Botox medication guide MEDICATION GUIDE BOTOX BOTOX Cosmetic Boe-tox onabotulinumtoxinA for injection for intramuscular intradetrusor or intradermal use What is the most important information I should know about BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic BOTOX and BOTOX Co

MEDICATION GUIDE BOTOX BOTOX Cosmetic Boe-tox onabotulinumtoxinA for injection for intramuscular intradetrusor or intradermal use What is the most important information I should know about BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic may cause serious side e ?ects that can be life threatening including ? Problems breathing or swallowing ? Spread of toxin e ?ects These problems can happen hours days to weeks after an injection of BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of these problems after treatment with BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic ? Problems swallowing speaking or breathing These problems can happen hours days to weeks after an injection of BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic usually because the muscles that you use to breathe and swallow can become weak after the injection Death can happen as a complication if you have severe problems with swallowing or breathing after treatment with BOTOXor BOTOX Cosmetic o People with certain breathing problems may need to use muscles in their neck to help them breathe These people may be at greater risk for serious breathing problems with BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic o Swallowing problems may last for several months People who cannot swallow well may need a f eeding tube to receive food and water If swallowing problems are severe food or liquids may go into your lungs People who already have swallowing or breathing problems before receiving BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic have the highest risk of getting these problems ? Spread of toxin e ?ects In some cases the e ?ect of botulinum toxin may a ?ect areas of the body away f rom the injection site and cause symptoms of a serious condition called botulism The symptoms of botulism include o loss of strength and muscle weakness all over the body o double vision blurred vision and drooping eyelids o hoarseness or change or loss of voice dysphonia o trouble saying words clearly dysarthria o loss of bladder control o trouble breathing o trouble swallowing These symptoms can happen hours days to weeks after you receive an injection of BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic These problems could make it unsafe for you to drive a car or do other dangerous activities See What should I avoid while receiving BOTOX or BOTOX Cosmetic There has not been a con ?rmed serious case of spread of toxin e ?ect away from the injection site when BOTOX has been used at the recommended dose to treat chronic migraine severe underarm sweating blepharospasm or strabismus or when BOTOX Cosmetic has been used at the recommended dose to treat f rown lines crow ? s feet lines and or forehead lines CWhat are BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic BOTOX is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used ? to treat overactive bladder symptoms such as a strong need to urinate with leaking or wetting accidents urge urinary incontinence a strong need to urinate right away urgency and urinating of ten frequency in adults when

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  • Publié le Jul 04, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 38.1kB