N NS SA A G GU UN N G GU UI ID DE E S St te ep p- -b by y- -S St te ep p G Gu u
N NS SA A G GU UN N G GU UI ID DE E S St te ep p- -b by y- -S St te ep p G Gu ui id de e t to o A Ap pp pl ly y f fo or r F Fi ir re ea ar rm m L Li ic ce en nc ce es s u un nd de er r A Ac ct t 6 60 0 o of f 2 20 00 00 0 A Publication of The National Shooting Association PO Box 11461, Hatfield, 0028, Pretoria www.natshoot.co.za August 2007 ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, scanned, reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the General Manager of the National Shooting Association (012-346-1220). IN NO EVENT WILL THE EDITOR, AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS OR PUBLISHERS OR THE NATIONAL SHOOTING ASSOCIATION BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING PHYSICAL INJURY, DAMAGES FROM LOSS OF PROPERTY. LOSS OF BUSINESS, PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, AND SUCH LIKE) WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM THE USE OR APPLICATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED OR WITHHELD IN THIS MANUAL iii ABBREVIATIONS ACT / FCA: The Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000 as amended) CFR: Central Firearms Registry (also referred to in the ACT as the Registrar) DFO: Designated Firearms Officer in a specific area (i.e. Brooklyn Pretoria, or Centurion) SASSETA: The Sector Education and Training Authority (SEAT) responsible for Safety and Security – also the SETA responsible for managing the compilation of Unit Standards for firearms licensing and for awarding of Proficiency certificates once you have completed your training with a training provider. RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning – a term used in the national qualifications framework denoting the acknowledgement of appropriate knowledge which a learner has prior to enrolling for a specific unit standard. SABS: South African Bureau of Standards SAPS: South African Police Services SAQA: South African Qualifications Authority – set-up in terms of the South African Qualifications Authority Act (Act 58 of 1995), and responsible to manage the creation and implementation of education and skills training standards in all spheres throughout the country. SETA: Sector Education and Training Authority – set-up in terms of the Skills Development Act (Act 97 of 1998). US: Unit Standard – a standardized “module” for training in a specific field which has been registered with, and approved by SAQA. iv CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 THE GUN GUIDE.................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE GUN GUIDE ...................................................................................... 2 2. FIREARM LICENCES AND GUN OWNERS......................................................................... 2 2.1 LICENCE TO POSSESS A FIREARM.................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Additional Licences.................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 License To Possess A Firearm For Self-Defence: .................................................................. 3 2.1.3 License To Possess A Firearm For Occasional Hunting And Or Sports--Shooting):.............. 4 2.1.4 Dedicated Hunter And/Or Dedicated Sports Person (Sport-Shooting): .................................. 4 2.1.5 Temporary Authorisation To Possess A Firearm .................................................................... 5 2.2 PROFICIENCY ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 Renewal Of Firearm Licences ................................................................................................. 6 2.2.2 Licensing A New Firearm ........................................................................................................ 7 2.2.3 Recognition Of Prior Learning ................................................................................................. 7 2.3 COMPETENCY ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 Important Exception................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 SAPS FORMS NEEDED FOR LICENSING APPLICATIONS ................................................ 9 2.5 DO’S AND DON’TS: GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION ..................................................... 10 2.5.1 Guidelines.............................................................................................................................. 10 2.5.2 Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 14 2.6 LICENCE APPLICATION NOT SUCCESSFUL - WHAT NOW ? ......................................... 15 2.6.1 Appeal Procedures................................................................................................................ 16 2.6.2 Composition Of Appeal Board............................................................................................... 16 2.7 FIREARMS IN DEATH AND INSOLVENT ESTATES........................................................... 17 2.8 FIREARM FREE ZONES ...................................................................................................... 17 2.9 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS............................................................................................. 18 2.10 FIREARMS AND ISSUES OF CRIMINAL LAW.................................................................... 18 2.10.1 Shooting In Self Defence................................................................................................... 19 2.10.2 Making A Citizen’s Arrest .................................................................................................. 19 2.11 ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE AND YOUR RIGHTS.............................................................. 19 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE GUN GUIDE The Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000 as amended), commonly known as the “new” Firearms Act, was officially implemented on 1 July 2004. The “new” Act (hereafter the FCA for Firearms Control Act) determines that firearm owners must apply for renewal of all licences for all firearms they held under the previous Act (Arms and Ammunitions Act, Act 75 of 1969 as amended). All firearms licensed before 1 July 2004 under the previous Act, are held legally by their owners until these have been renewed in terms of the FCA. However, firearms that were legally held under the previous Act (1969) will become forfeit to the State if the licences of such firearms have not been renewed in terms of the FCA (Act 60 of 2000) by 30 June 2009. This Guide is compiled for the explicit purpose of assisting firearm owners with the processes involved in renewal of their legally owned firearm licences. The Guide also discusses important related aspects that firearm owners need to know in order to comply with the stipulations of the FCA and to also get their new firearms licensed. As there are approximately 3 million legally owned firearms in the country, of which all licences must be renewed by the individual firearm owners, the Central Firearms Registry (CFR) of the South African Police Service (SAPS) has taken steps to make the administration attached to the renewal process easier for them to handle. Firearm owners have to apply for renewal of firearm licences according to the birthday month of the licence holder. The schedule is as follows: Firearm owners can be penalised if they do not apply for renewal of their firearm licences in the year they are scheduled for renewal, even to the extent of having their firearm licences revoked. That’s why the Gun Guide will assist you through the necessary processes. This GUN GUIDE TO LICENCE RENEWAL tells you what you must know, what you must do, and how, to renew the licences for your legally owned firearm, as well as what to do to licence any new firearms you acquire. The Firearm Licensing Renewal Schedule (Act 60 of 2000) Birthday - January to March …….. Renewals on or before 31 March 2006 Birthday - April to June …….. Renewals on or before 31 March 2007 Birthday - July to September ……... Renewals on or before 31 March 2008 Birthday - October to December ……… Renewals on or before 31 March 2009 GUN GUIDE V02 08-2007 2 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE GUN GUIDE The two main objectives of this Gun Guide are: • to provide a step-by-step guide of what you must know and must do and when to apply for renewal of your legally owned firearm(s); • to provide a step-by-step guide of what you must know and must do when you want to apply for a licence for the new firearm(s) you acquire. Additional objectives of the Gun Guide are to: • explain what the terms, “proficiency”, “competency”, and “dedicated hunter” (or dedicated sports person) means, and how these directly affect your legal ownership of firearms and their use; • provide knowledge regarding the licensing or renewal of licensed firearms you acquire through a will, or want to cede to your children or family members in a will; • provide knowledge of those sections of other Acts that have a bearing on the stipulations of the FCA, and on firearm ownership and use. • provide a description of the process of Appeal if an application for a firearm licence under the FCA is turned down by the Central Firearms Registry; 2. FIREARM LICENCES AND GUN OWNERS 2.1 LICENCE TO POSSESS A FIREARM In terms of Section 11 of the FCA, the Registrar must issue a separate licence for each firearm that is licensed in terms of Chapter 6. The Registrar may, however, issue a single document to a person containing licences for all his / her firearms. There are 9 “types” of firearm licences that can be issued by the SAPS, each describing a specific situation in terms of a specific firearm. These are: • Additional licences (Section 12) • Licence to possess a firearm for self-defence (Section 13) • Licence to possess a restricted firearm for self-defence (Section 14) This section of the GUN GUIDE explains those aspects of the FCA that determine renewal of licences as well as application for licences for new firearms. The section explains what you should know and how you should go about to apply for licensing of your firearm(s), and provides answers on some prominent everyday questions raised in the implementation of the FCA. GUN GUIDE V02 08-2007 3 • Licence to possess a firearm for occasional hunting and sports-shooting (Section 15) • Licence to possess a firearm for dedicated hunting and dedicated sports-shooting (Section 16) • Licence to possess a firearm in a private collection (Section 17) • Permit to possess ammunition in a private collection (Section 18) • Licence to possess a firearm, and permit to possess ammunition, in a public collection (Section 19) • Licence to possess a firearm for business purposes (Section 20) • Temporary authorisation to possess a firearm (Section 21) The holder of a firearm license issued in terms uploads/Voyage/ nsa-complete-gun-guide-aug-2007.pdf
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