Murchison Drilling Schools Drilling and Well Control Training World Wide Traini

Murchison Drilling Schools Drilling and Well Control Training World Wide Training Information 41Years Drilling Operations & Well Control Training Murchison Drilling Schools 1 Letter from the President On behalf of Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc. (MDS), I want to thank you for your interest in an in-house course for your company. We appreciate the opportunity to train your personnel, and we take this responsibility very seriously. MDS is committed to providing quality training for our industry. We specialize in operational drilling technology and in well control training. We have been an industry leader in training for over thirty-eight years. Our approach in training has been simple, but very effective. We start with an excellent teaching staff. Our lead instructors all have excellent field experience in world-wide drilling operations, and have received training from MDS. They have also been certified as instructors with the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) and with the International Well Control Forum (IWCF). Second, our classes focus on training and competency rather than just certification. The classroom lectures and workshops are followed by homework exercises to reinforce the principles that have already been taught. The homework is reviewed each day so that students have an opportunity to learn and gain understanding from the problems that they have missed. Third, in our courses that offer well control certification, there is extensive simulator work. In our ten-day Operational Drilling Technology (ODT) course, there are six simulator problems. It has been our experience that it takes four simulator problems before most people begin to gain confidence and competence in handling well control problems. Each simulator group is assigned a simulator instructor where they are given one-on-one instructions and training. Students learn to recognize and properly handle a variety of well control problems, such as plugged chokes, washed-out chokes, pump failures, washed-out bits and plugged bits. Students use a variety of well control methods, including the Driller’s Method, Wait & Weight Method, Volumetric Method, and Lubrication. They also do simulator work on both vertical and horizontal wells. Finally, our courses are taught from an operational perspective. MDS has gone to great lengths to make sure that all the material that is presented can be easily understood and applied by rig personnel. We have tried to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and the field application of that knowledge. Students learn to pre-plan all facets of drilling and well control operations in ways that can be easily implemented in the field by rig personnel. Again, I want to personally thank you for your interest and desire for MDS to train your personnel. This information packet has been put together to answer some of your questions about in-house training. We look forward to working with you. Regards, William J. Murchison, Jr. CEO/President 2 Table of Contents Letter from the President ................................................................................................................................ 1 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Our Company ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Worldwide In-house Training Instructors ...................................................................................................... 4 In-House Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 7 Sample Student Evaluation ....................................................................................................................... 10 Requirements for Well Control Certification ............................................................................................... 10 Overview of MDS Courses .......................................................................................................................... 12 Operational Drilling Technology (ODT) ................................................................................................. 12 Practical Drilling Technology Course (PDT) .......................................................................................... 13 Advanced Drilling Technology Course (ADT) ....................................................................................... 13 Stuck Pipe and Fishing (SPF) .................................................................................................................. 13 Floater Operation Transitions Course (FOT) ........................................................................................... 13 Well Control – Introductory/Level 2 (WC-2) .......................................................................................... 14 Well Control – Driller/Level 3 (WC-3) ................................................................................................... 14 Well Control – Supervisor/Level 4 (WC-4) ............................................................................................. 14 MDS Course Outlines .................................................................................................................................. 15 3 Our Company At the request of major oil companies and service companies, Murchison Drilling Schools (MDS) was founded in 1977 by Bill Murchison. During Bill’s last seven years in Iran, he was asked to start a training program for the Iranian Oil Consortium. He put together a training manual and program that was not only highly effective but also very well received by contractors and service companies as well as the operators. When Bill left Iran in 1977, the operating and service companies asked him to start his own business so that they could continue sending their drillers, toolpushers, foremen and engineers to him for training. Bill moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico and put together the Operational Drilling Technology (ODT) Course. MDS has been training people on a worldwide basis since that time. MDS specializes in training in drilling operations. The ten-day ODT teaches drilling foremen to supervise drilling operations. The five-day Practical Drilling Technology (PDT) course helps equip drilling personnel with the technical tools needed to become effective supervisors. The five-day Advanced Drilling Technology (ADT) is the sequel to the PDT. This is a supervisor level course that is suited for experienced operator, contractor, and service company personnel. The two-day Floater Operation Transitions course helps experienced surface personnel transition to floating drilling operations. The five-day well control courses that MDS offers gives all levels of drilling personnel practical instruction and training in well control operations. One of the keys to the success of MDS has been the combination of good operational practices and the use of case histories. Bill kept very good notes throughout his career and has been able to help men and women learn valuable lessons from his first-hand experiences. MDS instructors use both current and older case histories in maintaining this approach to teaching. Another key to the success of MDS has been hiring highly qualified and experienced drilling personnel. MDS instructors are able to share both knowledge and experience with students. Students are able to ask questions and glean from the first-hand experience of the instructors. Another key that has helped MDS to be highly successful has been its approach to well control and other drilling problems. Instructors teach drilling problems such as well control the same way that the hole is drilled. They approach each section of the hole differently, explaining the problems and solutions that are unique to that section of hole. Thus, well control and other drilling problems are covered several times during the course and students gain a better overall understanding of drilling problems. 4 Worldwide In-house Training Instructors Bill Murchison, CEO Instructor, Albuquerque Training Center Bill has a B.B.A. from Texas Christian University. Bill has been working for MDS since 1997. Before joining MDS, he managed several other companies in other industries. Bill has over thirty years of experience in training and teaching. He is a certified IADC WellSharp and IWCF well control instructor and assessor. Tim Arnold, Vice President, Instructor, Albuquerque Training Center Tim has a Petroleum Engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines, and has over thirty years of experience in drilling operations. Tim joined the MDS teaching staff after retiring from Marathon Oil Corporation in February 2011. Tim has a varied experience, working on land rigs, jack-ups, semi- submersibles, and drill ships. Tim is a certified IADC WellSharp and IWCF well control instructor. Bob Haagensen, Instructor, Albuquerque Training Center Bob has a B.A. from the University of Colorado and an M.A. from Western State College. He has over thirty-two years of operational experience, working both internationally and domestically. His primary area of expertise is drilling fluids. Before joining MDS, Bob worked for MI Drilling Fluids. In addition to excellent operational experience, Bob also has sixteen years of teaching experience. Bob is a certified IADC WellSharp and IWCF well control instructor. 5 John Breidenthal, Manager, Instructor, Houston Training Center John has a Petroleum Engineering degree from the University of Kansas, and has thirty seven years of experience in drilling. He has worked as a field drilling engineer for deepwater and jackups, drill site manager, production supervisor, and well control instructor for a major oil company. John has varied experience working on land rigs, jack-ups, and drill ships. He is a certified IADC WellSharp and IWCF well control instructor. Willie Lyon, Instructor, Houston Training Center Willie Lyon has a Petroleum Engineering degree from Texas A&M, and has forty-five years of experience in drilling operations. He joined MDS in 2009 as a Lead Instructor. He has worked as a production engineer, drilling engineer, manager of engineering, manager of operations, and as a drilling consultant. Willie has a varied experience, working on land rigs, jack-ups, semi- submersibles, and drill ships. Willie is a registered PE and is a certified IADC WellSharp and IWCF well control instructor. He is also a member of the AIME/SPE and the IPAA. Richard Quick, Instructor, Houston Training Center Richard has thirty seven years of experience in drilling. He has held positions from roustabout to drilling superintendent, including four years as a well control instructor. Richard is previously retired from a major oil company where he was part of a well engineering process safety team. He is a certified IWCF & IADC well control instructor. 6 Tom Cowper, Instructor, Permian Training Center Tom Cowper has been hired as a Lead Instructor. Tom has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech University. He has over thirty years of operational experience on both the contractor and operator side. He worked as a roughneck, while earning his engineering degree. After graduating, he held the following positions: assistant uploads/Voyage/ murchison-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 05, 2022
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