Parelli pocket guide 1 Pocket Guide Pocket Guide Level Ground Skills Lessons ?? Beginning your Partnership Ground Skills Introduction to Pocket Guide Learner Preparation Lesson Discovery and commitment Lesson Starting a new relationship with your horse Un

Pocket Guide Pocket Guide Level Ground Skills Lessons ?? Beginning your Partnership Ground Skills Introduction to Pocket Guide Learner Preparation Lesson Discovery and commitment Lesson Starting a new relationship with your horse Understanding equine psychology Developing curiosity Lesson Learning to use your horsemanship tools and body for communication The Carrot Stick and Savvy String ??Body Blocks ? Lesson Introducing your new tools to your horse Now that you've viewed DVD- Chapter ??Preparation for Success ? your journey can begin Introduction to Pocket Guide This is the beginning Before you start pursuing a long learning goal it is very important you know how to use what you have to your best learning advantage AND how to get yourself unstuck if you run into road blocks on the path Indulge us for the short time it will take to study this ?rst introduction well It'll hold you in good stead for the remainder of your journey Our aim has been to design the best program possible in a genuine attempt to facilitate your unique learning experience Much has been drawn from the experiences of teaching thousands of students each with their own learning skills and unique horses From those experiences we have an excellent understanding of what needs to be taught to what degree of understanding and skill level and in what order that knowledge forms the structure of the whole of the Parelli Level Program Within that structure the features and elements support you on your own unique journey That means you will have strong guidelines for some things such as the sequence of lessons and how well you perform each skill before moving forward By the same token you will have exible guidelines for other things such as how often you review the DVD segments for learning and reinforcement CPocket Guide Every Pocket Guide follows a similar format each contains one or more speci ?c lessons It starts with a unique Introduction that will prepare you for where you are heading on that new leg of the journey When necessary the Introduction is followed by a section titled Learner Preparation This section outlines what you need to do BFFORE you start the lessons in that Pocket Guide After your preparations you will follow the lessons in the Pocket Guide in order until you have completed each lesson and the tasks assigned The ?nal section of each Pocket Guide tells you how to assess where you are so you can make a clear decision about when to move on Learner preparation What you will know and be able to do at the end of the lessons in this Pocket Guide The very ?rst lessons in Level are designed to prepare you with the basic knowledge and skills you need BEFORE you start this Program with your horse This Program will develop within you a whole new way of thinking about horses in general and your relationship with your horse in particular Everything is about to change You will learn new ways

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  • Publié le Jan 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 74kB