Teaching guide 3 Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University LANAO DEL NORTE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Ramain Sultan Naga Dimaporo Lanao del Norte Email add msulnac snd yahoo com SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TEACHING GUIDE IN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT UN

Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University LANAO DEL NORTE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Ramain Sultan Naga Dimaporo Lanao del Norte Email add msulnac snd yahoo com SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TEACHING GUIDE IN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT UNIT SELF DEVELOPMENT TOPIC LESSON NAME CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS LEARNING COMPETENCIES SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES TIME ALLOTMENT Lesson Knowing oneself Understanding oneself during middle and late adolescence The Learners demonstrate an understanding of himself herself during middle and late adolescence The learners shall be able to conduct self- exploration and simple disclosure The learners will ? Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his her strengths and limitations and dealing with others better Share his her unique characteristics habits and experiences Maintain a journal The learners will be able to ? Evaluate himself herself through self-concept inventory Share his her potential through a variety show Maintain a journal hours Lesson Outline Introduction Draw out from the students the importance of knowing self Motivation Video Emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of knowing self to the overall growth of a person Instruction and Delivery Discussion on Knowing self Self Concept Joharis window Ideal self Real self Self-knowledge Importance of self awareness Being in the adolescence stage its strengths and weaknesses Practice and Enrichment Talent Variety Presentation Evaluation Re ective Vision Quest Processing Journal re ection INTRODUCTION Activity ??Two Truths and a Lie ? Let the students do the game ??Two Truths and a lie ? Students will hear sentences about their classmates and then decide which one is a lie Game TEACHER TIPS Teacher synthesize the students responses by emphasizing on the following The self is the union of elements that makes up your unique traits or personality and these essentially distinguish you from others By understanding your strengths and weaknesses you are more empowered to CProcess by asking the learners to Share their insights Checking their self concept and how other people sees them and Answer a Big question like How can understanding yourself pave the way to self acceptance and better relationship with others MOTIVATIONAL Applications and connections to real life Draw out from them the disadvantages of not knowing and understanding oneself Make an emphasis to he students that knowing and understanding oneself is fundamental to the overall growth of a person It raises the awareness to who they are with the goal of improving self which aims to develop their skills nurture talents discover more of their potentials and lead to the realization of their dreams INSTRUCTION DELIVERY Activity Self ?? concept Inventory Learners will be made to answer activity no ??Self Concept Inventory ? Do the scoring and interpretation Make an analysis of his her own self by answering the questions below ?? In what areas do you consider yourself strong with score - or somewhat weak score of - and very weak below ?? Are these qualities you consider as your weaknesses but other people consider as your strength What are these Check with a partner ?? How realistic

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