scenarios, ones that highlight the person's strengths and the impact they have. An ideal example would include an old issue, how the person solved it, and how this affected the team. Finally, the conclusion summarizes all the attributes that make the recommended person fit for the role. Do not forget to include that you are available to be contacted regarding the matter. You may add a closing statement or salutation. Tip: Click here to browse Canva's library of Envelopes. Find one that would match your letter of recommendation! 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345 hello@reallygreatsite.com +123-456-7890 Letter of Recommendation Dr. Kin Gyun, PhD College Chair +123-456-7890 1234 Black Street, Chatswood NSW, Australia 1234 Dr. Gyun: For your introduction, state your name, your profession or role title, and how you know the person you will recommend. Include a brief greeting and the background of why you’re writing. Make your intentions clear from the start. The main paragraph contains the most important parts of your message. Why is the recommended person ideal for the job? Cite specific scenarios, ones that highlight the person's strengths and the impact they have. An ideal example would include an old issue, how the person solved it, and how this affected the team. Finally, the conclusion summarizes all the attributes that make the recommended person fit for the role. Do not forget to include that you are available to be contacted regarding the matter. You may add a closing statement or salutation. Tip: Click here to browse Canva's library of Envelopes. Find one that would match your letter of recommendation! Best regards, Juliana Silva Department Head Juliana Silva 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345 Address www.reallygreatsite.com Website Onyx & Paisley & Letter of Recommendation 1234 Churchill Plaza Sault Ste Marie, ON 4378 123-456-7890 hello@reallygreatsite.com February 1, 2025 Isabelle Casarez Digital Marketing Director Strategea Branding 63 Ivy Road Hawkville, GA, USA 31036 +123-456-7890 Ms. Casarez: For your introduction, state your name, your profession or role title, and how you know the person you will recommend. Include a brief greeting and the background of why you’re writing. Make your intentions clear from the start. The main paragraph contains the most important part of your message. Why is the recommended person ideal for the job? Cite specific scenarios, ones that highlight the person's strengths and the impact they have. An ideal example would include an old issue, how the person solved it, and how this affected the team. Finally, the conclusion summarizes all the attributes that make the recommended person fit for the role. Do not forget to include that you are available to be contacted regarding the matter. You may add a closing statement or salutation. Tip: Click here to browse Canva's library of Envelopes. Find one that would match your letter of recommendation! Best regards, Jiara Martins Guidance Counselor Jiara Martins ,09 novembre 2022 Madame.... ép KASSOURI professeure de l'enseignement secondaire en mathématique Lycée: Amer BESSALAH TIGZIRT TIZI OUZOU ALGERIE Madame la directrice, Monsieur le directeur, Étant enseignante de mathématique au sein de l’établissement scolaire lycée Amer BESSALAH depuis .... années, j’ai eu l’opportunité d’avoir OUZAID Hanane dans ma classe pendant 2ans. Durant ces années j'ai pu découvrir chez OUZAID une personnalité sérieuse, dynamique, curieuse et talentueuse. Sa motivation à toute épreuve et son assiduité lui ont vite permis de se démarquer et toutes uploads/Management/ green-white-minimalist-generic-letter-of-recommendation 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Apv 03, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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