Baur, C., S. Jean Chrysostome et ses œuvres dans l'histoire littéraire (Recueil

Baur, C., S. Jean Chrysostome et ses œuvres dans l'histoire littéraire (Recueil de travaux publiés par les membres des conférences d'histoire et de philologie. 18e Fascicule), Bureaux du Recueil, Louvain/Fontemoing, Paris 1907. [lists all editions 1466-1906; and all biographical and critical studies from the 1500s- 1906, with in depth critical discussion of lines of influence and the relative value of individual works – essential reference when working with any litterature prior to 1906] Marouzeau, J., Dix années de bibliographie classique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l’antiquité gréco-latine pour la période 1914-1924 (Collection de bibliographie classique publiée sous le patronage de l’Association Guillaume Budé), Société d’édition «Les belles lettres», Paris 1927. Marouzeau, J and J. Ernst, L’Année Philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l’antiquité gréco-latine, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1928- Muenscher, K., in Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Altertumswissenschaft (Leipzig) 170 (1915) 181-182. [critically annotated bibliography for the period 1910-1915] Drexl, F., in Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Altertumswissenschaft 230 (1931?) 234- 247. Burger, D.C., A Complete Bibliography of the Scholarship on the Life and Works of Saint John Chrysostom, Evanston, Ill.: (private publication) 1964. Popa, D., Opera Bibliographia Sfântului Ioan Gura de Aur/ Of Saint John Chrysostom, Cluj- Napoca: Editura Renasterea, 2002. [focuses on publications in Romanian] Other Works of Reference Geerard, M., Clavis Patrum Graecorum. II. Ab Athanasio ad Chrysostomum (Corpus Christianorum), Turnhout: Brepols, 1974. [pp.491-672: list of all known works of C divided into genuina, spuria and dubia, with information about editions and mss.] Geerard, M. and J. Noret, Clavis Patrum Graecorum. Supplementum (Corpus Christianorum), Turnhout: Brepols, 1998. [pp.264-347 update the information on the works of C and ps.-C in CPG 2] Machielsen, J., Clavis Patristica Pseudepigraphorum Medii Aevi, IA-IB, Turnhout: Brepols, 1990; IIA-IIB, 1994. Abbreviations ACW = Ancient Christian Writers SC = Source chrétiennes TU = Texte und Untersuchungen A Aalst, P. van der, art. “Johannes Chrysostomus”, Liturgisch Woordenboek, 1156-1162. —, “De Initiatie in het christelijk leven te Antiochië op het einde van de vierde eeuw”, Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging 12 (1959-1960) 3-18, 73-87. —, Christus Basileus bij Johannes Chrysostomus, Nijmegen: Dekker & van de Vegt, 1966. 89pp. ‘Abd al-Masih, Y., “ A discourse by St. John Chrysostom on the sinful woman in the Sa’idic dialect”, Bulletin de la Société d;Archéologie Copte 15 (1958) 11-39. Abengochea, S., “Ideas pedagógicas de S. Juan Crisóstomo”, Helmantica 12 (1961) 343-360. Abramowski, L., “Ein Text des Johannes Chrysostomus über die Auferstehung in den Belegsammlungen des Timotheus Älurus”, in: C. Laga, A. Munitiz and L. Van Rompay (eds), After Chalcedon: Studies in theology and Church History offered to Albert Van Roey for his seventieth birthday (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 18), Leuven: Departement Oriëntalistiek, Peeters, 1985, pp.1-10. Acerbi, S., “’Accusatore, testimone e giudice’: il ruolo dei vescovi di Alessandria nella sinodo della quercia e in altri concili posteriori”, in: Giovanni Crisostomo: Oriente e Occidente tra IV e V secolo, XXXIII Incontro di Studiosi dell’Antichità Cristiana, Augustinianum 6-8 maggio 2004, Roma (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 93), Roma: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2005, pp.713-720. Ackermann, L., Die Beredsamkeit des heiligen Johannes Chrysostomus, Würzburg: Bucher, 1889. Adkin, N., “A problem in the early church: noise during sermon and lesson”, Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batavia, ser. 4, vol. 38 (1985) 161-163. —, “The date of St. John Chrysostom’s treatises on subintroductae”, Revue Bénédictine 102 (1992) 255-266. —, “The date of John Chrysostom’s De virginitate”, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 60 (1994) 611-617. Aengenvoort, F., Der Dialog des Palladius über das Leben des heiligen Joh. Chrysostomus (Bericht über das Schuljahr 1912-1913 des Collegium Augustinianum zu Gaesdonk 3-16), Münster 1913. Agati, M.L. and S.J. Voicu, “Due manoscritti crisostomici «gemelli» rigati secondo il tipo Leroy K 20E2”, Bolletino dei classici 7 (1986) 137-151. Aitzetmüller, R., Mihanovic Homiliar, Graz 1957. [Phototypic edition of a 13th century codex, versio palaeoslovenica s. IX; 265 pp.; contains homilies of Basil, Chrysostom, Germanus of CP, Gregory Neocaesariensis, Andreas of Crete, Eusebius of Alexandria, Epiphanius, Gregory Naz., Proclus of CP and Basil of Seleucia] Akanthopoulou, K., “Le catechesi battesimali di Giovanni Crisostomo. Approccio comunicativo”, in: M. Maritano (a cura di), “Historiam prescrutari”. Miscellanea di studi offerti al prof. O. Pasquato, Roma: Ateneo Salesiano, 2002, pp.723-746. Akinian, N., “Eine neuentdeckte altarmenische Übersetzung des Psalmenkommentars des hl. Johannes Chrysostomus”, Handes Amsorya 31-32 (1917-1918) 1-32; 36 (1922) 321- 332. [in Armenian] Akinian, P.N., “Des hl. Chrysostomos Kommentar zu Isaias in der armenischen Literatur”, Handes Amsorya 48 (1934) 43-55. [in Armenian with summ. in German] Aland, B., “Trustworthy preaching: Reflections on John Chrysostom’s interpretation of Romans 8”, in: S.K. Soderlung and N.T. Wright (eds), Romans and the People of God. Essays in honor of Gordon D. Fee on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Grand Rapids, Michigan–Cambridge UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999, pp.271-280. Albert, P., St. Jean Chrysostome considéré comme orateur populaire. Thèse présentée à la Faculté des Lettres à Paris, Paris: L. Hachette & Cie, 1858. [Baur considers it very useful] Albornoz, A.C. de see Carillo de Albornoz, A. Aldama, J.A. de, Repertorium Pseudochrysostomicum (Documents, Études et Répertoires publiés par l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes X), Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965. —, “Historia y balance de la investigación sobre homilías pseudocrisostómicas impresas”, Studia Patristica 7 (1966) (= TU 92) 117-132. —, “Contribución al estudio de la tradición manuscrita de la homilía ‘In Salvatori nostri Iesu Christi nativitatem’ attribuida al Crisóstomo”, in: F. Paschke, J. Dummer, J. Irmscher and K. Treu (eds), Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (TU 125), Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1981, pp.1-4. Alexiou, I., Ho phlogeros machetes, Ioannes ho Chrysostomos, Athenai 1961. [in Greek; 240 pp.; 2nd ed. 1968] Alfaro Giner, C., “Entre la tradición clásica y la moral cristiana: la mujer en la obra de S. Juan Crisóstomo”, in: J.M. Blázquez Martinez, A. González Blanco and R. González Fernández (eds), La tradición en la Antigüedad tardía (Antigüedad y cristianismo. Monografías históricas sobre la Antigüedad tardía 14), Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1997, pp.135-149. Alishan, G.M., Yovhannou Oskeberani Konstandnoupolsi episkoposi jark‘ (Choix d’homélies), Venice: San Lazaro, 1861. [A copy is at Munich (now Berlin) Staatsbibl., P. gr. 74c. Armenian ed. of P.-K. 1-2] Alissandratos, J., “The structure of the funeral oration in John Chrysostom’s ‘Eulogy of Meletius’”, Byzantine Studies – Etudes Byzantines 7 (1980) 182-198. Allen, P. see also Datema, C. and P. Allen; Mayer, W. and P. Allen; Leemans, J., W. Mayer, P. Allen and B. Dehandschutter Allen, P., “The homilist and the congregation: A case study of John Chrysostom’s homilies on Hebrews”, Augustinianum 36 (1996) 397-421. —, “John Chrysostom’s homilies on I and II Thessalonians: The preacher and his audience”, Studia Patristica 31 (1997) 3-21. Allen, P. and W. Mayer, “Computer and homily: Accessing the everyday life of early christians”, Vigiliae Christianae 47 (1993) 260-280. —, “Chrysostom and the preaching of homilies in series: A new approach to the twelve homilies In epistulam ad Colossenses (CPG 4433)”, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 60 (1994) 21-39. [examines several of the criteria traditionally used to assign the series to Constantinople; argues that hom. 7 preached at Antioch and that overall the homilies derive from both locations] —, “Chrysostom and the preaching of homilies in series: A re-examination of the fifteen homilies In epistulam ad Philippenses (CPG 4432)”, Vigiliae Christianae 49 (1995) 270-289. [argues that none of the traditional reasons for assigning the homilies to either Antioch or Constantinople stand; possible that some, at least, were delivered at Antioch] —, “The thirty-four homilies on Hebrews: the last series delivered by Chrysostom in Constantinople?”, Byzantion 65 (1995) 309-348. [dismisses the traditional dating of the series to the latter years at Constantinople and argues that it is more likely that the homilies derive from both Constantinople and Antioch] —, “Traditions of Constantinopolitan preaching: Towards a new assessment of where Chrysostom preached what”, Byzantinische Forschungen 24 (1997) 93-114. —, “John Chrysostom”, (Ch. 45) in: P. Esler (ed.), The Early Christian World, 2 vols, London: Routledge, 2000, pp.1128-1150. —, “Through a bishop’s eyes: Towards a definition of pastoral care in late antiquity”, Augustinianum 40 (2000) 345-397. [based on case studies of John Chrysostom and Severus of Antioch] Altaner, B., “Die Schrift Peri tou Melchisedek des Eustathios von Antiocheia”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 40 (1940) 30-47. [on CPG 4651] —, “Beiträge zur Geschichte der altlateinischen Übersetzungen von Väterschriften (Basilius der Grosse und Johannes Chrysostomus)”, Historisches Jahrbuch 61 (1941) 208-226. [partly reprinted as “Altlateinische Übersetzungen von Chrysostomusschriften”, in G. Glockman (ed.), Berthold Altaner, Kleine Patristische Schriften, Berlin 1967, pp.416- 436.] —, “Schrifttum der ‘skytischen’ (gotischen) Mönche”, Historisches Jahrbuch 62 (1944) 212- 226. [year?] —, “Die Benützung von original griechischen Vätertexten durch Augustinus”, Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 1 (1948) 71-79 [= id., Kleine patristische Schriften (Texte und Untersuchungen 83), Berlin 1967, pp. 154-163; latin translations] —, “Augustinus und Johannes Chrysostomus. Quellenkritische Untersuchungen”, Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 44 (1952-53) 76-84. [= id., Kleine Patristische Schriften (Texte und Untersuchungen 83) Berlin 1967, pp.302-311] Alvés de Sousa, P.G., “Objeto de los libros «De sacredotio» de San Juan Crisóstomo”, Teología del sacerdocio 4 (Burgos 1972) 205-221. [203-221??] —, “”El sacerdocio permanente en los libros «De sacerdotio» de San Juan Crisóstomo”, Teología del sacerdocio 5 (Burgos uploads/Litterature/ bibliography-completa-st-chrysostom-2006.pdf

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