Incubation Guide ¨ SUMMARY THE HATCHING EGG 4 ¨ Characteristics of hatching egg

Incubation Guide ¨ SUMMARY THE HATCHING EGG 4 ¨ Characteristics of hatching eggs 4 ¨ Selection of hatching eggs 5 ¨ Disinfection of eggs 8 EGG STORAGE 12 ¨ From ovulation to oviposition 12 ¨ Pre-incubation (PRESI) 14 ¨ Physical-chemical consequences on storing eggs 15 ¨ Storage conditions 18 ¨ Recommendations 21 ¨ Effects of storage on incubation time 21 INCUBATION 23 ¨ Pre-heating 23 ¨ Incubation temperature 24 ¨ Humidity during incubation 33 ¨ Turning 35 ¨ CO2 37 ¨ Loading the machines 39 ¨ Disinfection during incubation 40 ¨ Incubation room environment 40 TRANSFER 41 ¨ Transfer room environment 41 HATCHING 42 ¨ Hatcher temperatures 42 ¨ Humidity during hatching 43 ¨ Levels of CO2 43 ¨ The hatch window 44 ¨ Total incubation time 45 ¨ Disinfection during hatching 46 ¨ Environment in the hatcher room 46 CHICK QUALITY 47 ¨ Chick length 47 ¨ The Pasgar© Score 48 ANALYSIS AND CAUSES OF EMBRYONNIC MORTALITY 51 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES 57 NOTES 61 Note: The performance data contained in this document was obtained from results and experience from our own research flocks and flocks of our customers. In no way does the data contained in this document constitute a warranty or guarantee of the same performance under different conditions of nutrition, density or physical or biological environment. In particular (but without limitation of the foregoing), we do not grant any warranties regarding the fitness for purpose, performance, use, nature or quality of the flocks. Hubbard makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document. ¨ INCUBATION GUIDE 4 THE HATCHING EGG Day old chick quality depends for a large part on the quality of the hatching egg. It is therefore important during the whole reproductive period that all efforts are made to ensure optimum egg care and quality. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HATCHING EGG ¨ The composition of the egg and its influencing factors. While the composition of the egg in terms of macro-ingredients (water, proteins and amino acids, total fats and macro-minerals) is slightly dependant on alimentary absorption, the trace elements, minerals and vitamins, and fatty acids from lipids, vary according to the nature of the nutrients ingested. Therefore, unless a nutritional deficiency indirectly impairs the transfer of macro-nutrients to the egg, a feed with excess protein or calcium for example, does not necessarily improve chick or shell quality. The situation is different for the micro-nutrients. The vitamin content of the egg (in particular the vitamins A, D and some of the B group) is directly linked to absorption from the alimentary tract. It is important to ensure that the nutritional requirements, especially for vitamins, are completely satisfied. The same situation exists for the fatty acids. Feed with excess saturated fatty acids can lead to a reduced deposition of unsaturated fatty acids and compromise a good start to embryonic development. Only flock age significantly impairs the level of macro-nutrients in the egg. As soon as the flock ages, the yolk size increases and the proportion of albumen in the egg decreases. The same applies to the macro-nutrients where pro rata increases and decreases occur depending on where they are concentrated in the egg. This acts as an important reminder of managing the age of sexual maturity. If the start to production is too early this often leads to insufficient egg size, a reduced deposition of macro- nutrients in the egg and consequently, poor chick quality. ¨ Sanitary quality of the egg. The sanitary quality of a hatching egg is a reflection of the sanitary status of the flock and of its environment from the moment the egg laid. It is therefore important that flocks are free from:  Vertically transmissible diseases.  Ovarian disease.  Intestinal problems that can affect the absorption of vital nutrients from the intestine necessary for egg formation.  Respiratory problems that can affect the blood pH and thereafter the transport and deposition of the nutrients in the egg. The nest material condition and sanitation is critical: In manual nests, nesting material:  Should come from a secure source and be correctly disinfected on arrival at the store area.  Should be stored in dry conditions away from direct sunlight and rain in a well ventilated area.  Should be protected against all sources of contamination (wild birds, rats and other vermin, etc). Once placed in the nests assure: ¨ INCUBATION GUIDE 5 THE HATCHING EGG  Disinfection (where permitted, 1 teaspoon – 5 to 10 grams – of para-formaldehyde powder each fortnight).  Replacement of the nest material each 2-3 months or sooner if excessive faecal contamination occurs or if the material is allowed to get wet. In automatic nests ensure:  Protection from nest soiling at night time by an ejection or nest closure system.  Regular washing and disinfection (including the collection belt).  Replacement of the nest pads if there is abnormal damage. ¨ SELECTION OF HATCHING EGGS It will become apparent later in this guide when and how both shell quality and egg weight become important in determining the incubation parameters. Although advocating the selection of eggs according to their weight and shell quality is not suggested, it is important to emphasise the importance of egg uniformity within the same flock. Egg uniformity and without doubt shell quality are directly related to the status of the donor flock. The choice of incubation parameters and profiles that correspond closely to each individual embryo’s correct development requirements are easier when the eggs are uniform. ¨ The ideal hatching egg should:  Have a dimension length to width of 1.4/1.0.  Have a weight and size within the average of the flock.  Be laid in a nest that is dry, clean and protected from dust.  Come from a flock that is free of disease.  Be free of faeces, or nest litter.  Be clean and not soiled by albumen or yolk from other broken eggs.  Be of uniform colour (dark or clear brown depending on the age of the flock) with a smooth shell exempt from roughness and calcium deposits.  Have a solid shell, not broken, perforated or fragile and porous: Smooth shell Porous shell Selected eggs from the presentation by Dr. Eric Guinebert: From egg to chicken: miracle?, ITAVI, Rennes, SPACE 2004. ¨ INCUBATION GUIDE 6 THE HATCHING EGG The ideal egg Eggs that do not correspond to the above criteria should not be used for hatching eggs: Pale shell Small eggs X*1,4 cm X cm ¨ INCUBATION GUIDE 7 THE HATCHING EGG A long egg Calcification problems Perforated egg shell Deformed egg Micro cracks Dirty Round egg Stained egg shell Wrinkled egg shell If, for any reason, these eggs must be incubated, they should be identified, set and hatched separately. ¨ INCUBATION GUIDE 8 THE HATCHING EGG ¨ DISINFECTION OF EGGS Even if all precautions have been taken to produce an optimum quality hatching egg the risk of contamination is ever present and cannot be ignored. The egg is particularly susceptible to contamination during the formation of the air cell. The creation of the air cell starts from the moment that the egg is laid. The progressive cooling of the egg leads to the contraction of its components (in particular the albumen and the pores found at the small end), which causes a type of suction. Ambient air enters the egg and becomes trapped between the shell membranes. If the air that enters the egg is contaminated because the environment is dirty for example or has been contaminated by soiling, shavings or straw that adheres to the shell surface bacteria or fungi can enter the egg and adhere to the external shell membrane. The degree of contamination may be very slight or not detectable after testing the shell but any contamination is very dangerous as pathogens multiply very quickly at the moment the chicks start to hatch. Disinfection of eggs while they are still warm and cooling down is the best time to prevent bacterial or fungal penetration into the egg. Further, disinfection of the egg shell surface has little effect on contaminants that have already penetrated the egg shell. When the egg is laid its temperature is slightly less than the hen’s body temperature, approximately 40°C (104.0°F). It will take the egg 4-6 hours (depending on the external temperature) to attain ambient temperature. It is during this period that the air cell is created and that eggs should be disinfected. This underlines the importance of frequent egg collection (4 to 5 times daily) to take advantage of disinfection as the air cell is formed. Infrequent egg collection reduces disinfection efficiency. However, good techniques during egg collection and disinfection do not guarantee clean quality eggs. Shell quality plays a major role in the prevention from contamination and it is essential to do everything possible to assure that disinfection programs are optimal. Several studies have shown that the length of time that eggs are exposed to bacteria plays a uploads/s1/ hubbard-inc-guide.pdf

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