Parents guide Parents Supporters Guide Learning to write code is like training to play a sport or studying a new subject ?? it involves practice patience and problem solving This section gives you tools to help others gain programming skills even without
Parents Supporters Guide Learning to write code is like training to play a sport or studying a new subject ?? it involves practice patience and problem solving This section gives you tools to help others gain programming skills even without having programming experience yourself WATCH THE VIDEO https techprep fb com parents-and-supporters https techprep fb com P Get started STEP Start the conversation about programming GET STARTED Have a conversation about programming with your student to get them started ? Talk to them about their interest in computer programming Understand why they may or may not be interested and talk to them about the facts in the Did You Know section ? Discuss where you have heard words from the Words You May Hear section Where else might you hear or ?nd these words ? Let them know that the games apps and programs they enjoy on phones and computers were made with code and they can use code to create their own games apps and programs ? Introduce them to resources based on their interests Learn more in the Get matched with tools to learn programming section STEP Did you know GET STARTED Programmers use wide variety of skills in their work Programming careers attract people with all types of skills and interests They can involve P things like gaming art and math Learning computer programming is similar to learning a new language Coding is writing a set of instructions in a language that the computer understands Learning computer programming is the process of understanding that language so you can communicate with a computer Programming can be done by yourself or in a group You can program on your own or as part of a group You ? ll often see engineers discussing ideas with each other to ?nd the best way to solve a program You may also see them coding on their own ?? it just depends on what the job or the project requires Not all computer programming careers are engineering careers There are a lot of careers that involve computer programming where you don ? t need an engineering degree One example is programming a website You can create a website without being an engineer Regardless of your background and experiences you can help others learn computer programming If you don ? t have any experience in computer programming but want to help your child or another learner get involved in computer programming you can There are many resources available on our Start Programming page that you can introduce them to and you can also provide them with encouragement and moral support when necessary You can start coding now even if you don ? t have programming classes at school There are so many amazing learning tools out there to learn computer programming without having to be in a classroom Check out the Start Programming section of our website to see what works best for you or your child student It ? s never too
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- Publié le Sep 18, 2021
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 42kB