Taper maker curve maker and stock maker plugins for sketchup

F E Taper Maker Curve Maker and Stock Maker Plugins for SketchUp Users Guide Version August Copyright ? - G Terry Ross Draw F E Metal LLC ?? All rights reserved SketchUp is a registered trademark of Google Inc www drawmetal com C F E INTRODUCTION Taper Maker is a SketchUp plugin a Ruby script that tapers a cross-section shape along the length of a line Taper Maker was motivated by the desire to draw curved tapered elements for architectural ironwork design Figure shows several examples created by Taper Maker Figure ?? Example Tapers Two additional tools complement Taper Maker The ?rst tool Curve Maker draws one of several pre-de ?ned curves To facilitate ?tting an element into a design Curve Maker allows you specify the size of the curve instead of parameter values for mathematical equations Figure shows a spiral path created from the two dimensions shown in the ?gure CFigure ?? An Example Spiral The last tool Stock Maker manages units of stock from which tapers may be made For example a stock unit might be de ?ned as a ? square stainless steel bar of a given weight length and cost Once a taper has been created using Taper Maker a stock unit can be assigned to the taper and Stock Maker will estimate how much of the stock is required to create the taper Stock Maker will also accumulate estimates of stock requirements across multiple tapers Figure illustrates the estimated stock requirement for a single taper In this example ? of ? square stock is estimated to provide su ?cient volume to make the ? ?nished taper Figure ?? Stock Requirement Estimated Using Stock Maker Figure displays accumulated stock requirements for twelve tapers assigned to three stocks made from two alloys CFigure ?? Accumulated Stock Requirements Figures and provide additional examples where these plugins have been used Figure ?? Grill After Albert Paley CFigure ?? Gate ?? ? Hammerfest Forge All rights reserved Used by permission of Hamerfest Forge Figure ?? Stair Railing ?? ? Hammerfest Forge All rights reserved Used by permission of Hamerfest Forge C INSTALLATION Taper Maker Curve Maker and Stock Maker are F E installed in the same manner as other SketchUp plugins The following F E instructions assume that you have already installed SketchUp on your F E computer SketchUp is available on the internet at http sketchup google com download html Step If you want to use all three plugins copy the following ?les into SketchUp ? s Plugins folder curvemaker rb tapermaker rb stockmaker rb If you do not want to use one of the three plugins e g Curve Maker you can either a not copy the appropriate rb ?le e g curvemaker rb into the plugins folder or b you can ??deactivate ? the plugin as described below Step Create a subfolder named ??ctsMaker ? in the Plugins folder and copy the following ?les into the ??ctsMaker ? subfolder ctsLangEN strings ctsMaker rbs curvemenu rb tapermenu rb

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