Seminar Report On <Name of the Topic> (Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

Seminar Report On <Name of the Topic> (Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University Kota) <Name of Guide> <Name of Student> <Designation of Guide> CRN Enrolment No. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY KOTA <Name of month> <Year> Take color of cover as LIGHT BLUE Department of Civil Engineering Rajasthan Technical University, Kota-324010 Dated: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ……………..(Name)……….. College Roll No. 10/112 and University Roll No. 08EUCCEabc has submitted the seminar report entitled “………………...SEMINAR TOPIC…...’’ in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering). The report has been prepared as per the prescribed format and is approved for submission and presentation. Counter signature of Head Signature of Guide <Name of HOD> <Name of Guide> Professor & Head <Designation of the Guide> Dept. of Civil Engg. Dept. of Civil Engg. RTU, Kota-324010 RTU, Kota-324010 (i) All text with 14 pt Times New Roman with single spacing and 1st line Bold All text with 14 pt Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing and Bold as specified All text with 16 pt Times New Roman BOLD with 1.15 spacing 16 pt Times New Roman Bold CAPS, under lined with double spacing (of 1.5 spacing) @ top and below 14 pt Times New Roman Bold with 2 spacing All page nos. 12 pt Times New Roman @ bottom centre ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First paragraph to acknowledge the guide of your seminar Second paragraph to acknowledge seminar coordinators (Prof. H. D. Charan, Sh. S.K.Saini and Sh. S.K. Nagar) and HOD (Prof. B. P. Suneja) Third paragraph, to whom so ever you like to acknowledge i.e. any other teacher, parents, friends etc. Date- … …Name……. C.R.No. 10/422 Final B. Tech. (Civil) (ii) 14 pt Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing and Space between para is 6 pt All text with 14 pt Times New Roman with single spacing and 1st line Bold 16 pt Times New Roman Bold CAPS, under lined with double spacing (of 1.5 spacing) @ below CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 1. INTRODUCTION 2 - 6 1.1. General 2 1.2. Xyz Plksf 3 1.3. ……….. 5 2. MASONRY INFILL 7 - 18 2.1. Introduction 7 2.2. Load Transfer Mechanism 7 2.3. Methods of Analysis 10 2.3.1. Method1 10 2.3.2. Method2 13 2.3.3. … 15 2.4. ….. 16 3. NUMERICAL STUDY 19-25 3.1. Introduction 19 3.2. Load Transfer Mechanism 20 3.3. …………. 23 4. CONCLUSIONS 26-27 REFRENCES 28-29 APPENDIX (if any) 30-36 (iii) 16 pt Times New Roman Bold CAPS, under lined with 1.5 spacing 12 pt Times New Roman BOLD 12 pt Times New Roman LIST OF FIGURES FIG. NO. TITLE PAGE Fig. 1.1 Map of India 2 Fig. 2.2 (iv) ABSTRACT All text 12 pt Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing and justified both side 14 pt Times New Roman BOLD CAPS (v) Chapter-1 SHEAR WALL CONCEPT 1. PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING SHEAR WALLS Shear walls are designed to resist gravity load or vertical loads due to its self-weight and other living / moving loads plus lateral loads of earthquakes and wind. The walls are structurally integrated with roofs and floors (diaphragms) and other lateral walls running across at right angles, thereby giving the three dimensional stability for the building structures 1.1 Location of Shear Walls FIGURE 1.1: Shear Wall Rigid Core TABLE 1.1: Load Calculation S.NO. LOADING CASE BENDING MOMENT AXIAL FORCE SHEAR FORCE 1. (DL+LL) -577.5 1922.9 19.7 2. Earthquake 4830.9 255.7 699.1 (1) 14 pt Times New Roman BOLD Main Heading 12 pt Times New Roman BOLD CAPS Sub Heading 12 pt Times New Roman BOLD Title Case Heading 12 pt Times New Roman BOLD Title Case REFERENCES 1. Definition of shear wall- 2. Medhekar M S and Jain S K, “Seismic Behavior and Detailing of R C Shear Walls, part II: Design and Detailing, “The Indian Concrete Journal”, Vol. 67, No.8, September 1993, 451-457”. 3. C.S. Reddy , “Structural Analysis” , Tata McGraw Hills, (1999) 14 pt Times New Roman BOLD CAPS General Instructions  Students are required to contact their respective Guides for preparing the reports.  The Seminar Report is to be prepared as per the guidelines and format prescribed.  Three copies of the Report shall be prepared with Spiral binding – One copy for the Seminar Coordinator, Second copy for the Guide and third shall be the student’s copy.  The Seminar Reports shall be get signed by the Guide and the Head of the Department.  It is to be ensured that Seminar Report is submitted to the Seminar Coordinators at least two days in advance from the date of presentation.  All students under a Guide are required to present their seminars on the scheduled day only; otherwise 20 marks will be deducted as a penalty.  The power point presentation of the Seminar shall restrict to maximum 15 minutes.  The students are required to attend the presentation of all other students and raise queries related to the topic of seminar. It will carry a weightage of 10 marks. uploads/Litterature/ guide-lines 2 .pdf

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