Twenty images with ids quot icon0 quot quot icon1 quot quot icon19 quot quot colors button quot quot locatio nsbutto n quot quot shapes button quot quot homes creen quot
Unit Lesson Name s Deven Bali Period Date Activity Guide - Loops Make Step - Try the app Try using the di ?erent combinations of inputs What does each button change and what does it not change Discuss with a Partner Where if at all do you think this app is using a list Where if at all do you think this app is using a loop Step - Plan Fill in the information in the table below for each event handler you'll need to create c iTIhrmDewoeasmeng n eeitcSsyowni t h lciooccolaontri so ? n B ssiuhBctaotuopntnet os nB utton Element ID shapesButton Description of What the Event Handler will Do Makes a random shape appear on screen colorsButton Changes the screen to a random color locationButton Moves said shape to a random location on screen Fill in the table below for each variable you'll need to create Variable Name What the Variable Stores shape Stores all the possible shapes to be displayed in the program color Stores all the various colors for the program Computer Science Principles CUnit Lesson Step - Write Your Code Write the code for the app using your plan above and the comments provided in Code Studio to help Steps You Can Follow Create all the variables from your table above Give your variables a starting value using the assignment operator Create blank event handlers onEvent for each screen element in your table above Write the code to make each of the three buttons work Hint in order to create random colors use the rgba block with randomNumber Read the documentation for those blocks if you need more help Use your debugging skills to identify unexpected behavior and ?x your program Comment your code as you go explaining what each event handler does Extension Ideas Create a way to hide the three buttons when you have a lock screen that you like Add sounds to each button Change the code for the shapes button to guarantee that you never randomly get the same shape twice in a row Step - Submit Before you submit check the rubric below to make sure your program meets the requirements of the task Category Extensive Evidence Convincing Evidence Limited Evidence No Evidence Input onEvents are created for all the required inputs onEvents are created onEvents are created onEvents are not for most of the inputs for some of the inputs created for any inputs Variables and Lists Variables and lists are created and appropriately used for all pieces of information used in the app Variables and lists are created and appropriately used for most pieces of information used in the app Some information is stored in variables and lists and appropriately updated throughout the app There are no variables or lists which store the necessary information for the app to work correctly Loops The program correctly uses loops for all three buttons to generate the expected output The program correctly uses a loop for two of the buttons
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mai 30, 2021
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37kB