Pen map user guide Penmap User Guide Penmap By Strata Software CStrata Software Consultancy Ltd Velocity Angel Way Listerhills Bradford BD BX United Kingdom Fax Web WWW PENMAP COM Email support penmap com CCopyright Notice The information in this document

Penmap User Guide Penmap By Strata Software CStrata Software Consultancy Ltd Velocity Angel Way Listerhills Bradford BD BX United Kingdom Fax Web WWW PENMAP COM Email support penmap com CCopyright Notice The information in this document is subject to change in order to improve reliability design or function without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Strata In no event will we be liable for direct indirect special incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the possibility of such damages Licenses and trademarks All licenses and trademarks are property of their respective owners If you need any further information please visit our website ??www penmap com ? Pocket Penmap User Guide Introduction ? CContents Introduction Getting Started How to use this Guide Hardware Requirements Installing Penmap Starting Penmap Getting a Key and installing on your system The Penmap screen The Button Bar The Macro ?? GIS Buttons The Instrument Bar The Main Menu Bar Toolboxes Entering Text and Numbers Selecting Items from the screen Workbook Start Here to use the system Starting Penmap and Loading data Zooming and Panning Drawing Graphics on the screen Points Line Polyline Circle Arc Curve Text Symbol Permanent Station Measuring Distance and Angles Workbook Collecting Data in Layers Methods Snap Free Node Bilateration Chain and O ?set Bearing and Distance Split Distance Total Station Resection GPS Using Construction Methods Layer Information Collecting data with Codes and Comments Point Numbering and Commenting Starting the Coding System Collecting Data with Codes Workbook Collecting Data with a GPS Pocket Penmap User Guide Introduction ? CPreparing for Use Setting up a GPS Collecting Data Workbook Collecting Data with a Total Station Preparing for use Selecting the Total Station and setting up communications Entering the permanent station Entering Co-ordinates manually for instrument setup Turning On the Total Station Setting Up on a known position Collecting Data with a Total Station Resection or Free Stationing Robotic Control Using Base Mapping Raster Basemaps Converting Raster Basemaps Loading Raster Basemaps Vector Basemaps Converting Vector Basemaps Loading Vector Basemaps Setting Out and Navigation GPS with Post Processing Setting up the Base for Post Processing Setting up the Rover for Post Processing Correcting the Post Processing Data Transferring data to and from other systems Making a D model DTM or TIN Data Limits Making a DTM Setting the Properties Advanced GPS Functionality Display Con ?guration Understanding the GPS Control Toolbox Main Qual - Quality Link Opts-Options Sats Satellites Map Parms - Parameters Speed Speed Model ADV Phonebook Diag Ref Stn Setting Up a base station Pocket Penmap User Guide Introduction ? CPick Node from Survey Enter Position Average Position Calibration ?? What to do if the map is WRONG Using Penmap with VRS and NTRIP Coordinate Systems Projections Geoids and how to set them Setting up your Coordinate System Setting up Custom Projection Presets Standard Example Preset Setting up a Preset from a list of coordinates Putting in a UTM Grid UTM Coordinates work anywhere UTM Zone

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  • Publié le Aoû 31, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 173kB