Francesco d’Errico LISTE EXAUSTIVE DES PUBLICATIONS (1984-2009) h-index 19, Sum
Francesco d’Errico LISTE EXAUSTIVE DES PUBLICATIONS (1984-2009) h-index 19, Sum of citations 1385, ISI Web of Knowledge 2009) OUVRAGES 1) d’Errico, F. 1995 : L'art gravé azilien. De la technique à la signification. XXXIème Supplément à Gallia- Préhistoire. Paris: CNRS Editions, 329 pp. 2) Bosinki G., d’Errico, F. & Schiller P. 2001. Die Gravierten Frauendarstellungen von Gönnersdorf. Der Magdalenien-Fundplatz Gönnersdorf, Band 8. Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH. Stuttgart 364 pp., 233 figs., 197 planches h.t. 3) d’Errico, F. 2003. Néandertaliens et hommes anatomiquement modernes : des trajectoires parallèles vers la modernité culturelle. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Bordeaux : Université Bordeaux 1. DIRECTION D’OUVRAGES 1) Giacobini G. & d’Errico, F. (dir.), 1986: I cacciatori neandertaliani, Jaca Book, Milano, 208p. 2) Zilhão J. & d’Errico, F. 2003 (dir.) The Chronology of the Aurignacian and of the Transitional Technocomplexes. Dating, Stratigraphies, Cultural Implications Portuguese Institute of Archaeology (IPA) monographs series Trabalhos de Arqueologia. 3) d’Errico, F. et L. Backwell (dir.) 2005. From tools to symbols. From Early Hominids to Modern Humans. Johannesburg : Wits University Press. 4) Hombert J.-M. et F. d’Errico (dir.) sous presse (fin 2009 ou début 2010). Becoming eloquent. Advances on the emergence of language, human cognition, and modern cultures. Amsterdam : Benjamins. 5) Henshilwood, Ch. et d’Errico F. (dir.) en prép. Homo symbolicus : the dawn of language, imagination and spirituality. Amsterdam : Benjamins. CDROM IN PREPARATION 1) d’Errico, F. & Lacrampe F. Cherchez la femme. Les représentations féminines gravées de Gönnersdorf. CDrom interactif. Diffusion probable : CNRS audiovisuel. FILM SCIENTIFIQUE d’Errico F., 1989 : Galets gravés Aziliens. Analyse Microscopique. Service du Film de Recherche Scientifique. duré : 22 min. Diffusion: 35 mm (français), 16 mm et vidéo (français, anglais, espagnol, italien). ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE 1 (• articles dans des revues à facteur d’impact) Articles soumis à des revues à comité de lecture • Daniau A.-L., d’Errico F., Sanchez-Goni, M.-F. (soumis). Testing the hypothesis of fire use for ecosystem management by Neanderthal and Upper Palaeolithic Modern Human populations, PLOSone Articles sous presse dans des revues à comité de lecture • Banks W. , Zilhão, J., d’Errico, F., Kageyama, M., Sima, A., Annamaria Ronchitelli, A. Sous presse. Investigating Links between Ecology and Bifacial Tool Types in Western Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2009 d’Errico, F., Vanhaeren, M., Barton, N., Bouzouggar, A., Mienis, H., Richter, D., Hublin, J.-J., Shannon P. McPherron, P. S., Lozouet, P. 2009. Additional evidence on the use of personal ornaments in the Middle Paleolithic of North Africa, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,�doi�10.1073�pnas.0903532106, pp. 1-6. d’Errico, F. Backwell L. 2009. Assessing the function of early hominin bone tools. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36, 8: 1764-1773. Ramirez Rozzi, F.V., d’Errico, F.. Vanhaeren, M., Grootes, P.M., Kerautret, B., Dujardin, V. 2009. Modern and cutmarked human remains bearing Neandertal features associated with the Aurignacian at Les Rois, Journal of Anthropological Science 87: 153-185. Henshilwood, Ch., d’Errico, F., Watts I. 2009. Engraved ochres from the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution, 57, 1: 27-47. 2008 Rigaud, S., d'Errico, F., Marian Vanhaeren, M., Neumann, Ch. 2008. Critical reassessment of putative Acheulean Porosphaera globularis beads, Journal of Archaeological Science 36, 1: 25-34 Burke, A., d’Errico, F. (2008). A Middle Palaeolithic bone tool from Crimea, Antiquity 82, 843-852 Arrighi, S., Borgia, V., d’Errico, F., Annamaria Ronchitelli, A.-M. 2008. I ciottoli decorati di Paglicci: raffigurazioni e utilizzo. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 58, 39-58. Banks, W. E., d’Errico, F., Townsend Peterson A. Masa Kageyama M., Sima A. Sanchez-Goni, M.-F. (2008). Neanderthal Extinction by Competitive Exclusion, PlosOne 3, 12, 1-8. • d’Errico, F., Vanhaeren, M. Wadley, L. 2008. Possible shell beads from the Middle Stone Age layers of Sibudu Cave, South Africa, Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 2675-2685. • Backwell, L. R., d'Errico, F., Wadley, L. 2008. Middle Stone Age bone tools from the Howiesons Poort layers, Sibudu Cave, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 6, 1566-1580. Zilhão J., d’Errico, F. Bordes, J.-G., Lenoble, A., Texier J.-P., Rigaud, J.-Ph. 2008. Grotte des Fées (Châtelperron) : history of research, stratigraphy, dating and archaeology of the Châtelperronian type- site. Paleoanthropology 2008, 1-42. • Zilhão J., d’Errico, F. Bordes, J.-G., Lenoble, A., Texier J.-P., Rigaud, J.-Ph. 2008. Like Hobbes' Chimney Birds Paleoanthropology 2008, 65-67. • Backwell, L., d’Errico, F. 2008. Early hominid bone tools from Drimolen. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35, 2880-2894. Zilhão J., d’Errico, F. Bordes, J.-G., Lenoble, A., Texier J.-P., Rigaud, J.-Ph. . (2008 accepté sous presse). La Grotte des Fées (Châtelperron, Allier) ou une interstratification "Châtelperronien- Aurignacien" illusoire. Histoire des fouilles, stratigraphie et datations. Paléo 19, 391-432. • Bertran P., Caner, L., Langohr R., Lemée L., d’Errico F. 2008. Continental palaeoenvironments during MIS 2 and 3 in the South West of France: the La Ferrassie rockshelter record. Quaternary Science Review 27, 21-22: 2048-2063. 2 • Banks W., d’Errico F., Peterson, T. A., Masa Kageyama, M., Colombeau, G. Reconstructing ecological niches and geographic distributions of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Review, 27, 27-28 : 2568-2575 2007 • d’Errico, F. Henshilwood, Ch. 2007. Additional evidence for bone technology in the southern African Middle Stone Age. Journal of Human Evolution 52 : 142-163. Vanhaeren, M., d’Errico, F.. 2007. Inégalité sociale au Paléolithique supérieur : les parures de Saint- Germain-La-Rivière (Gironde), The Arkeotek Journal n°4. • Bouzouggar, A., Barton, N., Vanhaeren, M., d’Errico, F.. Collcutt, S., Higham, T., Hodge, E., Parfitt, S., Rhodes, E., Schwenninger, J.-L., Stringer, C., Turner, E., Ward, S., Moutmir, A., Stambouli, A. 2007. 82,000-year-old shell beads from North Africa and implications for the origins of modern human behaviour, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104(24): 9964-9969. • Sepulchre, P., Ramstein, G., Kageyama, M., Vanhaeren, M., Krinner, G., Sánchez-Goñi, M.-F., d’Errico, F.. H4 abrupt event and late Neanderthal Presence in Iberia, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(1-2): 283-292. • Nowell, A. d’Errico, F. 2007. The Art of Taphonomy and the Taphonomy of Art: Layer IV, Molodova I, Ukraine. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 14 (1) :1-26. d’Errico, F., Vilhena Vialou, A. 2007. Reduction sequences of colorant materials : the Rock Art site of Santa Elina (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Rock Art Research 24 (2) : 181-190. • Banks, W.E., d’Errico, F., Peterson, A.T., Vanhaeren, M., Kageyama, M., Sepulchre, P., Ramstein, G., Jost, A., Lunt, D. 2007. Human ecological niches and ranges during the LGM in Europe derived from an application of eco-cultural niche modelling, Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 2, 481-491. Murelaga, X. Saez de Lafuente, X., Castaños P., Ruiz Idarraga, R.. d’Errico, F. y H. Zubeldia, H. 2007. Estudio de los micromamíferos del Pleistoceno superior de Ventalaperra (Karrantza, Bizkaia), Geogaceta 42, 95-98. 2006 • Zilhão J., d'Errico F., Bordes J.G., Lenoble, A., Texier J.P., Rigaud, J.Ph. 2006. Analysis of Aurignacian interstratification at the Châtelperronian−type site and implications for the behavioral modernity of Neandertals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 103 (33) : 12643-12648. Banks, W.E., d’Errico, F.. Dibble, H.L., Krishtalka, L., West, D., Olszewski, D.I., Peterson, A.T., Anderson, D.G., Gilliam, J.C., Montet-White, A., Crucifix, M., Marean, C.W., Sánchez-Goñi, M.-F., Wohlfarth, B., Vanhaeren, M. 2006. Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations, Palaeoanthropology, 68-83. • Vanhaeren, M., d’Errico, F., Stringer, C., James, S.L., Todd, J.A., Mienis, 2006. H.K. Middle Paleolithic Shell Beads in Israel and Algeria. Science 312, 1785 – 1788. • Vanhaeren M., d’Errico, F.. 2006. Grave goods from the Saint-Germain-la-Rivière burial: evidence for social inequality in the Upper Palaeolithic. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 24 : 117-124. • Vanhaeren M. & d’Errico, F. 2006. Clinal distribution of personal ornaments reveals the ethno-linguistic geography of Early Upper Palaeolithic Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 33(8), 1105-1128. d’Errico, F. 2006. L’origine de l’humanité et des cultures modernes. Diogène 214 : 147-159. 2005 Backwell, L.R., d’Errico, F. 2005. The first use of bone tools: a reappraisal of the evidence from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Palaeontologia Africana, 40: 95-158. • Vanhaeren M. & d’Errico F., 2005. Grave goods from the Saint-Germain-la-Rivire burial: evidence for social inequality in the Upper Palaeolithic. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 24, 117-134. 3 • d’Errico F., Henshilwood Ch, Vanhaeren, M., Karen van Niekerk, K. 2005. Nassarius kraussianus shell beads from Blombos Cave: Evidence for Symbolic Behaviour in the Middle Stone Age. Journal of Human Evolution 48, 3-24. 2004 • d’Errico F., et Sanchez Goni M.F 2004. A Garden of Eden for Gibraltar Neandertals ? A reply to Finlayson et al. Quaternary Science Review 23, 1210-1216. • Sanchez Goni M. F., d’Errico F., 2004. A stationary Mediterranean forest in southweastern Iberia during OIS 3 ? A reply to Carrion. Quaternary Science Review 23, 1217-1224. Zilhão, J. & d’Errico F., 2004. An Aurignacian “Garden of Eden” in Southern Germany ? An alternative interpretation of the Geissenklösterle and a critique of the Kulturpumpe model. Paléo 15, 69-86. • Vanhaeren M., d’Errico F., Billy I. & Grousset F. 2004. Tracing the source of Upper Palaeolithic shell uploads/Science et Technologie/ d-x27-errico-publicationsns.pdf
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