27 Table 28 — Design parameters of American (ASTM) preloaded bolts Design stren

27 Table 28 — Design parameters of American (ASTM) preloaded bolts Design strengths to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade (Bolt marking) Shear strength ps (N/mm2) Tension strength pt (N/mm2) Yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fub (N/mm2) A325 290 500 560 725 A354 BC 315 550 680 790 A354 BD 385 675 790 960 A490 400 700 900 1000 Table 29 — Design parameters of Japanese (JIS) preloaded bolts Design strengths to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade (Bolt marking) Shear strength ps (N/mm2) Tension strength pt (N/mm2) Yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fub (N/mm2) F8T 375 560 640 800 F10T 400 700 900 1000 F11T 440 770 950 1100 S10T 400 700 900 1000 Table 30 — Design parameters of Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) preloaded bolts Design strengths to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade (Bolt marking) Shear strength ps (N/mm2) Tension strength pt (N/mm2) Yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fub (N/mm2) 8.8 375 560 640 800 10.9 400 700 900 1000 12.9 480 840 1080 1200 Table 31 — Design parameters of Chinese (GB) preloaded bolts Design strengths to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade (Bolt marking) Shear strength ps (N/mm2) Tension strength pt (N/mm2) Yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fub (N/mm2) 8.8 250 400 450 560 10.9 310 500 630 700 5.1.4 Class 1 fillet welds This section covers the design recommendations of fillet welds made of Class 1 welding consumables. The design strengths of fillet welds to BS 5950 corresponding to different welding consumable grades are given in Table 32, Table 33, Table 34, Table 35 and Table 36. For design to SS EN 1993, the specified strengths, ductility and impact toughness of the welding consumables shall be at least equivalent to that specified for the parent metal. 28 Table 32 — Design strengths of fillet weld made of British/European (BS EN) welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue (N/mm2) Design strength pw (N/mm2) 35 440 38 470 42 500 46 530 50 560 0.50Ue  0.55Us Us = tensile strength of parent metal Table 33 — Design strengths of fillet weld made of American (AWS) welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue (N/mm2) Design strength pw (N/mm2) E49xx 490 245 Table 34 — Design strengths of fillet weld made of Japanese (JIS) welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue (N/mm2) Design strength pw (N/mm2) D43xx 450 225 D50xx 510 255 D53xx 600 300 Table 35 — Design strengths of fillet weld made of Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue (N/mm2) Design strength pw (N/mm2) E43xx 430 215 E49xx 490 245 E55xx 550 275 E57xx 570 285 Table 36 — Design strengths of fillet weld made of Chinese (GB) welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue (N/mm2) Design strength pw (N/mm2) 43 420 210 50 490 245 55 540 270 5.1.5 Class 1 profiled steel sheets This section covers the design parameters of Class 1 profiled steel sheets. The design parameters corresponding to different steel grades are given in Table 37, Table 38, Table 39, Table 40 and Table 41. 29 Table 37 — Design parameters of British/European (BS EN) profiled steel sheets Design strengths py to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade Yield strength Ys (N/mm2) Tensile strength Us (N/mm2) BS 5950-4 BS 5950-6 Basic yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fu (N/mm2) S220GD 220 300 220 300 S250GD 250 330 250 330 S280GD 280 360 280 360 S320GD 320 390 320 390 S350GD 350 420 350 420 S550GD 550 560 0.93Us Ys  0.84Us 550 560 Table 38 — Design parameters of American (ASTM) profiled steel sheets Design strengths py to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade Yield strength Ys (N/mm2) Tensile strength Us (N/mm2) BS 5950-4 BS 5950-6 Basic yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fu (N/mm2) 230 230 310 230 310 255 255 360 255 360 275 275 380 275 380 340 340 410 340 410 380 380 480 380 480 410 410 480 410 480 480 480 550 480 550 550 550 570 0.93Us Ys  0.84Us 550 570 Table 39 — Design parameters of Japanese (JIS) profiled steel sheets Design strengths py to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade Yield strength Ys (N/mm2) Tensile strength Us (N/mm2) BS 5950-4 BS 5950-6 Basic yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fu (N/mm2) 340 245 340 245 340 400 295 400 295 400 440 335 440 335 440 490 365 490 365 490 540 400 540 0.93Us Ys  0.84Us 400 540 30 Table 40 — Design parameters of Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) profiled steel sheets Design strengths py to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade Yield strength Ys (N/mm2) Tensile strength Us (N/mm2) BS 5950-4 BS 5950-6 Basic yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fu (N/mm2) 250 250 320 250 320 300 300 340 300 340 350 350 420 350 420 450 450 480 450 480 500 500 520 500 520 550 550 550 0.93Us Ys  0.84Us 550 550 Table 41 — Design parameters of Chinese (GB) profiled steel sheets Design strengths py to BS 5950 Characteristic values to SS EN 1993 Grade Yield strength Ys (N/mm2) Tensile strength Us (N/mm2) BS 5950-4 BS 5950-6 Basic yield strength fyb (N/mm2) Ultimate tensile strength fu (N/mm2) 220 220 300 220 300 250 250 330 250 330 280 280 360 280 360 320 320 390 320 390 350 350 420 350 420 400 400 470 400 470 500 500 530 500 530 550 550 560 0.93Us Ys  0.84Us 550 560 5.1.6 Class 1 stud shear connectors This section covers the design recommendations of Class 1 stud shear connectors. The characteristic resistance of stud shear connectors to BS 5950 shall be computed using the following equation. Characteristic resistance: where  = for ; h = overall as-welded height of stud shear connector; d = shank diameter of stud shear connector; fcu = cube compressive strength of concrete; Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; 31 fu = tensile strength of stud shear connector, but not greater than 450 N/mm2. The design shear resistance of stud shear connectors to SS EN 1994 shall be computed using the following equation. Design shear resistance: or whichever is smaller, where  = for ; V = partial factor, the recommended value is 1.25; hsc = overall nominal height of stud shear connector; d = shank diameter of stud shear connector, 16 mm ! d ! 25 mm; fck = cylinder compressive strength of concrete; Ecm = modulus of elasticity of concrete; fu = tensile strength of stud shear connector, but not greater than 450 N/mm2. The tensile strengths of stud shear connectors manufactured to EN, ASTM, JIS, AS/NZS and GB are given in Table 42. Table 42 — Tensile strengths of British/European (BS EN), American (AWS), Japanese (JIS), Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) and Chinese (GB) stud shear connectors Material standards Tensile strength fu (N/mm2) BS EN ISO 13918 450 AWS D1.1 (Type B) 450 JIS B 1198 400 AS/NZS 1554.2 410 GB/T 10433 400 5.2 Design recommendations on Class 2 steel materials This section covers the design guide on Class 2 steel materials, which are not in the lists of certified steel materials (see Appendix A) but are in compliance with both the material performance requirements (see Section 2) through material testing and quality assurance requirements (see Section 3). 5.2.1 Class 2 structural steel This section covers the design parameters of Class 2 steel plates, hot rolled sections, hollow sections, steel for cold forming, hot rolled steel bars and sheet piles. The basic design strength pyo of Class 2 structural steel to BS 5950 corresponding to the thickness not greater than 16 mm shall be computed using the following equation. Basic design strength: The basic yield strength fyo and ultimate strength fu of Class 2 structural steel to SS EN 1993 shall be computed using the following equation. Basic yield strength: ; Ultimate strength: ; where fy = yield strength corresponding to different thickness as given in Table 43. The design parameters corresponding to different thickness are given in Table 43. 32 Table 43 — Design parameters of Class 2 structural steels Design parameters for thicknessa (mm) less than or equal to Basic design parameters for thicknessa less than or equal to 16 mm 40 63 80 100 150 py = 0.95pyo py = 0.92pyo py = 0.90pyo py = 0.85pyo py = 0.80pyo fy = 0.95fyo fy = 0.92fyo fy = 0.90fyo fy = 0.85fyo fy = 0.80fyo a For rolled sections, used the specified thickness of the thickest element of the cross-section. 5.2.2 Class 2 non-preloaded bolted connections This section covers the design parameters of Class 2 non-preloaded bolts and the recommended combinations of matching components in non-preloaded bolting assemblies. The design parameters corresponding to different bolt grades are given in Table 44. Table 44 — Design parameters of Class 2 non-preloaded bolts uploads/Litterature/ design-guide 4 .pdf

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