Judith olszowy schlanger with that you c

?? With That You Can Grasp All the Hebrew Language ? Hebrew Sources of an Anonymous Hebrew-Latin Grammar from Thirteenth-Century England Judith Olszowy-Schlanger This paper contains a preliminary study of the Hebrew sources of a hitherto unpublished Hebrew-Latin grammar book preserved in the private collection of the Marques of Bath as a part of MS Longleat House henceforth LH This short grammar only twelve parchment folios measuring ? mm out of a composite volume of folios is the most accomplished work of this genre known to us authored by medieval Christian scholars It was probably written in the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey in East Anglia in the th century Composed of four self- contained and short units the grammar provides su ?cient tools for mastering the basics of the Hebrew language This pedagogical ambition is best conveyed through the sentence ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??with that you can grasp all the Hebrew language ? which ?gures on fol v This grammar is indeed the most accomplished aid for the study of Hebrew elaborated by medieval Christian scholars that we know today Far from being an isolated accomplishment it actually belongs to a distinct tradition of Christian Hebraism in medieval England probably related to the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey tradition which elaborated other linguistic works such as a trilingual Hebrew-Latin-Old French biblical dictionary and a detailed philological gloss on the Hebrew Psalter both kept today bound in the same volume as the grammar The Hebrew grammar in MS LH together with the other works of Christian Hebraists contained in this bound volume is an expression of the growing interest in Hebrew studies in the th century Most importantly it is the evidence of interest of these scholars in Jewish grammatical and lexicographical works in particular and of their ability to consult them The full critical edition and study of this text is in print The manuscript does not mention a date or place where it was written Its possible origins are proposed on the basis of paleographical and historical comparison with other HebrewLatin works held with the grammar The origins of these other works were discussed in Olszowy- Schlanger et al xvi ??xxiii Ed Olszowy-Schlanger et al ? koninklijke brill nv leiden ? ? doi C Olszowy-Schlanger The Grammar LH and th-Century Christian Hebraism in England ??The knowledge of languages is the ?rst doorway to wisdom ?? ?? ?? ? ??as banal as they may seem today these words of Roger Bacon c ?? in his Opus Tertium herald a relatively new approach which makes the study of languages a necessary condition for the advancement of learning and sciences both secular and religious Linguistic ignorance on the other hand is explicitly vili ?ed as a major impediment for all Roger Bacon devoted a great deal of attention to the question of the knowledge of languages especially in his later works such as Opus Maius Opus Tertium

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