amman r middle sepik and musical instruments in the context of melanesia

Journal de la Société des Océanistes Le Sepik société et production matérielle Middle Sepik music and musical instruments in the context of Melanesia La musique du Moyen Sepik et ses instruments dans le contexte mélanésien Raymond Ammann Electronic version URL http journals openedition org jso DOI jso ISSN - Publisher Société des océanistes Printed version Date of publication July Number of pages - ISBN - - - - ISSN - x Electronic reference Raymond Ammann Middle Sepik music and musical instruments in the context of Melanesia ? Journal de la Société des Océanistes Online Online since July connection on January URL http journals openedition org jso DOI jso ? Tous droits réservés CMiddle Sepik music and musical instruments in the context of Melanesia by Raymond AMMANN ABSTRACT The ceremonial utes and the large slit drums are the most signi ?cant musical instruments of the Sepik River region The sculptures and decorations on the instruments link them to the mythical world and their sounds represent the voices of ancestor spirits Furthermore a detailed music analysis reveals the miscellaneous and complex ways of how the ceremonial music represents this society ? s structure and its driving force This contribution is based on the ?ndings from a short ?eld trip in the and the study of relevant publications ? Keywords ethnomusicology slit drums bamboo utes music Melanesia RÉSUMÉ Les ûtes cérémonielles et les grands tambours à fente sont les instruments les plus signi ?catifs de la Rivière Sepik Leurs sculptures et leurs décorations les relient au monde mythique et leurs sons représentent les voix des esprits des ancêtres En plus une analyse musicale profonde montre les moyens diversi ?és et complexes avec lesquels la musique cérémonielle représente non seulement la société elle-même mais aussi sa force motrice Cette contribution est basée sur une courte recherche de terrain dans les années et une étude de la littérature importante Mots-clés ? ethnomusicologie tambours à fente ûtes en bambou musique Mélanésie Melanesia Melanesia ? s language diversity can be expanded to music and dance as each language area has its local style of songs and dances Melanesian music and dance are so versatile and multifunctional that it is impossible to characterize it in a few sentences However one feature that would best denote Melanesian music is its representing content For songs music and dances this content is expressed in words structures and sound qualities For musical instruments the representing content lies in their visual appearance In the ?rst part of this contribution a short presentation of typical Melanesian musical features will provide the background for the understanding of the second part in which I will point out the characteristics of the music culture at the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea Melanesian musical instruments From the four large groups of musical instruments de ?ned by Hornbostel and Sachs in only the percussion instruments idiophones and wind instruments aerophones are well presented in Melanesia Skin drums membranophones exist in parts of Melanesia and string instruments chordophones are

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